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To all of you bunny hoppers, dolphin divers, and apologists...

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  • Re: To all of you bunny hoppers, dolphin divers, and apologists...

    Originally posted by DNC Q
    It's up to you to learn all the nuances of a game. If you haven't, don't complain about those who have.

    I've been reading this forum since the game came out, and I can't beleive the number of people that show up to complain about the same damn things over and over again. Instead of wasting time on the forums "crying" about it, spend some time learning how to defeat it.

    Besides, there are still glitches in the game that require more attention than a bunch of cry babies that want the game adapted to their style instead of adapting their style to the game.

    I'll adapt to the new patch whatever it may be, but I find it comical that the game needs to be dumbed down for a minority that can't be bothered to adapt and overcome.

    Flame away:laugh:
    I know the nuances of the game; i just happen to think that bunny hopping looks stupid. Plus it messes with hit boxes and takes advantages of the limits of transfering game data over an internet...

    IF EA/Dice wants things like bunnyhopping and prone divivng maybe they should have made a game like TRIBES..

    You contradicted yourself in your own post - first you complain that you can't believe the number of people that come on these forums and complain, but then in paragraph three, you claim that the complainers are the minority.. So which is it?

    As for the game being dumbed down- looks to me like the game is becoming more challenging. From the elimination of the lame bunnyhopping and prone diving tactic, to making AA more effective.. You might actually ave to learn a true tactic instead of just running and hopping where ever you go.. Cover is an amazing invention, try it..


    • Re: To all of you bunny hoppers, dolphin divers, and apologists... there any high ping severs for me

      I wanna play damn my internet providers....


      • Re: To all of you bunny hoppers, dolphin divers, and apologists...

        Helicopter now carry 8 missiles rather than 14

        This aint good. Most miss anyway. Wot else you gonna take from the attack chopper pliot? Seems like everyone will wanna be a gunner and no one to fly it. Everyone knows that the gunner is the winner of the attack chopper. Gotta give the pliot something to use.

        - TV-Guided missile now have a shorter range

        I think the range is short anyway, based on wot you can see (which aint alot)

        - Hit points on all air vehicles has been reduced

        Wrong, wrong wrong !. Its getting stuff to hit it thats the problem. The plane aint that armored up. Its the problem of hitting the sod.

        - AA missile lock has been improved

        Great !!! -- I like this one. Much needed

        - Support kits have had their primary weapons adjusted for accuracy
        - Sniper kits have had their primary weapons adjusted for accuracy
        - Anti-Tank kits have had their primary weapons adjusted for accuracy

        I can hardly get a one shot kill with a sniper. But I aint a skilled sniper. Others are. I aint got a problem with it. Accuracy improvment for a sniper will just make the noobish of noobs take you out with one shot. Thats gonna be bad, very bad.

        - "Dolphin Diving" is no longer possible

        Great. not that I see it much. BUT. are you telling me I cant dive over a wall anymore??? - I enjoy doing my rambo moves. Looks good in my minds eye. Dont take that away from me !!!!!!!!

        - Players can no longer jump and shoot at the same time

        Again, a bad answer to the bunny-hopping mob. They are many, many reasons to jump and show without being a bunny-hopper. Doing this is NOT the answer. Keep in the jupming and shoot.....we can deal with these hopping fools anyway.

        - "Prone Spamming" is now fixed

        Never seen it. sounds ok, I guess

        - "Sprint exploit" is now fixed

        Not sure about this. If it means that getting from one side of the map to another is gonna take longer, then its bad.

        - Reload while sprinting has been enabled

        wow - big diference. Its not something to kick and scream about, is it?

        It seems like this patch is really gonna mess with the gameplay and create more problems. I think that maybe this could split the communitiy. From the looks of this patch so far, I dont think I will upgrade. I seems that to stop the bunny-hoppers diving lot, we have to completey loose alot of stuff. - Somehow I can reate this to the war on terror.......that aint good either.


        • Re: To all of you bunny hoppers, dolphin divers, and apologists...

          Helicopter now carry 8 missiles rather than 14

          This aint good. Most miss anyway. Wot else you gonna take from the attack chopper pliot? Seems like everyone will wanna be a gunner and no one to fly it. Everyone knows that the gunner is the winner of the attack chopper. Gotta give the pliot something to use.

          - TV-Guided missile now have a shorter range

          I think the range is short anyway, based on wot you can see (which aint alot)

          - Hit points on all air vehicles has been reduced

          Wrong, wrong wrong !. Its getting stuff to hit it thats the problem. The plane aint that armored up. Its the problem of hitting the sod.

          - AA missile lock has been improved

          Great !!! -- I like this one. Much needed

          - Support kits have had their primary weapons adjusted for accuracy
          - Sniper kits have had their primary weapons adjusted for accuracy
          - Anti-Tank kits have had their primary weapons adjusted for accuracy

          I can hardly get a one shot kill with a sniper. But I aint a skilled sniper. Others are. I aint got a problem with it. Accuracy improvment for a sniper will just make the noobish of noobs take you out with one shot. Thats gonna be bad, very bad.

          - "Dolphin Diving" is no longer possible

          Great. not that I see it much. BUT. are you telling me I cant dive over a wall anymore??? - I enjoy doing my rambo moves. Looks good in my minds eye. Dont take that away from me !!!!!!!!

          - Players can no longer jump and shoot at the same time

          Again, a bad answer to the bunny-hopping mob. They are many, many reasons to jump and show without being a bunny-hopper. Doing this is NOT the answer. Keep in the jupming and shoot.....we can deal with these hopping fools anyway.

          - "Prone Spamming" is now fixed

          Never seen it. sounds ok, I guess

          - "Sprint exploit" is now fixed

          Not sure about this. If it means that getting from one side of the map to another is gonna take longer, then its bad.

          - Reload while sprinting has been enabled

          wow - big diference. Its not something to kick and scream about, is it?

          It seems like this patch is really gonna mess with the gameplay and create more problems. I think that maybe this could split the communitiy. From the looks of this patch so far, I dont think I will upgrade. I seems that to stop the bunny-hoppers diving lot, we have to completey loose alot of stuff. - Somehow I can reate this to the war on terror.......that aint good either.


          • Re: To all of you bunny hoppers, dolphin divers, and apologists...

            Sounds great-but improving the G3??! Holy crap! That gun is awesome already, I love using it...sounds like I won't be able to tear myself away from it now!

            I'm glad the TV missile range has been reduced-the absurd 'sniping things miles out of view' thing will come to an end. Chopper pilots will have their work cut out for them's not too hard to shoot them down as it is, but with reduced hitpoints...muahahahaha!

            Not shooting while jumping is very welcome, as are the associated changes. Now, please, one final wish: don't break anything with the new patch!


            • Re: To all of you bunny hoppers, dolphin divers, and apologists...

              Originally posted by 2000sDigitalBoy
              I don't think you lose speed when you jump, which means you could extend any sprint by jumping just before your sprint bar runs out.
              That would actually be obeying the laws of physics really. Air resistance on a soldier isn't enough to slow him down in the air, so whatever the horizontal component of his original velocity when he took off is basically what it would be until the person hit the ground again (unless leaping off an extremely tall surface). It's going to be funny if you're sprinting and the game slams you to a crawling pace when you jump, such awkwardness that would be.

              Multiple fixes in one (including the ellusive sprint exploit, if what's written above is what they're talkin about in the patch predictions): Make jumping be tied to the sprint bar. If you don't have a certain amount of your sprint bar, you can't jump. Jumping takes a certain amount of your sprint bar. It's a trade off. Bunny hopping is fixed, whatever the heck the sprint exploit is would most likely be fixed, and it would make sense....wait, that's why EA/DICE doesn't do it.


              • Re: To all of you bunny hoppers, dolphin divers, and apologists...

                I'm glad they're removing shooting while jumping, it'll take some smoothness out, but hopefully it'll make the GL use a bit more sensible. However I'm afraid of how this might affect other weapons like the knife, shock paddles, throwables and the AT rocket. (Jump and fire unguided rocket over a fence at that roaming armour!) I was knifefighting a guy yesterday and we were all over the terrain, jumping and proning, which is what makes knife duels so interesting. You can jump and duck while knifing. It's also hard to reach people with the shock paddles at times, like on hillsides and ledges, need jump there. It's not like knife bunnyhoppers are going to take over karkand is it?

                Same with this dolphin dive. I presume it refers to jumping and proning, which is the #1 escape technique for getting away from bad things like artillery, explosions and that APC raining shells around you. If they took away shooting while diving that would be perfectly fair, even putting in a time limit or slight time restrictions in getting up afterwards then I wouldn't mind much, but removing it altogether would hurt things a lot.

                On the other changes I don't mind the helicopter changes, they're powerful anyway and maybe now we'll be able to jump into AA turrets without becoming a marked target for all aircraft.


                • Re: To all of you bunny hoppers, dolphin divers, and apologists...


                  Im gorna kill me sum flyboys

                  well.... im gonna try


                  • Re: To all of you bunny hoppers, dolphin divers, and apologists...

                    - Helicopter now carry 8 missiles rather than 14
                    Okay, mmm. Hellfire is not much used in matches, doesn't change gameplay that much.
                    - TV-Guided missile now have a shorter range
                    Woohoo, no more sniping tanks from home base, I love it.
                    - Hit points on all air vehicles has been reduced
                    Can be a bad thing. This and AA improment can cripple the attack copters.
                    - AA missile lock has been improved
                    Finally. Lets hope its not half-ass imprvoment this time.
                    - Support kits have had their primary weapons adjusted for accuracy
                    - Sniper kits have had their primary weapons adjusted for accuracy
                    - Anti-Tank kits have had their primary weapons adjusted for accuracy

                    Well, snipers are for wussies anyways.
                    - "Dolphin Diving" is no longer possible
                    Woot? I don't know, this wasn't done much in the matches.
                    - Players can no longer jump and shoot at the same time
                    Woooooaah. Everybody back to the school bench. I wonder how now infantry combat is done.
                    - "Prone Spamming" is now fixed
                    - "Sprint exploit" is now fixed

                    Bug fixes are always good.
                    - The Sa80 weapon has been improved
                    - The G3A3 weapon has been improved

                    Meh. Pub stuff.
                    - Reload while sprinting has been enabled
                    - Chinese and MEC APCs can now shoot through penetrable materials
                    - Damage decreased for the M134
                    - Medic defibrillator paddles have been adjusted. They now reload while not in use.

                    Can be good, can be bad. No comment.

                    That was the clan player comments.


                    • Re: To all of you bunny hoppers, dolphin divers, and apologists...

                      Originally posted by Jesse
                      Where are the poor performance issues and nametag bug fixes? A WORKING server browser for crying out loud, and an added filter for mods for that matter instead of just an icon with everything mixed together. Actually OPTIMIZE the compiling of the source code for crying out loud, so much more could be done to this, yet it's "nerf this, nerf that, then make this powerful because people suck".....please let the mods hit full swing soon.
                      My point exactly.

                      Personally, I can live with the bugs, they aren't THAT bad, performance issues if they can yea fix em. But changing game play because a bunch of players whine about realism or whatever in a VIDEO GAME, and don't want to adapt to the game is ridiculous. Maybe it's because I spent several years in the Army, and there is nothing they could do to make this realistic no matter what they do.

                      About teh only fix on that list that's worthwhile is the AA, and the redtag bug (if they actually fix it).


                      • Re: To all of you bunny hoppers, dolphin divers, and apologists...

                        I wish they could fix the response time of the menu, it takes 20 seconds to repsond whenever i press multiplayer, connect to ip, or whatever else.

                        Also damn 5 minute login time!


                        • Re: To all of you bunny hoppers, dolphin divers, and apologists...

                          "We'll be announcing further additions to this list, but that will have to wait until the next update. This is NOT the complete list of items we are working on. As we have more items go through testing and we are sure of a change we will update you."

                          Hmmm, maybe they manage to add red player name bug...


                          • Re: To all of you bunny hoppers, dolphin divers, and apologists...

                            Hope you guys realize...

                            - Damage decreased for the M134

                            Means the Blackhawk's guns are weakened. I don't think they should we weakened - the MEC and PLA machine guns on the transport helicopters should be beefed up instead. You can barely hit anything with them, and the BH guns are right where they should be. In real life they are devastating, and they aren't that bad in BF2, so why change them?

                            Glad to see the SA80 (Medic L85A) is being improved. I always thought it felt a bit weak for what it is.

                            I'm also very excited to see the Support kit guns made more accurate. If you go prone with them right now and don't right click - look at how big the crosshairs are - that means that even when you right click and bring up the iron sights, your shots are going anywhere within that big crosshair. Hopefully they'll make the crosshairs really tight when prone, which is how they should be. Support guns can and should be devastating when prone. Think about it.

                            Also hopefully the sniper kits are a lot better, as in 1S1K for anything from the chest up, regardless of which gun it is. Or at least 1S1K for the M95...

                            I don't understand why the helicopters missiles have been reduced though. It's hard enough to get an accurate shot with them. Maybe they'll speed up the reload time slightly? Also, I don't see the need to reduce the range of the gunner's guided missile. It's pretty well perfect right now. In real life those things can hit targets kilometres away, so reducing it to less than that is a joke.

                            All I really hope is that they fix the damn in-game browser - for good! Fix it so there are NO bugs, this is the fu*king 5th patch - get it right already for fu*k sake. How hard could it be? 99.9% of other games have a bulletproof in-game browser at release, you'd think Dice could get it right after the FIFTH patch.


                            • Re: To all of you bunny hoppers, dolphin divers, and apologists...

                              I sure love the way some people are complaining because "I won't be able to jump & dive for cover anymore" WHAT? "Jumping" & "Cover" in the same sentence is nuts. Why don't you just DIVE for cover? If your are refering to maybe Jumping over an object & THEN diving for cover, well, unless its a boulder or concrete many weapons can penetrate it anyways. I think these DD's are just looking for a lame excuse to keep people from removing their no-skilled exploiting tactics.

                              As for the Jumping & throwing explosives. I agree that they should NOT take away the ability to throw nades while jumping for the simple fact that you can gain distance.

                              Now for the C4 LOL. How is it feesible to throw something & have it STICK to any surface? I can see the throwing of C4 but only if it is to Throw it out in front of a vehicle or such. I think that the only way C4 should STICK to anything is if it is placed on a surface which means you have to be next to the surface. WHO in their right mind would ever think of throwing a BIG block of C4 which has an electrically charge detonator attached to it. And how does the stuff stick perfectly everytime? Paleeeesse!

                              Don't even try to tell me that the C4 pack could be cover with a sticky substance all around it. Cause then I would have to say, "Then How the hell do you get the C4 outta your backpack". LOL My own opinion, I think that C4 should not stick to anything if thrown, only if it is planted. Chow!


                              • Re: To all of you bunny hoppers, dolphin divers, and apologists...

                                Originally posted by Got Your Back
                                Chow = food

                                Caio = expression meaning see you later.

