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1,000+ Knife Kills!

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  • #46
    Re: 1,000+ Knife Kills!

    you must be really proud that you have got 1000 knife kills... i wish i could spend 200 hours of my life trying to kill people with knives... its not like im saying that it isnt skillful or anything but if you had of spent most of that time getting good weapon ratios and stuff you could show off at least 27.5 X as much...


    • #47
      Re: 1,000+ Knife Kills!

      1000 paddle kills would be fine tho... those things are awsome


      • #48
        Re: 1,000+ Knife Kills!

        Originally posted by puglous
        I perfer shot paddles over a knife...but it will be a loooonnnnnnggggg time before they are my most used weapon.

        And if he was a padder why would he have so many knife deaths? In a stat padding session you get revived, so you wouldn't die (and no, smart ***es, that's not because I'm a padder, it's just common knowledge).
        even if u get revived it still gets counted as a death


        • #49
          Re: 1,000+ Knife Kills!

          I lose all respect for a player when I see they play Karkand 100% of the time


          • #50
            Re: 1,000+ Knife Kills!

            Originally posted by Talus
            I lose all respect for a player when I see they play Karkand 100% of the time
            Same here, I don't understand them, I can take 3 rounds of Kark in a row, then i get sick of it and need to go play some other map.


            • #51
              Re: 1,000+ Knife Kills!

              Originally posted by -(PK)-DarkIllusion
              you got so many worst enemies Xicer.. wowz

              ill tell ya why hes got so many worst enemies,
              its becuase hes been stat padding in a server with his freinds or just some one he found on a server,
              they keep killing him to get there medals an he does it to them after they get there medals or badges,
              i had a m8 who did this in a game an the game got recorded an reported then he got his account reset to 0.
              thats why when u have loads of different enemies with a large account of kills against u an u have a large amount of kills against them,its just so easy to spot.
              sorry Xicer but isay ur rank needs t obe wiped.
              theres even a EA ranked server admin in the posts that had alook so that says some thing.
              other peps get wiped so why shouldnt u,
              i try use my knife alot an have way more playing hrs than u an no where near the same amount of kills with knife!
              i smell a padder of the largest degree U NEED RESETTING TO PTE.
              may be a bit harsh but since xmas we've had loads a new players on the scene(please note i dont call em n00bs as we all have to start some where)
              an thererunning around doing stupid things an stat padding INWHICH IS A BIG NO NO IN =PK= CLAN SERVERS.
              but most of em once u point in the right direction they soon stop or leave an join another server.
              but for those that get there knife an pistols with out padding=GOOD ON U GUYS MY HAT GOES OFF TO YA ALL KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK.


              • #52
                Re: 1,000+ Knife Kills!

                Originally posted by cybercrow
                even if u get revived it still gets counted as a death
                nooooooo, it DOESN'T. A death is only counted when you instantly get killed (by arty or while driving/flying) or when the 15 seconds of when you are critically wounded has passed. Check your scoreboard if you still think otherwise. Period.


                1000 knife kills would've been cool, if you still had a decent KD-ratio, as of now, you just look like a noob :P


                • #53
                  Re: 1,000+ Knife Kills!

                  Originally posted by Xicer
                  As the title states, I have finally gotten over 1,000 knife kills. 1,003 as of right now. I never thought I'd ever get this many since I wasn't even trying that number of knife kills. least 800 of them must be from the blood of snipers :laugh: :evil:

                  Snipers beware!
                  Who cares


                  • #54
                    Re: 1,000+ Knife Kills!

                    Originally posted by PBAsydney
                    Same here, I don't understand them, I can take 3 rounds of Kark in a row, then i get sick of it and need to go play some other map.
                    I dunno, I can play Karkand for hours on end and it doesn't bother me. Mostly because there is no choppers or planes which makes it 1000 times more fun than any other map. I can see where you're coming from though, a change of scenery every now and again is always good.


                    • #55
                      Re: 1,000+ Knife Kills!

                      Originally posted by Widkidone
                      Xicer lmao!!!!! Its those video drivers that helped you.......LMAO! Well since everyone else is flaming you on your accompishment, i am going to flame you to.....

                      YOU, YOU, sniper killer YOU!!! There i flamed you..... Yeah i feel like a big man now LMAO!
                      that was stupid and uselles and about the knifing i got my KD ratio + and i only use it when i am really bored or wow does crappy or something and about knifing i love it to call tube noobs that they are ownd by my icy blade instead of 10 bullets in their body it always make me call them ownd so tubes i must be aware of u guys cuz 95% i get ownd on long range


                      • #56
                        Re: 1,000+ Knife Kills!

                        Originally posted by Xicer
                        As the title states, I have finally gotten over 1,000 knife kills. 1,003 as of right now. I never thought I'd ever get this many since I wasn't even trying that number of knife kills. least 800 of them must be from the blood of snipers :laugh: :evil:

                        Snipers beware!
                        Congrats, more knives to the people... My goal is to reach 5.000. Long way, but sooner or later!

                        And respect to those who tries with the shockpabble. Easier to hit, but the reload take ages.



                        • #57
                          Re: 1,000+ Knife Kills!

                          The only reason I played Karkand so much was because i absolutely HATED airpower, and I liked more infantry based maps. And for the last time I am not a stat padder...please show how you can prove it.


                          • #58
                            Re: 1,000+ Knife Kills!

                            Originally posted by Xicer
                            The only reason I played Karkand so much was because i absolutely HATED airpower, and I liked more infantry based maps. And for the last time I am not a stat padder...please show how you can prove it.
                            maybe youre are or not a stat padder but i no this for sure,i play as a sniper and on ocason get knife killed i dont mind that,what i do mind is when ppl stat pad with it.i was in a server the other day and 2 m8's from my clan were playing one on my team other on enemy team i was doing my usual run around with me spec ops clan leader and covering him with my m95 i was on for me vetran sniper badge 16 kills and 12 kills assist but...........when i looked at my score to check some noob on my team and enemy team had 450 points eatch this is in about 40 mins this keeped on going for about 3 rounds and kick votes were in vain.... so me clan leader went comander to find um and low and behold there were 2 from our team and 2 from there's killing with knife and reviving they did this for 3 maps i was robed of my 1st gold medal becuase of this (not a major prob not geting gold) and when my clan m8 on other team went to find um he was t/k like it made any diffence to there score mind u.i thought stat padding was out but this is a joke they totaled about 1700 knife kills in 3 round each ,i quit of after not enough ppl were voteing them off,top left screen said (GAME die knife)every second they were geting points.does any one no if this kind of behaviour is moniter thourgh you stats some how ? unfortnaly no screen shot but im keeping an eye out for them,and ave sent a email to admin about the problem(will they listen hmmmmmm?)any way ive been playing about 30 hours and have less kills than them using alsorts of weapons mainly sniper,my knife kills are 11 i think but theres must be in the 3000+ mark.Lets face it any one with stats of that magnitude should be banned instanly stats wiped the lot,if u can get away with it thousands off ppl will carry on doing it and get rank and medals from cheating there way to the i said b4 i cant remember there names but its defanly a clan the voulnterr death person was a clan called (game)and others begain with C--somit+a name.yeh kill with knife by all means but make it fair against and agrezzive enemy not some noob with a made up acount that wont fight back.


                            • #59
                              Re: 1,000+ Knife Kills!

                              I definetly don't do that. And yea, 3,000 is a bit crazy. Don't worry, I never ask for help for getting knife kills. Also, look at my highest best round score. It's only 173 (I think it might have been from commanding) stat padders have best round scores of about 400-500 at least.

                              I think the reason I get these knife kills is when I see an enemy go prone, I for some reason decide to whip out my knife and attempt to knife him. Its been a habit from the start.


                              • #60
                                Re: 1,000+ Knife Kills!

                                Props to you man. We like knifing in our clan. My KDR is not the best with a knife that's because I'm not afraid to use it when someone shoots back. I don't just go for the easy kills. Sometimes I will only play with my knife for the whole round. Its challenging and its something different and its fun. I have around 300 kills but one of our guys also not long ago got over 1000, he's just crazy with a knife.

                                How many times have you shot a guy in the back when you could have stabbed him instead?

                                Have you made a knifing vid at all? Dunno whether you have seen mine or not Knifing Rampage.

                                In that vid I knifed 6 guys in a row on Fushe pass and got about 13 kills for the round in total only using the knife. We also have more knife/shock paddle vids in our download section you might enjoy.

                                Nice one!

