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Points For Squad Leaders

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  • #31
    Re: Points For Squad Leaders

    I'ts never going to be offically implemented. Even if we could prove that the system would be full functional, it's not worth EA's time to put it in. It's also a little too complex an idea for Joe Knuckledragger to get his cromagnon mind around.

    However, if any mods wanna pick up the idea and run with it, I'd be happy ta see it!


    • #32
      Re: Points For Squad Leaders

      Originally posted by Wargimp
      I'ts never going to be offically implemented. Even if we could prove that the system would be full functional, it's not worth EA's time to put it in. It's also a little too complex an idea for Joe Knuckledragger to get his cromagnon mind around.

      However, if any mods wanna pick up the idea and run with it, I'd be happy ta see it!
      Ur right...The sloths at Dice have too many other important things to do like eat donuts and watch porn, not that those are bad things. just saying

      Well have a good weekend Mr. Wargimp and the rest of you folks...

      Maybe Ill see yea on the Battle Field


      K to tha Aiser


      • #33
        Re: Points For Squad Leaders

        Originally posted by Kaiser_Weber
        Ur right...The sloths at Dice have too many other important things to do like eat donuts and watch porn, not that those are bad things. just saying
        I hate it when people suggest that Dice is lazy.
        Such comments show a lack of understanding as to what working in a dev house is like. People think it's some kinda cushy gig where ya don't do anything all day except play videogames.

        Lemme tell ya folks... Dev work is 2 steps from the front door to hell 90% of the time. Long stints of mindnumbing bordom trying hunt down elusive bugs mixed with frantic scambles to implement content before deadlines. Twink publisher reps with no clue as to what's really going on breathing down you neck threatening to cut your funding if your team can't shovel unfinished code into a semi finished state that can pretend to be releaseable. Same dude telling you to "just do it" when you try to tell him what he's asking for isn't just hard, it's impossible.

        I will always have sympathy and respect for Devs who manage to release good product... even while I question some of their calls.


        • #34
          Re: Points For Squad Leaders

          The first thing I noticed about the topic post were the words, "I wish..." And as many people on these forums realise, the words, "I wish..." do not get you very far within EA's thoughts. Y'know why? EA SURX DA FAT ONE! Besides, stat padding would go sky-rocketing with that idea.


          • #35
            Re: Points For Squad Leaders

            You didn't think about that post very hard did ya?

            How exactly could you stats pad with the idea? You would only ever get more points than normal by having your squadies score higher than you.

            The only hole I see in it is planewhores boosting a SLs score while the SL has nothing to do with how those planes are wraking up points.

            Donno, there could be more holes in it... but I can't think of any off the top o me head ATM.

