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Any Spec Forces owners feeling ripped off?

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  • #16
    Re: Any Spec Forces owners feeling ripped off?

    I like SF, no doubt about it. It is a lot of fun, especially ridding on a zip line at great speed from building to building. I also like the fact that I get two unlocks every rank, so I can have available a weapon I want to play with now, instead of next summer .
    Playing night maps is a lot more difficult, but also a lot more engaging and entertaining.
    Anyway, I do not feel sorry for buying it .


    • #17
      Re: Any Spec Forces owners feeling ripped off?

      The worst problem with SF is the technical and playability isssues. If they fix that which is suppose to happen in the patch, than it would be a much better game, IMO. The levels are more balanced, better variety such as Surge, Ghost Town, Night Flight etc. They have a good balance of openess and close quarters which the original should of had instead of huge wide openness and then very tight and fake looking close quarters cities.

      Warload looks much more like a real middle eastern city than Karkand by 100.
      The levels are just more believable as battle ground and are much more fun for everyone if they would again fix the tech problems.

      The zip line, grappling hook also add much more to the game and keep it alive longer since you don't have to go the same route over and over again. With people on top of buildings actually makes you feel like you are in a real deadly urban environment.

      The night vision levels are good too such as Night Flight and Leviathan. I hate that everyone tries to go on SAS though because the MEC sometimes lose the good players or sometimes the opposite.


      • #18
        Re: Any Spec Forces owners feeling ripped off?

        With the release of booster packs, I am feeling that SF is a bit of a rip since we're not getting access to any new content playable for SF, even though we have paid the most for an expansion. However, if all BF2 maps were playable on SF servers with hooks and zips available for use, then SF is more than worth it.

        It is really hard to go back to vanilla BF2 without being able to use hooks and zips now.


        • #19
          Re: Any Spec Forces owners feeling ripped off?

          Special Forces is the only reason I've taken to playing the game again. I enjoy it, I just don't play it obsessively like I did with BF2 for a while there.


          • #20
            Re: Any Spec Forces owners feeling ripped off?

            I like SF, but I am disappointed that the 'infantry experience' that I bought it for wasn't much differant the the vanilla maps. On these maps a APC or tank Still shows up every 30 seconds.

            I would have liked 1 or 2 infantry only maps, with only light vehicals for getting around the map quickly.

            The armored fury pack is giving tankers exactly what they want, big armor battles, I don't feel as a ground pounder I got what I wanted from SF. That's why I'm not getting the 2 other booster packs.


            • #21
              Re: Any Spec Forces owners feeling ripped off?

              If I was really feeling ripped off I would have marched back into Best Buy and demanded a refund, and I have not done that yet so I guess im ok with it.


              • #22
                Re: Any Spec Forces owners feeling ripped off?

                The only thing I feel ripped off about is I can't fly the heli's because of the extreme slideshow. I got addicted to flying heli's way back in previous BF versions but I can't fly them in SF because of the poor coding. Other than that I enjoy SF, I only wish they would allow grappling hooks and ziplines to be used in vanilla because I'm also addicted to knifing snipers :laugh:


                • #23
                  Re: Any Spec Forces owners feeling ripped off?

                  I don't think SF has enough maps really. I would have liked to see at least two more like warlord and a strict armor night map along with a map made for a lot more boat stuff so yeah i'm disapointed but i only paid 1/3rd the asking price which for 10 dollars it's worth it. I'm sure the community's mapping skills could make a lot of fun maps with the content bf2/sf provides and maybe some custom made tank or something to really enhance the overall life of SF. I feel that the ranking gimmick is killing any hope of custom stuff to become popular that is along the lines of minimod.


                  • #24
                    Re: Any Spec Forces owners feeling ripped off?

                    Originally posted by rombaft
                    don't feel ripped of, have SF and I enjoy SF very much, simple as that
                    I concur.


                    • #25
                      Re: Any Spec Forces owners feeling ripped off?

                      Originally posted by Azriel
                      I like SF, but I am disappointed that the 'infantry experience' that I bought it for wasn't much differant the the vanilla maps. On these maps a APC or tank Still shows up every 30 seconds.

                      I would have liked 1 or 2 infantry only maps, with only light vehicals for getting around the map quickly.

                      The armored fury pack is giving tankers exactly what they want, big armor battles, I don't feel as a ground pounder I got what I wanted from SF. That's why I'm not getting the 2 other booster packs.

                      BF2 never was, and never will be a purely infantry game. That's why the Anti-Tank class wasn't eliminated from SF. In fact, the AT class is a lot more versatile with the grappling hook in its abilitiy to be able to fight one-on-one against armor, since he can now reach buildings higher than the reach of an APC or tank's cannon.

                      And if you are looking for a nearly infantry only map in SF, try Night Flight. I think there's only like, 1 or 2 BMP's on that map, and most people don't even use them.

                      I suggest Counter-Strike for you.


                      • #26
                        Re: Any Spec Forces owners feeling ripped off?

                        i dont i havent played vanilla since i got SF, i see your point i will play the boosters alot since it is integrated but i will still come back to SF for alot.


                        • #27
                          Re: Any Spec Forces owners feeling ripped off?

                          love SF's Game but you have to admit, its buggy as F _ _ K which spoils it! If it isnt for you, you are a dam lucky soldier!


                          • #28
                            Re: Any Spec Forces owners feeling ripped off?

                            Wasn't worth 30 to me because of two things: 1. Not enough new content (although the zip line and such are nice) 2. Most my clan didn't buy it. From now on I'm waiting to see what the majority of my group does before buying. I doubt the booster packs will get my money, Dice/EA is going this all wrong...


                            • #29
                              Re: Any Spec Forces owners feeling ripped off?

                              Originally posted by CS-Evolution
                              BF2 never was, and never will be a purely infantry game.
                              I know it wasn't, nor do I want it to be a purely infantry game, I only ask for 1 or 2 maps that are.

                              There are plenty of maps with no jets, there are plenty of maps with no choppers. Why can't there be any with no heavy vehicals? That was my point. There are a lot of differant types of player around here, it would be easy to have a variety of maps to accommodate them.


                              • #30
                                Re: Any Spec Forces owners feeling ripped off?

                                Ok, I hear ya.

                                I'm not a big tank guy either, but I don't think I'd enjoy playing maps with NO armor or heavies. One of the most enjoyable things for me is wasting a T-90 with a pair of well placed rockets before they can even figure out where I am.

