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Hate BF2 1.2

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  • Re: Hate BF2 1.2

    this is my replie on the previous post:
    I never fly and never will and im not talking about the planes or chopper they are find like that
    then you are not a good pilot, it is still possible to get 40:1 KDR. but you have to change your stratagy, no low flying bombing/whoring but flying higher and diving. (like a dolphin, but in a plane lol)


    • Re: Hate BF2 1.2

      So far the only map I have problems with is wake, very unbalanced. Hard to soften up ground targets or get the blackhawk off carrier. Was on last night got in full BH and was tked.


      • Re: Hate BF2 1.2

        this is my replie on the previous post:
        I never fly and never will and im not talking about the planes or chopper they are find like that
        then you are not a good pilot, it is still possible to get 40:1 KDR. but you have to change your stratagy, no low flying bombing/whoring but flying higher and diving. (like a dolphin, but in a plane lol)
        Im no pilot i just dont like flying

        for good pilots there is no problem there 40 kills
        good for them i got no problem with that

        Im just saying i dont like the way it turned

        But I guess we will get used to it .....I hope


        • Re: Hate BF2 1.2

          Originally posted by Robske007a
          this is my replie on the previous post:
          I never fly and never will and im not talking about the planes or chopper they are find like that
          then you are not a good pilot, it is still possible to get 40:1 KDR. but you have to change your stratagy, no low flying bombing/whoring but flying higher and diving. (like a dolphin, but in a plane lol)
          I've found that tactic works very well, if not a bit too well. AA sites can't see you until your extremely close, and they can't lock before they're either filled with hot lead, or blown apart by bombs.

          Which brings me to my next point. When a jet has it's bombing weapon enabled, it can see ground targets from very far away. Isn't this a tad bit unbalanced in regards to AA sites? The jet will always see the AA site before the AA site can see it.


          • Re: Hate BF2 1.2

            Originally posted by evilzucchini
            they made the infantry combat more real. Less quake style hopping around and prone-spamming. It wasn't made slower, it was made more real. In fact, a lot of the guns got buffed making them MORE deadly which actually increases the speed at which you die thus, effectively, making the game speed faster..
            good retort. I can't complain at it.

            Space bar = AA missiles. Sorry for not making it clearer. My point was that I dont need any skill now to shoot down a plane - I just spam missiles at it.

            Sprint exploit was: Sprint until your sprint bar almost goes into the red, then jump. The forward momentum from having jumped while sprinting meant you flew a long way forwards. Immediately after jumping let go of your sprint button, when you land wait very briefly for your sprint health bar to get to the white zone. Then just go in a steady rhythm of sprint-jump-pause-sprint-jump-pause...

            Infantry combat to me was noobified because: Noobs are casual players who use the commands at their most basic. Walk forwards, turn left, turn right and go prone. They jump only to get over walls. Whereas players who aren't noobs tend to play more intensely, and have mastered the controls and abilities of the game to a more advanced level. Infantry combat used to be very fast and furious. One on one shoot outs were very tense between two good players. But now the movements have been 'noobified' it means that fighting against a skilled BF2 player is no different than fighting against a casual noob.

            Now before you hark on about realism. I take it you must also hate the fact that a medic can revive you if you've been riddled with bullets? Maybe you also hate the fact that you can now drive over your own side's mines/claymores? Or that you can't blow up a enemy claymore? The list goes on. Personally I'd rather have mines that TK and fast infantry combat, than the other way around.

            You can't nerf parts of the game in the name of realism and then keep other things stupidly unreal. Do want the game to be fun and suit people of all abilities? Or do you want it to please crappy players who generally suck at FPS games? Because thats what this is, its a game.

            If I wanted a simulation of real military combat - I'd buy one and play it. I wouldn't waltz into the BF franchise and demand it to be boring and 'real' - as BF never was about realism. It certainly wasnt about nerfing infantry combat to "go prone and shoot" - because as real as that might be, its incredibly dull to play online like that.


            • Re: Hate BF2 1.2

              So many problems to list. Thank god people above have noted them.

              GOOD THINGS about the patch:

              Smoke nads can be thrown further.

              Proning. Even thou I don't like the delay. It makes it a better game, cos people ain't gonna prone as must close-up. Which make its more real2life. I mean, you come from around a corner to spot an emenry and you lay on the ground to shot him???? course not.
              People should only go prone when they want to settle for a bit. A Crouch should be enough for added aim.


              • Re: Hate BF2 1.2

                everybody is talking about realizm, realizm is different - though i dont care for it, i just want to have fun in my free time.


                • Re: Hate BF2 1.2

                  Originally posted by froschquetscher
                  its a whole different game now.
                  ya, its closer to the original vision of the game
                  Originally posted by froschquetscher
                  snipers and AA missles are way too strong.
                  nope they are now strong enough, as before, they were not, if you dont want to get sniped, assault. or better yet, dont stand in the open. if you dont want to get shot down by ground aa, dont fly over enemy airspace, and dont let a jet on your tail.
                  Originally posted by froschquetscher
                  blackhawk is useless, miniguns dont do anything anymore.
                  ok, say it with me now, transport helicopter.
                  Originally posted by froschquetscher
                  Being able to jump and prone and fire really fast and then get up to find the next target was never a real big issue for me, but i used it. Now that its gone, i miss it like the desert misses the water.
                  Originally posted by froschquetscher
                  Infrantry Action is so slow now. Both players dive and stay prone till the fight ends, usually with a random headshot.
                  are we playing the same game? you know you only really need to prone at long range or with a machinegun right?
                  Originally posted by froschquetscher
                  Originally posted by froschquetscher
                  but yesterday i shot so many people, its not funny anymore. I thought they wanted to keep Bf2 a teamplay game and then i have to see this.
                  how do accurate sniper rifles have an inverse effect on teamplay, please explain, by that rational, why not just not have snipers?
                  Originally posted by froschquetscher
                  I think the AA - jet/helo action was balanced before the patch. The only thing that was not balanced was the j10-thrust. now its just stupid. i tried it yesterday, just sitting in the essex and i am pretty sure the flares didnt help when you locked the jet.
                  aa was not balanced before the patch, you could simply do a hard turn in a jet and avoid any and all missiles. the essex should be fatal, thus keeping the enemy jets occupied so they dont just ignore it and attack other targets.
                  Originally posted by froschquetscher
                  well anyways thank you whining bitching little noobs for ****ing up a perfectly good game. EA should have asked the expierienced players opinions.
                  im pretty sure game testers helped shape 1.2, and imo, experienced ones at that. you are a total nooby nooberson, who wants his kills easy.

                  this is not a flame post, this is fact, go back to your never changing cs, child.


                  • Re: Hate BF2 1.2

                    ^ Best post of the thread.


                    • Re: Hate BF2 1.2

                      People really are't gratefull, just because your crap at battlefield 2 doesnt mean you have to blame it on the latest patch, or dice or maybe a spec of dirt... if you dont like the game dont bloody play it, simple as


                      • Re: Hate BF2 1.2

                        Transport helicopter in 1.2

                        All repeat after me.

                        "6 easy kills."

                        If you want it to be a transport helo, make it so it´ll last enough to transport people from point A to B. Not make it so people will have to bail in between.


                        • Re: Hate BF2 1.2

                          not that im complaining but have u been in a transport chopper lately. ur a sitting duck if u do.


                          • Re: Hate BF2 1.2

                            The patch really isn't bad at all, I love it! Other than the Claymore whores and the rocket bug (argh), its really great. AA/Planes have finally been balanced out, transport choppers aren't used as attack helos, and the infantry fighting has been much better without the noobtubing and C4 chucking. Plus, we got 2 new unlocks, which was AWESOME, and a free oppurtunity to unlock them. Even though the P90 sucks, I'm still glad to have a new toy for my AT. There was a few minor glitches and gameplay issues, but they will probably be smoothed out by the next patch, as EA has proved to us what they can do after the 1.2 patch was released. Overall, nice job EA.

