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AA for total dummies in 5 minutes

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  • #31
    Re: AA for total dummies in 5 minutes

    Originally posted by AlphaNut
    One very good point he mentioned was not to constantly sit in AA. You must locate the plane before you are in AA, make sure he has not seen you. Jump in when he flies over you, get a lock, fire away, and get out of the suicide can.
    Never give them a beep longer than 3-5 seconds. After you fired the missiles get out of there immediately! Do not wait for the impact. I've found the missiles to be more effective if you are not sitting in the SAM trying to keep the lock on target.
    Just my 2 cents
    I have a problem here sir. THe very good pilots know exactly where the Essex gun is and start firing before you see where they are and so its basically a who kills who first contest. It is very hard for me and i might get one kill out of 5 or more losses. I just sit in the AA on the Essex and as soon as I spot the plane start firing bullets and then a few missles. Do you have any advice cause I hate the plane whores who base rape the carrier. Thanks


    • #32
      Re: AA for total dummies in 5 minutes

      Originally posted by AlphaNut
      Nice one mate
      You forgot one thing that comes even before the flying coffins:
      The suicide-cans, sometimes also referred to as so called "IGLAS"
      is it just me or do I always strafe the IGLA's for easy kills?

      I lol at the people who try to shoot me down with them.


      • #33
        Re: AA for total dummies in 5 minutes

        Thanks for that post, it will definatly give me some advantage in the damn AA.

        I cant seem to survive for 2 minutes in it...


        • #34
          Re: AA for total dummies in 5 minutes

          Originally posted by United States
          I have a problem here sir. THe very good pilots know exactly where the Essex gun is and start firing before you see where they are and so its basically a who kills who first contest. It is very hard for me and i might get one kill out of 5 or more losses. I just sit in the AA on the Essex and as soon as I spot the plane start firing bullets and then a few missles. Do you have any advice cause I hate the plane whores who base rape the carrier. Thanks
          Don't use the essex. Only if you are tired of life, and want to spawn somewhere on land.
          Use the emplaced AA that have sandbags around them. Hide in a bush close to them, and keep alert of your surrounding and the skies. Try becoming good at estimating where the enemy plane comes from. Do NOT get into the AA when the pilot is flying at you. WAIT till he is above you so he doesn't see the big green box around your suicide can emplacement
          Aim BEHIND the plane, and forget the lock. Fire away, and get out of the AA.
          Rinse... repeat...

          usapatriot: Yes sometimes I too randomly shoot at empty AA emplacements, but most of the times I will pay much more attention to the ones that I know have some idiot sitting in there constantly.
          I don't get shot very often in AA anymore. Just be in safe distance. Good pilots will not waste bombs on an empty AA. They'll just strafe it. WAIT till they are done, jump in, and fire away.
          I've had several pilots accusing me of cheating after being shot down by the IGLA. The trick is to never let them know that an AA is on their ass. That's why you don't want to give them the lock tone. And also want to get out of the emplaced AA as soon as you have fired your rockets.
          Pilots are cought off guard


          • #35
            Re: AA for total dummies in 5 minutes

            Here is one for ya..

            Best time to use AA on the ground.. once you notice an enemy pilot following your team's jet... sometimes.. while i watch them going nuts flying above my head.. ill jump in an AA if nothing more just to lock on the guy and watch him quickly try to figure because he thought he was about to get the kill... i can think of about4-5 times where i jumped into AA just to lock on and watch the other pilot while our pilot got the upper hand and won. (works best with helo's) (DONT FIRE in this situation) chances are you will hit and kill all of them.. or your missiles will travel two maps over and to another server where they will register 4 teamkills.

            by the way.. this whole thing takes about 25 seconds.

            you KNOW where the AA is.

            you see your buddy in the sky about to get pwnd.

            jump in.. lock on.. watch chaff.. watch manuver. jump out. by this time your buddy is back in business.


            • #36
              Re: AA for total dummies in 5 minutes

              Here is one for ya..

              Best time to use AA on the ground.. once you notice an enemy pilot following your team's jet... sometimes.. while i watch them going nuts flying above my head.. ill jump in an AA if nothing more just to lock on the guy and watch him quickly try to figure because he thought he was about to get the kill... i can think of about4-5 times where i jumped into AA just to lock on and watch the other pilot while our pilot got the upper hand and won. (works best with helo's) (DONT FIRE in this situation) chances are you will hit and kill all of them.. or your missiles will travel two maps over and to another server where they will register 4 teamkills.

              by the way.. this whole thing takes about 25 seconds.

              you KNOW where the AA is.

              you see your buddy in the sky about to get pwnd.

              jump in.. lock on.. watch chaff.. watch manuver. jump out. by this time your buddy is back in business.


              • #37
                Re: AA for total dummies in 5 minutes

                AA is my last ribbon to get. Any suggestions on which maps are best? 32 player, 64 etc etc

