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Private server all weapons unlock inclusive special forces

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  • #46
    Re: Private server all weapons unlock inclusive special forces

    Originally posted by lFlippyl
    So this doesn't work with 1.12?
    No, it works perfectly in 1.12. The old 1.03 code is left commented out in the perl script because I hate excising code. If you're using an older server, un-comment the commented lines, and vice versa. As the code is presented, unmodified, it works fine in 1.12. Flashbangs and all. It's a beautiful thing. Plus, now we get CTF thanks to the fine folks at Desert Conflict. What a great night!

    So long, EA's suck-ass ranked servers, you'll never see me again!


    • #47
      Re: Private server all weapons unlock inclusive special forces

      Originally posted by Vorticity
      Plus, now we get CTF thanks to the fine folks at Desert Conflict. What a great night!
      Yes... DLing that too now


      • #48
        Re: Private server all weapons unlock inclusive special forces

        Here's an update for the code to unlock the latest weapons and to be conform with the latest changes in the 1.22 patch.

        NOTE: This is only for those, who host their own fake server. Those who modified their hosts file (as mentioned in the beginning of this thread) to redirect to my server, don't have to do anything as i updated this on my server.

        <%@ Page Language="VB"%><%
        	dim i as integer
        	response.ContentType = "text/plain"
        	response.write("O" & chr(10))
        	response.write("H" & chr(9) & "pid" & chr(9) & "nick" & chr(9) & "asof" & chr(10))
        	response.write("D" & chr(9) & request.querystring("pid") & chr(9) & "UNLOCKED" & chr(9) & int((Now() - DateSerial(1970, 1, 1)).totalseconds) & chr(10))
        	response.write("H" & chr(9) & "enlisted" & chr(9) & "officer" & chr(10))
        	response.write("D" & chr(9) & "0" & chr(9) & "0" & chr(10))
        	response.write("H" & chr(9) & "id" & chr(9) & "state" & chr(10))
        	for i=11 to 99 step 11
        		response.write("D" & chr(9) & i & chr(9) & "s" & chr(10))
        	for i=111 to 444 step 111
        		response.write("D" & chr(9) & i & chr(9) & "s" & chr(10))
        	response.write("$" & chr(9) & "122" & chr(9) & "$" & chr(10))


        • #49
          Re: Private server all weapons unlock inclusive special forces

          Ok curiosity killed the cat...

          If your able to "fake out" the unlocks using a method such as this .. would it also be possible to do the same to host your own ranked server with other code or redirects too?


          • #50
            Re: Private server all weapons unlock inclusive special forces

            Theoretically it would be possible but a bit complicated. Picture this: The server contacts to find out everything about the player: His Points, awards, rank, score and of course the unlocked weapons.

            On a private server all the awards, the rank, score, etc don't matter so you can redirect the queries for the player to a fake server which only answers the unlocked weapons queries, telling everything is unlocked. But the players have the lowest rank, no awards, medals, etc.

            If you want to use this for a ranked server, you still could use the redirect trick to query the fake server to tell all the weapons are unlocked but you would have to improve the script to also answer all the other queries for rank, score, awards, medals, etc. The easiest way to do this would be that the script/fake server answers the weapons unlock queries but forwards all other queries to the real server and sends the answer it receives from there. So all answers would be accurate, but the one about the unlocked weapons.

            That's about it. I hope i did explain this understandable. All this is grey therory, because i have no ranked server to try this.


            • #51
              Re: Private server all weapons unlock inclusive special forces

              Yeah, I've looked into that as well - my idea was to build a database of rank/weapon/etc stats for my clanmates, using BF2Stats or whatever, and keep that database locally, so I could still forward all script requests to my server, and never talk to the 'real' ever again. Like you said, it would mean munging *all* of the query scripts, and I don't know which ones a ranked server require.

              Besides which, who the hell cares about rank, anyways? Online BF2 is the dominion of stat-whores - I'd rather play with my buds than a bunch of guys who'd bone me sideways if it meant they'd get their "Truck Driver - 3rd Class" merit badge or whatever.

              I'm translating HALDi's VB script into perl for those of you using a fake asp->cgi translater on your page. Haven't played with the BF2 server in a while, since we're going through a nostalgic phase for old-school Desert Combat right now. I'll patch my server and client, then see if this works and post results.


              • #52
                Re: Private server all weapons unlock inclusive special forces

                You say it! Our group stopped playing on ranked server some days ago. We're playing now on our private server with unlocked weapons and we're also enjoying good old BFV and PointofExistence besides BF2.:nod:

                Playing on ranked servers is no fun anymore, because every day there're more cheaters, using wallhacks and aimbots.:shakehead: Non-cheaters don't stand a chance against them.:ar15::dead: (see msxsecurity website)

                The whole scoring/awards/ranks-system of bf2 ruined the game because it attracts stat-padders and cheaters. i like to remember the times when online gaming was about fun and on the beginning of every round everyone was as good as anybody else.


                • #53
                  Re: Private server all weapons unlock inclusive special forces

                  Ugh - I hadn't seen the MSXSecurity hacks. I haven't played BF2 online in months - guess I'm not missing much, eh? Clever, though, creating slightly-random codes that defeat MD5-summing - too bad the buttholes aren't putting their clever coding ability towards fruitful work like Desert Conflict or something. :shoot: :cussing:

                  Anyhoo, here's the modified perl - save as "getunlocksinfo.aspx" and go to town!

                  # my @ids=qw/11 22 33 44 55 66 77/;                  # un-comment out for 1.03
                  # @ids=qw/11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 111 222 333/;   # un-comment out for 1.12
                  @ids=qw/11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 111 222 333 444/; # un-comment out for 1.22
                  sub main();
                  sub main() {
                    my $time=time;
                    print "Content-type: text/plain\n\n";
                    print "O\n";
                    print "H\tpid\tnick\tasof\n";
                    print "D\t12345678\tUNLOCKED\t$time\n";
                    print "H\tenlisted\tofficer\n";
                    print "D\t0\t0\n";
                    print "H\tid\tstate\n";
                    for (@ids) {
                      print "D\t$_\ts\n";
                  #  print "\$\t103\t\$\n";     # un-comment out for 1.03
                  #  print "\$\t115\t\$\n";     # un-comment out for 1.12
                    print "\$\t122\t\$\n";      # un-comment out for 1.22
                  It's untested as of yet, but give 'er a shot and see if it works for you!

