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AA for total dummies in 5 minutes

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  • AA for total dummies in 5 minutes

    1. First thing about AA is stealth. If enemy doesn't know where are you, he's pretty screwed.
    2. If plane flies down to you, it's the easy kill
    3. Choppers: get lock on, wait for flares, shoot.
    4. Planes: Don't shoot missile immediately. Usually it's already a reflex for pilots to take left/right turn and switch to rear view. If you do shoot, you reveal your position. If you are sitting in manpad, you won't reload fast enough before plane is back to kill you. It's all about timing.
    5. Don't lock on everything on sight. That annoying sound warns pilot that there is easy kill somewhere around. Lock on only when it's needed. Not before.
    6. If rocket loses their target, it searches for new one. So make sure that no friendly flying units are behind your target.

    US ESSEX and mobile AA specific.

    1. Cannon is pretty underestimated. 1 sec of it's fire on plane and it's down. The main problem is that people fire at that red square which is wrong. Bullets don't travel immediately. When they arrive at that red square position, the plane is already gone. So aim ahead.

    2. If you are in US ESSEX - you have sh*tload of missiles. Use them, you have infinite ammo. Atleast on will hit.

    3. Zatar Wetlands is absolutely fantastic map for AA. You lock on to oil rigs, missiles goes trough fire, looks for next target and hits almost immediately. The pilot doesn't have enough time to react.

    Basically plane is same AA, which can fly.

    Our main targets:

    Flying coffin #1: Blackhawk.
    also known as 'flare generator'. Due its slow speed you can fire atleast 4 missiles before it even comes close to you. With right timing, you will need only 2 missiles.

    Flying coffin #2: Attack chopper.
    The only problem is gunner. Be sure to hit when chopper is far from you or they don't see you

    Flying coffin #3: Bombers (especially F-15)
    Slow speed, but pretty deadly in good pilots hands

    BTW. Oh and I agree to this idead that AT class should have 1 AA rocket. That makes AA more powerful because enemy doesn't know where you are.

  • #2
    Re: AA for total dummies in 5 minutes

    Nice one mate
    You forgot one thing that comes even before the flying coffins:
    The suicide-cans, sometimes also referred to as so called "IGLAS"


    • #3
      Re: AA for total dummies in 5 minutes

      Nice post.


      • #4
        Re: AA for total dummies in 5 minutes

        Your a sitting duck to a plane pilot if your in AA, i can locate nearly all the AA sites to within 10 meters on all the maps and if i don't no where it is it comes up as a big green square and te gun will take the person out in 1 seconds and the whole site out in 3.

        My personnaly tip for firing at planes is wiat for them to go past and fire and hope it hits most likly won't though, never get in one if a plane is coming at you.


        • #5
          Re: AA for total dummies in 5 minutes

          Originally posted by zverj
          2. If you are in US ESSEX - you have sh*tload of missiles. Use them, you have infinite ammo. Atleast on will hit.
          That is not very good advice.. Those missiles will hit friendly aircraft in the area. I can't tell you how many times I have hit nothing but friendly's when spamming the missiles, and of course one Blackhawk full that punishes you, will result in you being kicked. Its not worth it for one enemy kill..


          • #6
            Re: AA for total dummies in 5 minutes

            THx for the tips


            • #7
              Re: AA for total dummies in 5 minutes

              I wait next to the AA and not in it because if you are in it, you show up on the bombing radar.


              • #8
                A Darn Good Guide

                Originally posted by zverj
                1. First thing about AA is stealth. If enemy doesn't know where are you, he's pretty screwed.
                Simple, but absolutely true. A later post mentioned staying out of the AA until you've located a target and he's not bearing down on you. This way, you won't show up on his radar (or so says the post). If this is true, it's a darn fine way to surprise the crap outta pilots.

                2. If plane flies down to you, it's the easy kill
                Ah...see above comments.

                3. Choppers: get lock on, wait for flares, shoot.
                Being rather fond of the transport helicopters, I find myself in them with some regularity. When the Red "X" of Doom starts screaming at me, I hit F11 and keep flying. When I actually see the missile coming at me, then I hit the flares and start praying. I have no clue if others use this tactic; but if they do, it effectively counters this technique.

                4. Planes: Don't shoot missile immediately. Usually it's already a reflex for pilots to take left/right turn and switch to rear view. If you do shoot, you reveal your position. If you are sitting in manpad, you won't reload fast enough before plane is back to kill you. It's all about timing.
                Very true, but you have to be expedient once you enter the AA platform, as you will show up on their map (supposedly).

                6. If rocket loses their target, it searches for new one. So make sure that no friendly flying units are behind your target.
                Oh, yeah. If you don't listen to anything else listed here (but you should), pay attention to this one. This is a very common occurance. You think you're helping out your air-superiority-fighter when you launch a missile at what he's currently chasing. And then you kill him. And then he's mad. And then you get punished. And then you get mad. And the downward spiral continues from there...

                2. If you are in US ESSEX - you have sh*tload of missiles. Use them, you have infinite ammo. Atleast on will hit.
                A later post has addressed this one, but I'll repeat it because it's important. Spamming missiles is like throwing a grenade in a room your squad just entered to clear of enemies. It's just asking for TKs. Play it safe, confirm your target. Flyboys will thank you.

                Our main targets:

                Flying coffin #1: Blackhawk.
                also known as 'flare generator'. Due its slow speed you can fire atleast 4 missiles before it even comes close to you. With right timing, you will need only 2 missiles.
                Been there, done that (at least on the receiving end). As many unhappy deaths will attest to, this is a good tactic that works nearly every time.

                Flying coffin #2: Attack chopper.
                The only problem is gunner. Be sure to hit when chopper is far from you or they don't see you
                Let's rephrase this somewhat, "THE ONLY PROBELM IS THE GUNNER WHO HAS IT IN HIS POWER TO DETERMINE WHETHER YOU LIVE OR DIE A SLOW AND UNREVIVABLE DEATH!" Eh...probably could have used a little more emphasis. The gunner is the most dangerous part of the attack chopper. If he spots you in your AA, bend over and kiss your sweet behind good-bye.

                Flying coffin #3: Bombers (especially F-15)
                Slow speed, but pretty deadly in good pilots hands
                That's an understatement.

                ...phew...the Chinese transport helicopter isn't on there (that's what I fly)...


                • #9
                  Re: AA for total dummies in 5 minutes

                  1. Stealth or not, you fire one missile, the jet hears the alerm, fires second missile, jet switch to rear view and see where the missiles coming from. Any decent pilot dosnt need the HUD to kill the AA, they know where the AA is, if they see a missile coming from that direction they will turn around and kill it, and if you are counting on plane not seeing you, and proning beside the AA, you will get killed just as easily, and even if you didnt die, that AA tower blew up and have fun waiting.

                  2. correction: If plane flies down to you, you are already dead

                  4. Dosnt make any difference, unless you just want to annoy pilot you have to shoot eventually, which is the moment you signed your death contract. If you decide not to shoot, well he will turn around and see you on HUD, you die eitherway.

                  5. if you dont lock you cant fire, if you do lock you die, you might just as well avoid going into AA in the first place

                  6. Now thats a tip, funny how many times I flew by a blackhawk just so the missile behind me can kill the fully loaded BH, always fun to see the list of teamkills


                  1. Gun is powerful, but if you can hit anything at all. Maybe you will catch a pilot off guard first time he aproches you and you get him damaged or maybe 10% chance killed him, he will respawn, grab a jet, and come back and kill you from a position you will never think of and get a easy kill. Stationary sitting duck only have luck to protect them.

                  2. spaming missiles = teamkill, garenteed, Let me assure you, none of the missiles will hit the target, but I bet at least 1 will hit a friendly.

                  3. Thats interesting, however you are counting on the missile automatically aquire the intended target, when its just as likely it will go for the nearest friendly you didnt see. However it is a decent, non-suicidal tip for a start.


                  Blackhawk, waste of missile, anyone who uses missiles on BH are noobs, use guns, shoot the cockpit, turn arond if you dont kill it and shoot the front, if you dont kill it you will at least take out the gunners

                  Attack choppers: Flying target practice, even if try to kill you they cant, why watch out for gunners? they are just a extra kill point sitting there for you to grab. Again dont waste missiles, none will hit, just use main gun on the cockpit and it will blow in no time, sometimes with low lag you can pop it before the pilot's brain react to the stimuli

                  Bombers: Correction, slow speed, MIGHT have a chance when its bomber vs bomber, but when you have a non-noob jet on your tail you might just as well bail out right away, no matter how good the pilot is.

                  Bottom line: Avoid AA, its death trap garenteed. I do hope your "tips" on suicide will bring a new batch of free kills to the diminishing population.

                  The BEST AA TIP: STAY OUT OF IT.


                  • #10
                    Re: AA for total dummies in 5 minutes

                    Originally posted by iewgnem

                    Blackhawk, waste of missile, anyone who uses missiles on BH are noobs, use guns, shoot the cockpit, turn arond if you dont kill it and shoot the front, if you dont kill it you will at least take out the gunners

                    Attack choppers: Flying target practice, even if try to kill you they cant, why watch out for gunners? they are just a extra kill point sitting there for you to grab. Again dont waste missiles, none will hit, just use main gun on the cockpit and it will blow in no time, sometimes with low lag you can pop it before the pilot's brain react to the stimuli

                    Bombers: Correction, slow speed, MIGHT have a chance when its bomber vs bomber, but when you have a non-noob jet on your tail you might just as well bail out right away, no matter how good the pilot is.

                    Bottom line: Avoid AA, its death trap garenteed. I do hope your "tips" on suicide will bring a new batch of free kills to the diminishing population.

                    The BEST AA TIP: STAY OUT OF IT.
                    Wait a second...I thought he was talking about ground-based AA tactics against the aforementioned targets...


                    • #11
                      Re: AA for total dummies in 5 minutes

                      Originally posted by iewgnem
                      Any decent pilot dosnt need the HUD to kill the AA, they know where the AA is, if they see a missile coming from that direction they will turn around and kill it
                      That's what I'm talking about. Don't shoot missiles so he can track you. Most likely you get killed because you are waiting for AA to reload. When plane is turning to you, then you shoot. I have been killed quite many times because of this.

                      Originally posted by iewgnem
                      4. Dosnt make any difference, unless you just want to annoy pilot you have to shoot eventually, which is the moment you signed your death contract. If you decide not to shoot, well he will turn around and see you on HUD, you die eitherway.
                      He will show up like other 3-5 targets in his screen. Okay, Gulf of Oman is pretty annoying map where everything is clear, but Zatar Wetlands is not. Still I have seen lots of plane kills in Gulf of Oman. Did you know that by MEC airstrip are 2 AA manpads which are not easy noticeable from sky?

                      Originally posted by iewgnem
                      1. Gun is powerful, but if you can hit anything at all. Maybe you will catch a pilot off guard first time he aproches you and you get him damaged or maybe 10% chance killed him, he will respawn, grab a jet, and come back and kill you from a position you will never think of and get a easy kill. Stationary sitting duck only have luck to protect them.
                      I repeat my post and tell you that bullets fly with low speed from that thing. If you shoot ahead of plane, you can kill without problems. I have seen round on Dalian Plant where both ESSEX were occupied and every plane that in range were shot down.

                      Originally posted by iewgnem
                      2. spaming missiles = teamkill, garenteed, Let me assure you, none of the missiles will hit the target, but I bet at least 1 will hit a friendly.
                      Depends on direction where you spam those missiles. Make sure no friendly is in your line of fire.

                      Originally posted by iewgnem
                      Blackhawk, waste of missile, anyone who uses missiles on BH are noobs, use guns, shoot the cockpit, turn arond if you dont kill it and shoot the front, if you dont kill it you will at least take out the gunners
                      Okay, I know that jeep is very effective and very sadistic way to down BH, but we are talking about AA here.

                      Originally posted by iewgnem
                      Bombers: Correction, slow speed, MIGHT have a chance when its bomber vs bomber, but when you have a non-noob jet on your tail you might just as well bail out right away, no matter how good the pilot is.
                      If clever pilot gunner bails out, he will not get next respawning bomber. Noob hops in, probably will suicide or kill his own friendlies. Typical situation and priceless.


                      • #12
                        Re: AA for total dummies in 5 minutes

                        thanks zverj, didn't know the oil rig thing... will try it today


                        • #13
                          Re: AA for total dummies in 5 minutes

                          Originally posted by iewgnem
                          ...The BEST AA TIP: STAY OUT OF IT...
                          What a tip - :laugh: :laugh:! This is a pure Chinese-Jet-Whore statement, nothing else! Due to your stats you are either Jet-Whoring on PLA-side on maps with a minimum AA-threat and pushing your stats by the obvious advantages of the Chinese Jets or Tank-Whoring at Karkand.
                          Where are your "skills" with F-35B? :laugh: - Additionally your AA-stats suck:

                          Vehicle---Time---Kills---Deaths---Ratio---Roadkills---Global Rank
                          Air Defense---00:43:13---31---16---1.94---5---29---6,315

                          ^^look above - wtf are you talking about?? Maybe you 'would like' skilled players to stay off AA/Mobile AA in order to let you padding your Aviator-stats the 'cheapest way' - poor.

                          Originally posted by iewgnem
                          ...Blackhawk, waste of missile, anyone who uses missiles on BH are noobs, use guns...
                          The only noob i see is YOU ! BH is an easy AA-target keeping in mind what "zverj" & "Warbird_7" wrote. Your post is priceless for the effective use of AA.
                          You should try other maps and jets too, maybe your experience will improve regarding AA-threats.

                          Some additional good information about AA:
                          Up The Tailpipe: How to be more effective with AA


                          • #14
                            Re: AA for total dummies in 5 minutes

                            ^^look above - wtf are you talking about?? Maybe you 'would like' skilled players to stay off AA/Mobile AA in order to let you padding your Aviator-stats the 'cheapest way' - poor.
                            Im afraid it was you who should learn to read:
                            Basically plane is same AA, which can fly.

                            Our main targets:

                            Flying coffin #1: Blackhawk....
                            What a tip - ! This is a pure Chinese-Jet-Whore statement, nothing else! Due to your stats you are either Jet-Whoring on PLA-side on maps with a minimum AA-threat and pushing your stats by the obvious advantages of the Chinese Jets or Tank-Whoring at Karkand.
                            Where are your "skills" with F-35B? - Additionally your AA-stats suck:
                            Heh, its easy for you to say, perhaps you would like to bet?
                            1- Anyone who think they have any chance of dog fighting a J-10 in a JSF is automatically a noob, and so are you for suggesting it.
                            2- Perhaps you would like to go into an AA and see if my JSF can kill you over and over again? Or perhaps you would like to get on Oman and see how I kill 2 JSF with my Mig?
                            3- My AA states suck? haha, yeah thats true, im not noob enough to get into one in the first place, I dont have suicidital tendencies, perhaps you do?

                            ^^look above - wtf are you talking about?? Maybe you 'would like' skilled players to stay off AA/Mobile AA in order to let you padding your Aviator-stats the 'cheapest way' - poor.
                            Huh? If I want to get more points I would tell everyone to get into AA and repeat, its common knowledge, are you sure you feel alright? What is this "cheapest way"? Certainly a kill cant get any easier than 2 sec burst kill on an AA turret?

                            The only noob i see is YOU ! BH is an easy AA-target keeping in mind what "zverj" & "Warbird_7" wrote. Your post is priceless for the effective use of AA.
                            You should try other maps and jets too, maybe your experience will improve regarding AA-threats.
                            Heh, which is interesting since you are about the ONLY one i have seen around the forum so far defending the effectiveness of AA turrets. Tell me, does all your missiles hit Blackhawk all the time? How long does it take for you to kill it? I can tell you from experience you only require a canon from a jet 5 sec or less to kill a Blackhawk, maybe you would want to share your experience with using missiles?

                            I did try other maps, and to be honest AA is useless in every map. Im afraid you are not very clear on the effectiveness of AA, everyone, even noobs know how useless AAs are, how they are death traps against even the least experienced jet pilot, on any map, maybe you should go and try some yourself.

                            Bottom line, let me tell you this, I congradulate you on not joining those who whines about AA constantly, but what you are doing is daydreaming, AA are useless, maybe it works against choppers but absolutely useless against any jet other than bomber (in which case it is still difficult). Missiles miss 99% of the time, any attempt to argue AA is more effective than 1% is obviously coming from a noob.

                            yeah yeah you have your tips, why dont you read the tip? does it say its useful? no, does it say you will die more than you kill? yes. Does it say AA are underpowered? yes. I have seen that tip ages ago and I can tell you one thing, it only encourages suicide.


                            • #15
                              Re: AA for total dummies in 5 minutes

                              He will show up like other 3-5 targets in his screen. Okay, Gulf of Oman is pretty annoying map where everything is clear, but Zatar Wetlands is not. Still I have seen lots of plane kills in Gulf of Oman. Did you know that by MEC airstrip are 2 AA manpads which are not easy noticeable from sky?
                              Its one thing for someone to shoot missiles at you, its another to actually get hit. From my experience I cant notice any AA offensive/defense increse between maps.

                              I repeat my post and tell you that bullets fly with low speed from that thing. If you shoot ahead of plane, you can kill without problems. I have seen round on Dalian Plant where both ESSEX were occupied and every plane that in range were shot down.
                              its true, when you meet a good pair of gun-using Essex gunners it actually makes the AA useful ... for protecting your teammates by forcing the jet to start evasive manuvers, but not protecting yourself since if they really want to kill you they still can do it easily.

                              Okay, I know that jeep is very effective and very sadistic way to down BH, but we are talking about AA here.
                              I thought you were talking about jets here, when you was refering to the jet as a mobile AA, I guess you forgot.

                              If clever pilot gunner bails out, he will not get next respawning bomber. Noob hops in, probably will suicide or kill his own friendlies. Typical situation and priceless.
                              Unless you bail out right ontop of your airfield right before your bomber blew But yes to bail or not to bail, its an age long debate. I personally bail because I rarely gets shot down, but if you gets shot down often its more convient just to die with the jet.

