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  • #61
    Re: Bf3?

    They didn't do Panama either, not like that would have been very exciting though lol.


    • #62
      Re: Bf3?

      Mr. Benis would you PLEASE stop using the blue font, it really hurts eyes around here. I haven't read pages 2-4, but either way please use a diff color, say, a bit easier on the eyes.


      • #63
        Re: Bf3?

        How about Battlefield 3 being something like Starship Troopers. You can either choose the Earth forces and on the other side we have another type of humanoid aliens whose planet we're trying to invade.

        I also would go for the Caveman expansion!! Uga uga grunt, noob! :laugh:


        • #64
          Re: Bf3?

          What about future soldier with the nano tech and crap. They havent introduced that yet, and its supposed to be out in 2010 I think, or 2015.

          I would love to see Battlefield: Experimental Weapons where it was all those experimental top secret weapons, like the sr-71 Blackbird, and the B2 Stealth Bomber, f117a Stealth Fighter, yf23, f22. Maybe even some of the unknown aircraft that are just rumored about. That would be pretty hot.


          • #65
            Re: Bf3?

            Originally posted by Sir. FordMustang
            Korean War? Never did that one
            There's a Battlefield: Korea mod in the works right now...


            • #66
              Re: Bf3?

              Originally posted by ZAGOR
              MY 2's been mentioned before somewhere else,but I think the best will be if they develop BF2 even in a larger scale;let me explain.
              When you start your accaunt, you can choose beetwen:
              -ground (ARMY,USMC whatever)
              -air (AIRFORCE)
              -sea (NAVY)
              Within those forces,you can choose the class you want to play;
              -ground...same classes as now(so developers at DICE dosent have to work that much:laugh: )
              -air...pilot of fighter,recon,chopper,bomber,anti-submarine....
              -sea..ships,submarine,carriers,landingcrafts ecc...

              Coordinating all this,one commander EACH,will have to study a plan and execute it TEAMWORKING with the others.

              So USMC will need sailors to be tranported to land,and pilots to give them air cover...special forces to recon,demolish and destroy enemy COMMANDER assets to smooth out the landing, arty stryke on LASER DESIGNATED targets..ecc

              Carriers and other ships will need to be moving costantly to avoid destruction...
              well,I'm sure you get the pictures by now.

              Offcourse, each "specialty" will required more expertise and training,ex... piloting a chopper will be more difficoult,so stealing it for a sailor will be almost inpossible.

              Map size?
              Instead of huge maps, why not divide the BIG plan into small indiviual missions,that if sucsessfull(spelling? ) will make the big plan work.

              So finnaly the commanders can finnaly sit in a nice and worm tactical room instead of hiding at the map corners,and do what they are supposed to do:command!
              Actually, if they did it like that, it would be a lot like an RPG, and it would be great if you started as a Private, and worked your way up, and could choose a branch, like you said with air ground or spec forces. Then you choose that particuliar one you want (mechanics, airmen, flight control that sorta thing) and level up to commander.

              The only problem would be that you could only have so many generals. Maybe they could switch out the highest ranking person for each branch every week to be a general or commander or something like that.

              It could be kinda cool.

              Maybe theyll just make a Command & Conquer type game instead, and disappoint is all, even though Id like a new up-to-date strategy game thats more like Tiberian Sun than Generals.


              • #67
                Re: Bf3?

                Like a poster said above, I am feeling a futureistic MMORPG Like PLanetside, but EAs verision.


                • #68
                  Re: Bf3?

                  Perhaps there could ba mod/expansion with the Falklands war...with british and argentinian warships and carriers, excocet missiles, secret SAS raids...


                  • #69
                    Re: Bf3?

                    It will be fought by women with sticks and stones.


                    • #70
                      Re: Bf3?

                      Originally posted by Devil_Dog-9
                      So I was thinking about this...

                      Since the BF1942 came out...every game after has advanced in a time orentated fastion BF42-BF:V-BF DC-BF2.

                      So what is BF3 going to be like...or better yet will there be a BF3?

                      BF2 already takes play in 2007 advancing it much further then that would get into a plantside type game.

                      I know BF2 has only been out for a few months but this question poped into my head and I wanted to know what you all think.
                      maybe they will actually FINISH Bf2 and call it BF3... who knows..


                      • #71
                        Re: Bf3?

                        Originally posted by Noobzilla
                        maybe they will actually FINISH Bf2 and call it BF3... who knows..
                        Not gonna happen...

                        Anyways, the only BF3 I would buy would be some sort of compilation of the greatest battles in the greatest wars in history. Like...

                        Bunker Hill
                        Normandy Invasion
                        A fictional bay of pigs invasion or something
                        Midway (redone with gigantic map)
                        Somalia: BHD
                        Gulf War 1: Kicking Saddam's Ass out of Kuwait
                        This would be funny: the french getting thier asses kicked in vietnam in the 50's


                        • #72
                          Re: Bf3?

                          Originally posted by xmgax
                          Perhaps there could ba mod/expansion with the Falklands war...with british and argentinian warships and carriers, excocet missiles, secret SAS raids...
                          Yeah being British it would be great having it about the Falklands war but I really dont think there will be any more BF games, maybe expanion packs for BF2.


                          • #73
                            Re: Bf3?

                            oh and I forgot to add a feature:

                            New and improved tactical coordinator position! The tactical coordinator spot allows a player to paint images on a cave wall that look somewhat like a map, but more like stick figures chasing some animal around. Once the tactical coordinator draws their images, they can relay the information by beating their chest and grunting at you, letting you know exactly where they want you to go. Forget commander, forget the uav, the tactical coordinator beats it all with their cave paintings!

                            LMFAO!!!! ....this is like a modern version of caveman games, carried over from the nintendo :laugh:


                            • #74
                              Re: Bf3?

                              Battlefield 3: 50 cent vs other rappers
                              Battlefield 3: My penis verses the victoria secret models

