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FACT: no more jump N nothing

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  • #31
    Re: FACT: no more jump N nothing

    Stop whining noobs! You haven't seen the nadelauncher & C4 abuse in clanmatches so you know nothing. I'm glad EA/DICE is finally fixing this.


    • #32
      Re: FACT: no more jump N nothing

      Originally posted by DwarfVader
      The true downside to this is grenades...

      Because as it is you can't throw them that far without jumping.
      I dont think it will affect grenades, because you normally press Fire BEFORE you jump when you want to chuck a long distance.

      The only downside imo is with the medikits and ammo bags.. A lot of people are located at a roof, and now we wont be able to heal them - unless you take the ladder and get shot in the back


      • #33
        Re: FACT: no more jump N nothing

        Originally posted by The 13th Raptor
        Then start lobbying to have the nade trowing distance increased instead of insisting on being able to jump.

        Or how about the patch doing what it should, and making jumping and firing extremely inaccurate, then we can have our cake and eat it too.

        Its not used offensively against infantry, like some people like to use it in BF2. I believe a bunker is very much static.

        Doesn't matter, fact is, it was rigged with a time fuse and thrown.

        You said it.. "small objects". "supressive fire", not perfectly accurate nadelauncher pwning while hopping over a 3 feet object. I agree one should be able to fire.. but some people like to abuse that.. so.. adapt, or lobby for it to be changed. Without immature comments about "whiners" and "noobs".

        See first response and add splash damage and arming distance (if not distance, than time, like claymore don't instantly explode when you drop them in front of someone)
        Originally posted by guidon666
        So you agree the answer is not to allow people to jump and throw becuase you mention Realism and state that jumping and throwing are not real., I never said jumping and throwing isn't real. What I said was that people whine about realism and then get all giddy when a patch comes out promising to change things they don't like and make it unrealistic, because you CAN throw stuff, and fire a weapon while moving and jumping. I never once said you can hit the broad side of a barn while doing it.

        Basically, it's a game, and no aspect of it is realistic, yet people try to use realisism as a basis to change things they personally don't like. There are other ways to fix the problems besides nerfing jumping and shooting, but they might require adding some code instead of removing it, we wouldn't want them to work now would we.

        Increase stamina drain when jumping, and make it so you can not jump when you have no stamina.

        Arming time/distance for GL, BOOM both dolphin diving/bunnyhopping, AND the n00btubes are fixed, everyones happy.


        • #34
          Re: FACT: no more jump N nothing

          Originally posted by Prideless
          This is BS. Bunny hopping and jumping while shooting is what made bf2. If u wanna talk about realism, go play another game.
          I hope you aren't serious... if you are then I would be more than happy to see you stop playing this game...


          • #35
            Re: FACT: no more jump N nothing

            All Hands to Battle Stations

            NOOB REVOLT
            NOOB REVOLT
            NOOB REVOLT


            • #36
              Re: FACT: no more jump N nothing

              Originally posted by Colinloves
              Actually it is! How many times had we ran behind someone who is really low on health/ammo and hasnt a clue to wot your trying to do? The only way to get the fool to pick it up, is to jump and throw it infront of them.
              I wouldnt mind if it was only now and then, but it happens 70% of the time.

              I dont like c4 throwers. But now we got something in common.
              These people are streight up idiots. They deserve to die if they are to stupid to see a medic trying to give them a medic pack or see if there health is low. What I hate more than anything is I am low on health and STAND RIGHT next to a medic and request a medic pack and he just stands there or runs away. I think this jumping fix is good. The only down fall is not being able to throw c4/nades. But at least no more damn bunny hoppers.


              • #37
                Re: FACT: no more jump N nothing

                Originally posted by Prideless
                This is BS. Bunny hopping and jumping while shooting is what made bf2. If u wanna talk about realism, go play another game
                Originally posted by rich_ambassador
                I hope you aren't serious... if you are then I would be more than happy to see you stop playing this game..
                Same here. Please leave the BF2 if this bothers you.


                • #38
                  Re: FACT: no more jump N nothing

                  All these people b1tchin about all these things are going to continue getting owned and find something new to complain about. It all comes down to people that just don't like dying.


                  • #39
                    Re: FACT: no more jump N nothing

                    Well, this does make it harder to get C4/AT mine on top of a tank. Too bad they wont allow certain items to be thrown like medpacks and ammo bags though.


                    • #40
                      Re: FACT: no more jump N nothing

                      Originally posted by Sir. Spr1ngY
                      PLEASE stop im sorry but reply was really pathetic. i mean really everything you just said was a joke that you have taken too far....... we are just discussing the ups and downs of bf2 and you have to be completely stupid
                      a joke i've taken so far? everywhere i go i see ppl talking about realism and crap like that, if u want realism JOIN THE FRIGGIN ARMY!! this is a game and there's to many ppl that have no idea what they are talking about.

                      and if there is someone stupid here... its you and u should know why... if u dont, than you are more than stupid.


                      • #41
                        Re: FACT: no more jump N nothing

                        Originally posted by raceacontari
                        The only thing I can say is just make it so you cant jump if your stamina is gone. It should have been like this in the first place, and we wouldn't have this problem...
                        Originally posted by Iridium
                        Why aren't people going crazy about the fact that you can't fire while sprinting?
                        I'm totally with guys you on this one.

                        I loved the BF1942 with it's slower pace of gameplay. When we first started to see gameplay videos appear on the net for BF2 I remember several sites commenting on how high the characters were jumping. It looked silly then and still does. I used to play UT2K3 and jumped with the rest of them because it felt right for the fast paced deathmatches. I made a complete switch to the BF series in favour of the more tactical and team orientated battles.

                        I sort of expected it to work the same way as the sprint feature. When we heard how you can run away from a fight but couldn't shoot/reload while doing so we all thought it was a fair comprimise.

                        When you have no stamina left you simply can nolonger run. I say let people bunnyhop all they want just make it so that no stamina = no running & no jumping. I'm sure that would put an end to a battles where you see 1 nade launching hopper, jumping into the midst of an entire squad knowing that he will be in no way penalised by doing so.


                        • #42
                          Re: FACT: no more jump N nothing

                          Don't take this as sarcasm, but I often wonder why many of the people on this board are not playing America's Army as their primary game?

                          Maybe more like a rhetorical question.

                          Next thing you know, people are going to want a minimum of four man crews to drive a tank. 'Oh NOZE!!! One man tank crews are unrealistic!!!', <- Now that was sarcasm.


                          • #43
                            Re: FACT: no more jump N nothing

                            Originally posted by Rafterman
                            All Hands to Battle Stations

                            NOOB REVOLT
                            NOOB REVOLT
                            NOOB REVOLT
                            The noobs are revolting?

                            Why yes... yes they are...


                            • #44
                              Re: FACT: no more jump N nothing

                              Originally posted by Wargimp
                              The noobs are revolting?

                              Why yes... yes they are...
                              lmao, reminds me of an old comedy movie i saw a long time ago, can't remember if it was Robin Hood Men in Tights or some ****: You Highness! The peasents are revolting!! And then followed up by the king saying something to the effect of yes, they are revolting, just look at them lol.


                              • #45
                                Re: FACT: no more jump N nothing

                                Originally posted by IVfluids
                                Don't take this as sarcasm, but I often wonder why many of the people on this board are not playing America's Army as their primary game?

                                Maybe more like a rhetorical question.

                                Next thing you know, people are going to want a minimum of four man crews to drive a tank.

                                This doesn't have anything to do with realism. It has everything to do with the majority of players who seem to want to take the game a little more seriously and are annoyed by the assinine playing styles of 12 years olds.

