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Another knife and pistol server..

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  • #31
    Re: Another knife and pistol server..

    i couldnt give a rats ass about this kind of thing, if people want to beef up their scores by cheating, then thats their own problem, its like we're going on a witch hunt here. who cares? its their own stats, let them **** em up if they want too.


    • #32
      Re: Another knife and pistol server..

      Some of you are so stupid. Crybabies.

      First of all, you make all of these stupid rules about (No hopping, No c4 throwing, No attacking main base, no grenade throwing, )

      Now you bitch if someone else has a server and makes equally ridiculous rules. It is the same thing in my opinion.

      Hypocrites and whinny baby idiots.


      • #33
        Re: Another knife and pistol server..

        Frankly I dont see a reason to complain about anything anyone's a game...if you dont like the way someone plays, dont play with them...if you dont like the server rules...leave the server...people are allowed to play how they want...cheters can cheat (although I dont agree with it) hoppers can hop, and divers can dive...just let it go, its a game


        • #34
          Re: Another knife and pistol server..

          They seem to always be around.


          • #35
            Re: Another knife and pistol server..

            Originally posted by d3sc3n7j
            Frankly I dont see a reason to complain about anything anyone's a game...if you dont like the way someone plays, dont play with them...if you dont like the server rules...leave the server...people are allowed to play how they want...cheters can cheat (although I dont agree with it) hoppers can hop, and divers can dive...just let it go, its a game
            Exactly... Well said.


            • #36
              Re: Another knife and pistol server..

              Well because there is a little thing in the gaming world called the TOS agreement.

              Go read the many other threads that have covered this topic. Point is it is illegal and you will be shut down (Server) or account wiped (Gamer).


              • #37
                Re: Another knife and pistol server..

                BAN them all (lol) or join them and get your badges easy


                • #38
                  Re: Another knife and pistol server..

                  talk about your george orwellian nightmare

                  freedom is the right to say 2+2=5

                  ok so they get all their badges in one day after that then what only get them once ..........
                  too many peeps worry about what everyone oelse has got play your own damn game

                  while i strongly disagree wit the banning and kicking if someone uses other weapons or doesnt want to play with knives i wont condem anyone if they want to fight with only knives let them . and if they can survive while others are using guns and armour then all the better for them... it's their game.... but the server and rules basilly belong to ea if it a stat server thats the way it is....... no one should be able to make stoopid rules on the server

                  the rest of you thought police get a life and worry about your own gameplay not the rest of the communtities

