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I am a brilliant commander

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  • #16
    Re: I am a brilliant commander

    I don't get it why some people get all "gah! Grr! Humbug!" about that he tell us he does his duty while commanding. He's just telling us that we're in good hands if we play in the same team as he.


    • #17
      Re: I am a brilliant commander

      Actually it reads more like he is stroking his ego...

      If he wanted to tell us we are in good hands if he is commanding then he just say that..Not I am a brilliant comander or whatever...

      A word of advise: Nodody likes a bragger, they just don't..remember that

      Trying phasing your next post like: 15 things a commander must do..Then say your litlle speal and then you can conclude with this is what I do and if you play with me I will command for you.

      What is the point of praise if it comes from yourself..None

      Im not trying to be mean here cause heck you seem lik a nice guy I am merly trying to point out that people don't like conceded people...So maybe you will get more of a positive response from the community..Maybe you are not conceded but your post makes it spund like you are..And kudos on playing commander..Maybe one day you can look me up and we can have a commander war...I aint that bad either .


      • #18
        Re: I am a brilliant commander

        Ring out the bells:rock:


        • #19
          Re: I am a brilliant commander



          • #20
            Re: I am a brilliant commander

            DrMcleod , I am not going to flame you nor would I want to. But you tell all this greatness but I can't find your nickname? Would you mind sharing so I can see this for myself? It would be nice to find a command that has a great strategy.


            • #21
              Re: I am a brilliant commander

              Weez a cliver lad , here have a boild sweet.


              • #22
                Re: I am a brilliant commander



                • #23
                  Re: I am a brilliant commander

                  Nothing more annoying than a commander pestering you to fix commander equipment when the lazy sod can do it himself.

                  And pretty much there should be a constant uav where most of the enemies are, as long as there is a few friendlys in the area.


                  • #24
                    Re: I am a brilliant commander

                    First, I agree with most of the other posts when people say "noone like a braggart."

                    Second, nothing you list here is brilliant. All it is listing the menial tasks that every commander should do. I doesn't take a genious to spot enemies.

                    I commend you on being a good commander however I am going to have to see a lot more than this to call you "brilliant."


                    • #25
                      Re: I am a brilliant commander

                      Originally posted by PrIMe|MiNSTa
                      Everyone knows how to command!
                      LOLOLOLOOLOLOLO Crikey, that's got to rate as one of the best jokes in BF2.

                      If only they did.

                      Truth is that 80% of commanders absolutley suck.


                      • #26
                        Re: I am a brilliant commander

                        What is your nickname?

                        What is your average commander score?


                        • #27
                          Re: I am a brilliant commander

                          Originally posted by Churrasco
                          What is your nickname?

                          What is your average commander score?

                          I agree, Ive never commanded in my life only because I dont feel that Im ready for it but there is nothing more annoying then a commander that just has the title and does nothing when the commander on the other side is constantly scanning his screen and doing his part.


                          • #28
                            Re: I am a brilliant commander

                            How do you know what your average commander score is? or so you mean something else? Please elaborate cause I want to know what mine is . Thanks in advance.

                            K to tha Aiser


                            • #29
                              Re: I am a brilliant commander

                              Our other top story: Fire is still hot!
                              Stay tuned for this and other exciting up-to-the-minute revelations during this week's episode of "...Duh?"


                              • #30
                                Re: I am a brilliant commander

                                Originally posted by DrMcleod
                                No false modesty, my friends.
                                When I am in command I send messages to my team asking them to squad up.
                                I scan the map regularly and call out enemies.
                                I give orders to my squads and commend them when they achieve them.
                                I drop supply crates when I someone calls out for ammo, or if we have just taken a base.
                                I place UAVs atop targets when a squad is nearing it.
                                I hardly ever drop artillery on friendlies. If I do so, I apologise.
                                I zoom in on bases that my team are attacking and mark enemy targets.
                                In games larger than 16 per side, I keep myself out of harms way.
                                I never hop in a jet or chopper and fly around ignoring my duties.
                                If the battle is lost, I don't quit.
                                If someone tries to mutiny me out, he never recieves any votes in favour.
                                I don't spam enemy carriers with artillery.
                                I carry Engineer equipment so that I can repair damaged commander tools if it is not possible to place a supply crate atop them.

                                My team doesn't always win, but it isn't for lack of a commander.
                                These are all things that seasoned BF2 Commanders already do, you want a medal or something? Oh yeah, you do. What is your command score?

