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1,000+ Knife Kills!

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  • 1,000+ Knife Kills!

    As the title states, I have finally gotten over 1,000 knife kills. 1,003 as of right now. I never thought I'd ever get this many since I wasn't even trying that number of knife kills. least 800 of them must be from the blood of snipers :laugh: :evil:

    Snipers beware!

  • #2
    Re: 1,000+ Knife Kills!

    Big deal.
    You're a Karkand Whore.
    That's all you play. Here's your stats:

    Why don't you try a different map for a change.
    Oh wait...your don't care about Gamplay...only stats.
    Go back to console gaming. I'm sure your so l33t there too.


    • #3
      Re: 1,000+ Knife Kills!

      um STAT-PADDER cough! cough!


      • #4
        Re: 1,000+ Knife Kills!

        seriously... 1003 knife kills means nothing when you have 1877 knife deaths.

        You've got more time with the knife than most of the other weapons. Padding? probably.


        • #5
          Re: 1,000+ Knife Kills!

          Rofl I have like 300+ knife kills, I once killed 2 campers with one swing of my knife, rofl... GJ killing 1000 people, I hope stat paddling didn't help you on the way


          • #6
            Re: 1,000+ Knife Kills!

            Stat paddin? yea right.

            And I do admit I play karkand A LOT but I am not a tank whore, only 32 of my 373 total hours of playtime has been armor...

            And yes, I have almost twice the number of deaths than kills with knife, but what do you expect? The reson I have more time with the knife than any other weapon is because I usually keep my knife out when I'm commanding.

            By the way, I hate console gaming.

            I was expecting this number of flames to come.


            • #7
              Re: 1,000+ Knife Kills!

              i have 8 knife kills, top that


              • #8
                Re: 1,000+ Knife Kills!

                Damn that'll be tough


                • #9
                  Re: 1,000+ Knife Kills!

                  GJ on 1000. I have just over 160 and that is hard enough. You must go knife frenzy or something with 6% accuracy and over 48 hours used.


                  • #10
                    Re: 1,000+ Knife Kills!

                    lol, I usually just randomly sway my knife in every which way when I get bored that's why I have horrible knife accruacy. Most of my kills are just from sneaking up on snipers. I usually average 1-2 knife kills a round nowadays since im more comfortable with it.


                    • #11
                      Re: 1,000+ Knife Kills!

                      jelousy is a bitch aint though xicer. lol GJ


                      • #12
                        Re: 1,000+ Knife Kills!


                        Look at wow he has almost 2,000!


                        • #13
                          Re: 1,000+ Knife Kills!

                          I perfer shot paddles over a knife...but it will be a loooonnnnnnggggg time before they are my most used weapon.

                          And if he was a padder why would he have so many knife deaths? In a stat padding session you get revived, so you wouldn't die (and no, smart ***es, that's not because I'm a padder, it's just common knowledge).


                          • #14
                            Re: 1,000+ Knife Kills!

                            Originally posted by Xicer
                            I was expecting this number of flames to come.
                            LOL when i seen this post i fiqured it would be


                            • #15
                              Re: 1,000+ Knife Kills!

                              Xicer lmao!!!!! Its those video drivers that helped you.......LMAO! Well since everyone else is flaming you on your accompishment, i am going to flame you to.....

                              YOU, YOU, sniper killer YOU!!! There i flamed you..... Yeah i feel like a big man now LMAO!

