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I just TK'ed a Support guy because he didn't give me ammo

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  • #16
    Re: I just TK'ed a Support guy because he didn't give me ammo

    I do that to noob medics since I play support most of the time.


    • #17
      Re: I just TK'ed a Support guy because he didn't give me ammo

      Originally posted by bitvomit
      i see alot of flopcakes running around now that just use the medic kit so they can heal themselves when they're getting pwned. sad times we are living in...

      thats because u dont get points anymore for health and ammo bags...i average 2-3 per game...


      • #18
        Re: I just TK'ed a Support guy because he didn't give me ammo

        Originally posted by bigpappa
        thats because u dont get points anymore for health and ammo bags...i average 2-3 per game...
        Wrong, ya do get 1 point for each ammo and health bag someone picks up. Thanks for playing. G'night.


        • #19
          Re: I just TK'ed a Support guy because he didn't give me ammo

          well the part u put c4 on planes or helis is actually good

          if u put it on nose and ram another vehicle u get a kill too


          • #20
            Re: I just TK'ed a Support guy because he didn't give me ammo

            Originally posted by Harmor
            So I'm sitting there spamming, "Need Ammo" right in front of the Support guy...I follow him from the Hotel to Square for at least a minute asking for ammo and he won't give it to me.

            So I head shot him, take his kit, put 5 bags of ammo on his body, then take back my original kit.

            I then say over TEAM, "Thanks for the ammo."

            I didn't care that he punished me...actually him punishing me made me feel better.

            I've done this with medics as well.
            gee, did you make fun of his mommy too? tell em you bet your daddy
            could whip his daddy?

            sheez, this is yet another prime example of why only 1 out of 10 games
            I play in are even worth my time..


            • #21
              Re: I just TK'ed a Support guy because he didn't give me ammo

              I once tk'd a guy cos he was running around spamming "need ammo" and I was right behind him throwing bags.I even got on the mic and yelled at him "y0 moron! Ammo bags behind you* but he kept running around Karkand like a chicken with its head cut off.He didn't punish me though which was nice of him but still that ****ed me off.


              • #22
                Re: I just TK'ed a Support guy because he didn't give me ammo

                yea talk about being mean..he prob didnt kno hwo to give ammo...
                If you are playing mutli-player before you've figured out how to give ammo (especially with that guy that sounds like the commander telling you how to do everything), you deserve to be tked for taking up space on the server instead of spending 1 minute in a game with bots before becoming cannon fodder.


                • #23
                  Re: I just TK'ed a Support guy because he didn't give me ammo

                  Originally posted by Harmor
                  So I'm sitting there spamming, "Need Ammo" right in front of the Support guy...I follow him from the Hotel to Square for at least a minute asking for ammo and he won't give it to me.

                  So I head shot him, take his kit, put 5 bags of ammo on his body, then take back my original kit.

                  I then say over TEAM, "Thanks for the ammo."

                  I didn't care that he punished me...actually him punishing me made me feel better.

                  I've done this with medics as well.

                  and you think that doesn't make you a retard? what is up with people who are proud they TKd someone on purpose, because the other wouldn't give him ammo or health like he wanted?


                  • #24
                    Re: I just TK'ed a Support guy because he didn't give me ammo

                    congratulations, you've just successfully perpetuated the virus of stupidity by passing it on to another person. whadaya think this maggot is gonna do when he learns about all that crap and some losers not dropping what he wants? hes gonna tk them, just to make a point, he'll drop whatever the hell it was he wanted on them, and then thank them for it.

                    you deserve to get banned from the server for that, i hope some day that kid returns the favour to you.


                    • #25
                      Re: I just TK'ed a Support guy because he didn't give me ammo

                      Originally posted by bitvomit
                      i love shooting down the idiots that take the BH/cobra/jeep/whatever all to their selfish selves. makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside
                      I usually take the other Humvee on karkand(USMC side) for myself and load it with C4 and go take out the other tank before running footsoldier. No one ever gets angry that there isn't a tank up their ass.


                      • #26
                        Re: I just TK'ed a Support guy because he didn't give me ammo

                        Originally posted by Wargimp
                        Noob vs f-tard.
                        Yeah... umm... great.
                        lol lol. i was just thinking that!


                        • #27
                          Re: I just TK'ed a Support guy because he didn't give me ammo

                          You noob. If he doesn't want to give you ammo, so be it. Perhaps YOU should be more careful when it comes to sparing your last few rounds. It's morons such as yourself which culminate in this being one of the crappiest teamwork games ever.


                          • #28
                            Re: I just TK'ed a Support guy because he didn't give me ammo

                            Not taking half a second out of your life to fully replenish a friends ammo is hardly teamwork either.


                            • #29
                              Re: I just TK'ed a Support guy because he didn't give me ammo

                              It's wrong but it feels so good. It's your job to resupply teammates when they need it when you're support. If you can't handle quake 4. This game is all about teamwork. There needs to be a smack button.... need ammo and dude isn't paying attention...pimp slap!


                              • #30
                                Re: I just TK'ed a Support guy because he didn't give me ammo

                                Originally posted by bitvomit
                                i see alot of flopcakes running around now that just use the medic kit so they can heal themselves when they're getting pwned. sad times we are living in...
                                then you would love to play on my team, when im medic i jump to aid, even if under fire, some how it seems harder for people to take me out with shockpaddles

