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Do You Like Patch 1.2 Or Hate It?

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  • #31
    Re: Do You Like Patch 1.2 Or Hate It?

    The patch fixed some stuff but it has done more wrong than right. The chopper didn't need to be nerfed in any way, all they had to do was fix the AA. They tried to fix the AA but they ended up overdoing it and now not only does it hit everything but every second missle hits a friendly and I've been killed more in the chopper by friendly AA then by enemy. I mostly play as infantry and I've never had problems taking down a chopper or getting killed by a jet before this patch, you just have to be smart about it and you won't have a problem. It's only the noobs who are complaining and they outnumber the good players atleast 15:1 so they released a patch to dumb down the game for the general population which isn't the way to go IMO. The claymores also need to be changed because they have become almost as bad as c4 chucking but I'm sure they'll adress that in the next patch.


    • #32
      Re: Do You Like Patch 1.2 Or Hate It?

      Overall I like the 1.2 patch, but some things are starting to annoy me:
      1. The PKM.
      In 1.12 it was quite powerfull *IF* you could control yourself. Now it's just ridiculous how accurate the first couple of shots are. It's an automatic sniper rifle (I've lost count the number times I've out-sniped Snipers with this baby since the patch)

      2. Choppers.
      Personally, I think only the AA needed tweaking (even tho I found it quite usable in 1.12) and the hit points left alone, or at very least the hit points on the transport choppers shouldn't have been changed.
      Pre-1.2 I had ZERO problems taking out Attack choppers, be it with the AA, PKM, Grenade Launcher or AT rockets

      I like the M134 nerf, you now have to actually *hit* the intended target to kill

      3. Claymores
      It used to be C4 Spam at Karkand, now it's Claymore Spam at Karkand. At least *that* will be fixed in 1.21.
      FF off on Clays/mines is a good idea because it means Engies can tactically mine an area without having to worry about some (friendly) n00b driving a full APC over them (since when did the skull & cross bones mean "free candy"? :hmm: ) and snipers can cover their arse without worrying about the inevitable TKs that happened pre-1.2

      4. Screenshots
      How in god's name did DICE manage to break the Screenshot button? Hopefully will be fixed in 1.21 (not game to hold my breath tho)

      5. Red Tag bug/CTDs
      I think I've seen more of the Red Tag bug since 1.2 than in all of my time pre-1.2, so much for "addressing it". Same goes for the Crash to Desktops

      6. Grenade Launcher
      DICE totally ****ed up their "fix" for n00b tubing because, well, you can still n00b tube and survive (thanks to the smaller blast radius)**
      The smaller blast radius has also made it a bit harder to takeout light transports (ATV, FAV and DPV) and people that are behind cover from a distance (annoying, but I can live with it)
      ** note: I never n00b tube, but have been on a number of occasions since the patch

      7. AT Rockets
      AT Rockets *still* go straight tanks and transports on occasions


      • #33
        Re: Do You Like Patch 1.2 Or Hate It?

        i love some things about it, absolutely hate others.

        i have no problem with the PKM (perhaps it could use a bit less accuracy while standing, but im not too worried about it).
        neverending grenade spam + PKM is rediculously overpowered now though. grenades should be something you conserve and use in strategic instances, not stand behind a building and jump-throw them halfway across the map and hope for kills.

        claymore spam at spawn points is absolutely rediculous. friendly fire needs to be put back on these.

        no big deal about the AT mines though - i dont remember shaking my fist and screaming 'NOOOOO, not another AT MINE!!!'. no big deal, if you keep an eye out for them you dont die any more often than you used to.

        the P90 needs a serious upgrade. it should be at least as good as the basic SMG it replaces, with some facet that makes it more desireable (like the other unlocks). this could be easily done by either making it ignore armor, or bumping up its stats to the other SMGs and leaving the red dot sight.

        other than that i have no problems. im pretty sure claymore spam will be fixed in the new patch. only other thing id absolutely like to see is some sortof fix to the grenade spam. even if they made support ammo packs only replace 1 extra kit item (c4, mine, clay, grenade), then that would put a damper on any 'spamming' and i could live with that.
        currently i just see pkm whores standing on karkand dropping supply kits at their own feet, picking them up and spamming grenades over the rooftops like @sses.


        • #34
          Re: Do You Like Patch 1.2 Or Hate It?

          ah yeah, i completely forgot (i guess because i dont play assault anymore - ive switched to medic since they are just as powerful in combat yet get double the points from revives/heals).
          i never noob-tubed, but i did use the grenade launcher a lot. i considered myself pretty damn accurate with it - by the time a support guy, sniper, etc dolphin dived id launch a grenade beside him and hed be dead. id primarily use it at mid-long ranges, and hardly ever used it in closer ranges. noob-tubers are people who spawned and immediately switched to the m203 and ran around like that in alleyways.

          now? i can launch a grenade RIGHT BESIDE a prone PKM whore and he wont die. i literally have to land it right on his head for him to die, and i could swear even then some dont. the radius is rediculously reduced. they need to tweak it some more - the real M203 has an arming distance of ~25-30m and have a 5m lethal radius. that would be a bit overkill, but if they made the arming distance 15m and gave it a 2.5m lethal radius it would be an immensely fun weapon to use, give assault the flavor it needs (it should be the most common, 'default soldier' class), and yet not make it too overpowered.


          • #35
            Re: Do You Like Patch 1.2 Or Hate It?

            I'm a Battlefield 2 jet pilot. I consider myself "above average" and normally bring in 15 - 20 kills per every death when I'm flying. Most of my work is concentrated on taking out APC's and tanks that my team spots. But if I happen to see an enemy jet, I will stop what I'm doing and attempt to take them down.

            My problem with the patch is with air-to-air missiles- as I'm sure all of you have read about with the gargantuan thread that was started by Planewhore. Take this example: I'm flying the Mig-29 at Gulf of Oman and chasing an enemy F-35 back towards their carrier. I lock on, wait for flares, wait for lock again, and fire all 6 of my rockets. Before I get into range of the Essex AA, I turn around and not only have I killed the F-35, but whatever else was trying to take off from the carrier, as well. I end up getting something like 5 kills instead of only 1 because the first two missiles killed the F35 and the other 4 circled back around and took out a blackhawk carrying 4 or more Marines. Cheap? Yes.

            Please bring back the air-to-air from 1.12, EA/Dice. I've heard more complaints about air-to-air missiles than the good. Sure, it's nice to get easy kills, but it's complete noob-ery.


            • #36
              Re: Do You Like Patch 1.2 Or Hate It?

              CAN someone here tell me why they like this patch?? I also like the no bhop etc but I really never cared about any change in gameplay beacuse i liked it as it was. As i bought it

              I wanted to see bug fixes and thats what i waited for but from what i understand the 1.2 patch fixed 4 bugs if any and added in 40more+

              Again how can you love this patch? when you have things like no sounds/anti tank bugs etc etc etc. Just type "1.2 bugs" someone already posted a list with vids


              • #37
                Re: Do You Like Patch 1.2 Or Hate It?

                there is nothing overpowered about the new AA.
                good chopper pilots still r@pe us grunts on the ground. poor chopper pilots die fast, that is true - but thats pretty realistic. you dont jump into an attack helicopter and expect to become an ace after 5 min.

                the only change is that good pilots who previously had 60:1 kill ratios now have 20:1 kill ratios. poor pilots are lucky to have a 1:1 kill ratio until they get better. this is how it should be.

                i have a suggestion for you. how about getting out of your plane and running around on the ground on an air-dominant map for awhile? see what its like. this isnt a flight sim - its not battlefield flight simulator 2 - this game is meant to be fun for all classes. previously, being raped on the ground by snobby smartass flyboys wasnt much fun, and air maps were only fun for the 2-4 people in airplanes and were an absolute nightmare for those on the ground.


                • #38
                  Re: Do You Like Patch 1.2 Or Hate It?

                  Love 1.2


                  • #39
                    Re: Do You Like Patch 1.2 Or Hate It?

                    you had that many problems.. really?? I never found any problems with air.. jets/helis

                    Only problems i had was probably heli transport cap all flags and the mini gun but then again I didnt really care beacuse they can not repair as fast and I loved taken out everyone with c4 or anti tank . now i never find a full load any more

                    How do you get constant bombed? Do you only have one flag? if so then well that is your problem.

                    I dont know guess its just me but i never had problems with air. The AA needed some tweaks but other then that I didnt get killed often by air unless of course I was camping base/sitting in AA/tanks or apcs and not wacthing behing my back and not having anyone on are team that could fly or having one to 2 flags total.. other then this i thought it was fine

                    i tihnk the real problem is people became very good at flying so everyone thought we need better AA when before I never heard to many complaints over it... AA is tweaked for pros now or above avg/normal players

                    Dont expect to live with mouse or on large maps when people care to take you done other then that.. smaller maps no one ever really trying to fire at you then you are fine.. Best place to be in game now is tanks/apcs they are the new air

                    AA now is buggy and so is air to air that needs some tweaking and changing


                    • #40
                      Re: Do You Like Patch 1.2 Or Hate It?

                      My problem with the patch is with air-to-air missiles- as I'm sure all of you have read about with the gargantuan thread that was started by Planewhore. Take this example: I'm flying the Mig-29 at Gulf of Oman and chasing an enemy F-35 back towards their carrier. I lock on, wait for flares, wait for lock again, and fire all 6 of my rockets. Before I get into range of the Essex AA, I turn around and not only have I killed the F-35, but whatever else was trying to take off from the carrier, as well. I end up getting something like 5 kills instead of only 1 because the first two missiles killed the F35 and the other 4 circled back around and took out a blackhawk carrying 4 or more Marines. Cheap? Yes.

                      Please bring back the air-to-air from 1.12, EA/Dice. I've heard more complaints about air-to-air missiles than the good. Sure, it's nice to get easy kills, but it's complete noob-ery.
                      Perfect post ^^^

                      the only change is that good pilots who previously had 60:1 kill ratios now have 20:1 kill ratios. poor pilots are lucky to have a 1:1 kill ratio until they get better. this is how it should be.
                      But why should choppers be nerfed...they were easy to take out before with 50 cals and apcs and yes...even AA missiles.


                      • #41
                        Re: Do You Like Patch 1.2 Or Hate It?

                        The reason it seems like most of the BF2 players hate the patch is because those of us that like it tend to keep quiet.

                        Personally? I love it.

                        Live, adapt, learn.



                        • #42
                          Re: Do You Like Patch 1.2 Or Hate It?

                          Originally posted by SaladFork
                          The reason it seems like most of the BF2 players hate the patch is because those of us that like it tend to keep quiet.
                          well said.
                          those that do not like it, bitch.
                          those that do, play the game.

                          the only thing i can currently bitch about in the game - and i mean really bitch - is the claymore and grenade spamming. sure there are other annoyances the patch caused but that is the one major problem. claymores will be fixed, now i only hope they do something to tweak grenades.
                          just left a game on karkand where over half of the kills were from grenades or claymores.

                          i like the new AA, i dont think its overpowered at all. 3/4 of the time AA emplacements are unmanned. i still die a lot in them, and every AA shot does *not* hit good pilots who know how to use their countermeasures and cover. attack helis are still a terror, and good pilots can still rack up very high kill:death ratios compared to those of us humping it on the ground.
                          if someone thinks that pilots in this game deserve 70:1 kill ratios, please go play combat flight sim or something and leave this game alone.


                          • #43
                            Re: Do You Like Patch 1.2 Or Hate It?

                            Originally posted by HullBreach
                            Feels like a whole new game! Once the kinks are worked out and the P-90 ceases sucking it will truly rock!
                            The P-90 is alright I reckon. You can spray with it when zoomed in on sight, and usually, all the bullets will hit. And the P90's initial round that you fire is always on target... not like the MP5, where the bullets seem to come out of the barrel sideways.


                            • #44
                              Re: Do You Like Patch 1.2 Or Hate It?

                              Mixed feelings for me.

                              I like the fact the snipers weapons all work all the time, but still require some skill to hit targets, and that I can now us the SVD.

                              I like that AA has been improved, and can now finally take down jets (choppers were never really a problem, just required timing), but I think it still needs tweaking to avoid the strange patterns they produce in the sky while trying to find their target.

                              I'm not really much of a pilot, but I still think A2A missiles need to be closer to what we had in 1.12 rather than what we have now in 1.2. Let the pilots have their dogfights.

                              The performance hit that has been introduced is a major downside to the 1.2 patch, for me it has that BF:V feel. To have a good lag free game you need a local server with only local gamers on to keep all the pings low.

                              AT rockets, and other projectiles passing straight through/not even leaving the weapon is another major down side to the 1.2 patch.

                              Also noticed that alot of the weapons feel very accurate, too accurate, no matter whether you are stood, crouched or proned.

                              We know the number of claymores are to be reduced in 1.21, but nothing about the removal of them (i.e. via grenade).

                              While on the topic of claymores, I do like the fact that now we have FF Off for claymores and mines, a nice little addition.

                              Overall, still needs work.


                              • #45
                                Re: Do You Like Patch 1.2 Or Hate It?

                                Originally posted by Blackhearted
                                I have a suggestion for you. how about getting out of your plane and running around on the ground on an air-dominant map for awhile? see what its like. this isnt a flight sim - its not battlefield flight simulator 2 - this game is meant to be fun for all classes. previously, being raped on the ground by snobby smartass flyboys wasnt much fun, and air maps were only fun for the 2-4 people in airplanes and were an absolute nightmare for those on the ground.
                                I try to fly whenever I get the chance. But if I don't end up getting a plane because I didn't spawn near enough to one at the beginning of the round, I join a squad and fight it out on the ground. Would I rather fly? Sure. But I'm not going to stand around all day waiting for the next jet to spawn.

                                Just because I said I like to fly jets doesn't mean I don't know how to ground-pound.

