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Do You Like Patch 1.2 Or Hate It?

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  • #61
    Re: Do You Like Patch 1.2 Or Hate It?

    Originally posted by TheDR
    Ever since the patch just about any rocket fired into the sky *will* hit me! I am dying easily 3-4x as much
    ZOMG what is your kill to death only like 10-1 now, how will you ever handle it

    SRSLY though, good chopper pilots still massacre, get better


    • #62
      Re: Do You Like Patch 1.2 Or Hate It?

      SRSLY though, good chopper pilots still massacre
      Even so, I think the quadruple nerf on choppers was unnecesary. Any noob can hop in a stinger now and left click twice for easy kills....

      I see no reason why they lowered missile count, I see no reason why they lowered HP (now that the stingers actually WORK) and the tv missile range has one proponent for the nerf, but I think its weak.

      People complained that they were being TVed on the essex but out of the range the essex guns on Iron Gator. So? Use the Chopper you get on the essex to shoot down the MEC chopper. Problem solved.

      I think they should change ALL chopper properties back to the 1.12 state....

      AND...leave missile lock how it is NOW.


      • #63
        Re: Do You Like Patch 1.2 Or Hate It?

        Originally posted by HowieMandel
        seems we back to square one, in my book. Air rules.
        Yes, you can take down planes and choppers with AA. Maybe.
        You know the game is gheyed, when the same douschbag can dive bomb with the 5 bombed spammarola plane for a whole round and not die once.
        Blah blah.....i heard all the crap, "your team sucks" "you suck" "aa works you just dont know how to use it" and other stupid things. If a plane can get within 100 feet of the ground for a bomb run, based soley on balancing and fun factor, it deserves to go down from a shotgun. Yeah, im stretching it, but you know what i mean.
        Oh, I know what you mean. It was fun for like 2-3 weeks. Like you said, we're back to square one.

        Stuck on (yawn....) Karkland.


        • #64
          Re: Do You Like Patch 1.2 Or Hate It?

          The newly introduced bugs are a shame, but the general gameplay has been improved.


          • #65
            Re: Do You Like Patch 1.2 Or Hate It?

            Originally posted by jakswan
            The best chopper pilots still do fine, try playing against PIC.ToAge and his gunner. I'm wary of them and I fly a plane!

            The best? Actually I am one of those chopper pilots; I am ranked about #37 or so on helo leaderboard. I've logged over 600 hours in helo and 20,000 kills. I *am* one of the best and you are very wrong, the best pilots do not do fine. They are dramatically affected. This patch overcompensated for any problem that may have been there.


            • #66
              Re: Do You Like Patch 1.2 Or Hate It?

              like other people have said, adapt


              • #67
                Re: Do You Like Patch 1.2 Or Hate It?

                Originally posted by Stilla-Killa
                like other people have said, adapt
                No offense but I'm looking at your stats and YOU are the exact type of player that WOULD like a patch like this. Your stats suck and that is exactly my point. These latest patches have been the noob players dream. So have a good time playing with the IGLA and shooting down pilots and keep pretending skill had something to do with it.


                • #68
                  Re: Do You Like Patch 1.2 Or Hate It?

                  it was perfect with 1.12, after all that kind of got bogged down with bugs and hot fixes. don't even know what patch we're on yet since all the problems been going what are we at now like hot fix 1.4?


                  • #69
                    Re: Do You Like Patch 1.2 Or Hate It?

                    As a reasonably dedicated AT player, I've hated 1.2. Someone said earlier it feels like a completely different game and that's true. The problem is, it's become a much less fun one for a lot of people. Choppers easy to kill? Good. Try playing Wake where there is relatively little AA stuff available, they still tend to own bases in no time - only now it is possible to take them out with a well aimed shot. If it means at least a partial end to baserapers, great. Nothing more dull than sitting around waiting for a chopper to finish spawnraping a base when it requires no skill whatsoever to do.

                    1.2 also seems to have seriously screwed the chances of AT rockets actually hitting things. The splash radius is still extremely silly/low for such a slow weapon, you barely seem to survive any encounter with infantry making it feel a bit too "one hit and you're dead", particularly with PKM'ers. I rarely trust the rockets as of 1.2 because so many times, they'll simply pass right through your intended victim. I've had enemies tell me after that the shot I fired from about 10-20ft away has gone right through them dead on. It's just getting silly now. It's a waste of time even trying to avoid being run down or even hitting them to try take them out first - either it'll pass right through the jeeps/buggys, or it just doesn't do enough damage to kill them anyway.

                    The shotgun is semi-pathetic for damage at close range, (how many people could survive even one blast IRL?) and it still takes way too much luck to actually take down a tank if there is even one infantryman nearby. Combined with the low health, you just don't have the time often. Right now with all the PKM-as-sniper-rifle love going on, it just gets too much into a "one hit, you're dead" scenario. You can't dodge, odds of hitting them with AT rockets are low, your health means you die in about a second. Having a health bar at all feels almost meaningless. That isn't really a fun game.

                    You can play as fair and tactical as you like, but the second an idiot with a PKM comes along... things just feel too unbalanced in 1.2. I've never seen a round so far on Wake where the US team actually won, or even really managed to get a foothold. That to me suggests something is very wrong.


                    • #70
                      Re: Do You Like Patch 1.2 Or Hate It?

                      I dont hate it but there are things what they could fix.


                      • #71
                        Re: Do You Like Patch 1.2 Or Hate It?

                        I dont hate it but there are things what they could fix.


                        • #72
                          Re: Do You Like Patch 1.2 Or Hate It?

                          Yeah, if you are getting owned by AA now all that means is that you aren't very good with the chopper which means that they did the proper thing by making the AA better becasue it makes it so bad pilots can't have over 10-1 K to D ratio just because they got into a chopper.

