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Are you a team switcher??

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  • #31
    Re: Are you a team switcher??

    I get super annoyed when I join a server and notice that I've been bumped onto some blatantly losing team with like 15 reinf left vs 150. Then I'll probably quit or switch team. I never switch team into a map however... I too have my pride.


    • #32
      Re: Are you a team switcher??

      The thing i hate more is players that switch teams when thier team has no flags. I have seen many games where me or someone else is the last man alive and our side has no flags....if we manage to get a flag back only a few of our team spawns as the rest of the retards have swapped to the other side so then its like 8 vs 24. Even more worse is when you have no flags and the only guy left on your team is a idiot sniper who just sits there for 5 mins sniping while the few decent players who haven't already swapped over type "GET A FLAG RETARD" constatly.

      The game shouldn't allow you to swap if there is less than 20 tickets left or you have no flags.


      • #33
        Re: Are you a team switcher??

        I most always try to join the losing team when I enter a new game. And if my team is winning by a large margin, I will usually switch to go to the losing team. Makes the games last longer and they are MUCH more fun when it's a close contest.


        • #34
          Re: Are you a team switcher??

          yes i'm a temchanger... I like to play as USMC


          • #35
            Re: Are you a team switcher??

            the only times that i switch teams on purpose is if there are no squads on the team that are working together and i want to move as a unit. the majority of the major wins are won because the winning team works well together while the losing team is comprised of lone wolves doing their own thing.


            • #36
              Re: Are you a team switcher??

              Nope, I could never give women up. Whatever team I start with is the one I'm finishing with.


              • #37
                Re: Are you a team switcher??

                I only switch to get on the same team as my friends so we can squad up or if one team is horribly out numbered.


                • #38
                  Re: Are you a team switcher??

                  i use to do it (guiltily) just to earn a lot of points so i couldget the unlocks i wanted faster


                  • #39
                    Re: Are you a team switcher??

                    i switch if im on a crap team or im palying with a mate.

                    If im playing with a mate we switch leaders between us so we can spawn at each other somtimes people join and take the leader position by accident so in that instance we might make a new squad, but generally we like to have other people on our squad.

                    Other than that when im playing on my own i'll switch sides f the team im with aren't playing like a team no matter what i say or do for them, sadly this happens often.


                    • #40
                      Re: Are you a team switcher??

                      I had a girlfriend switch teams after we broke up.......does that count?

                      Seriously, I only switch teams when I join a game. And then only to get on a team with people I know.


                      • #41
                        Re: Are you a team switcher??

                        i can never swtich teams,im aways on a auto balance server


                        • #42
                          Re: Are you a team switcher??

                          I am from Canada, but I work in Korea,
                          That must be quite a commute.

                          Anyway, I only play on auto-balance servers. Unfortunatly 90% of servers are not auto-balance.


                          • #43
                            Re: Are you a team switcher??

                            Originally posted by CS-Evolution
                            You don't get credit for the win if you switch at the last minute.
                            actually you can, but it depends on one thing.
                            "Crunch's First Officer"
                            twitter: @signaprime

