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Commanders - Tell Us Once and Shut Up!

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  • #31
    Re: Commanders - Tell Us Once and Shut Up!

    Originally posted by Inc|LoKi
    Damn you beat me to it Butler .....

    We wouldnt have to spot things over and over if the game wasnt full of noobs doing there own thing in thier own little world .... Not many people know how to play as part of team thats why commnaders have to do so much to get the attention of you damn noobs
    Ditto, and ditto to Nasty Butlers comment.

    The commander is trying to help you, you complaining morrons. Did it occur to you there maybe more than one intantryman he is spotting? I've also notice that sometimes when i spot a guy he does not light up if I do not click close enough to him so I do it again. What did you guys think? The commander just likes to hear himself talk?

    Oh yea and he may have to spot him again since he does not stay spotted forever.


    • #32
      Re: Commanders - Tell Us Once and Shut Up!

      Originally posted by weird_al
      I don't doupt that the commanders need to show the enemy on the map but the UAV make a much greater job than hearing: ENEMY INFANTRY SPOTTED in arabic all the freakin time when you can barely understand your friends on TS and hear what is going on the battelfield.
      Yes the UAV does a better job. And when it scans the entire map at once I'm sure the commander will shut up.


      • #33
        Re: Commanders - Tell Us Once and Shut Up!

        What is it with commanders giving 'enemy infatry spotted' etc CONSTANTLY! Fine tell us if there is a threat to our airbase or something but for god's sake tell us once or twice NOT CONSTANTLY!

        Today on one of EA's UK servers,(10 I think), The commander, something 'LOKI' would not shut up even when the team members were asking him to be quiet. He was not a ten year old either because he was also using VOIP. Please.......Tell us then Shut Up.

        It was that bad I just left the server, mutiny votes are not worth it.
        ^noob alert


        • #34
          Re: Commanders - Tell Us Once and Shut Up!

          Actually if we start to lose.. i like to modivate my team by spamming enemy boat spotted on mashtuur... If you dont like it, mutiny me (if you can). Until then.. "Enemy boat spotted" "Enemy boat spotted" "Enemy boat spotted" "Enemy boat spotted" "Enemy boat spotted" "Enemy boat spotted" "Enemy boat spotted" "Enemy boat spotted"


          • #35
            Re: Commanders - Tell Us Once and Shut Up!

            Originally posted by VeNg3nCe^
            ^noob alert
            Oh do grow up!


            • #36
              Re: Commanders - Tell Us Once and Shut Up!

              There is certainly Overkill out there and I can be the first one to be annoyed.

              Proper Commanding;

              Radar scan first then plant UAV where it's best used especially closest to your base line ie- control close then push outward.

              Radar scan would have revealed all bad guys, UAV is running, some of the red blips from the scan still show. Determine secondary areas while waiting for next radar scan, arty, supply decision.

              Zoom in on targets that are behind the lines or close to your troops but not in the UAV area. Zoom in on this area & manually spot bad guys but....

              Wait about 3 seconds after the red blip goes away entirely; this is where much of the 'target identified'-abuse happens. The target won't light up until the red is gone plus a few seconds. If you spot it before then, it will still create a commander saying "enemy infantry ......" but no visual for the player maps aka pointless.

              If you're spotting targets with no conceivable attacker in the area then you're A) annoying B) Stupid.

              Assign ["hit this position"] a small squad reasonably nearby to attack a lit area if it's behind the lines w/ no close good guy. A big squad is likely more interested in mixing it up at the front line. Commend squads for reacting to problems out of their normal way.



              • #37
                Re: Commanders - Tell Us Once and Shut Up!

                One thing I've always wondered -- does the *entire* team hear the "enemy spotted" message or just the peeps nearby to spotted enemy?


                • #38
                  Re: Commanders - Tell Us Once and Shut Up!

                  As someone that enjoys playing commander it is sometimes necessary to "spot" an enemy player. When we spot an enemy player he/she should go red on the map. Sometimes it requires us "spotting" him/her more than once to turn them red. I don't know why the game requires you to do it more than once sometimes, it just does.

                  Relying on UAV only will loose you the game. I can scan a map and point out snipers camping airfields, spec-ops making a move on command assests and Rambo's making a move on a strategic check point flag. This helps guide players to where they are needed most and UAV works best when used where there are lots of enemy players in a small area.

                  I know it can get annoying(it annoys me too), but at least it'll show you exactly on the map where the player is at instead of me trying to explain over voip or chat where he is.


                  • #39
                    Re: Commanders - Tell Us Once and Shut Up!

                    I'd rather have a Commander spotting out the enemy oppse to one that doesnt. If you dont like to hear a CO say it all the time turn the volume off or down.


                    • #40
                      Re: Commanders - Tell Us Once and Shut Up!

                      Originally posted by 3rd ID Crow
                      Wait about 3 seconds after the red blip goes away entirely; this is where much of the 'target identified'-abuse happens. The target won't light up until the red is gone plus a few seconds. If you spot it before then, it will still create a commander saying "enemy infantry ......" but no visual for the player maps aka pointless.
                      Did NOT know that... thnx


                      • #41
                        Re: Commanders - Tell Us Once and Shut Up!

                        Originally posted by mark128
                        I think you get a point every time someone kills an enemy that you have spotted, not sure about this though, can anyone confirm it??
                        False, not true, does not happen, no pts for this - clear enough?


                        • #42
                          Re: Commanders - Tell Us Once and Shut Up!

                          A quite commander is an ineffective commander.

                          There are limits within that statement. If he/she is spotting mutiple targets while the UAV is deployed OR destroyed, the more the better. If they want ONE person killed and try to direct everyone that way--- SHUT YER YAPPER!

                          There also seems to be a bug where a call is not displayed on the HUD. I've had to call on a single target two to three times for it to show on my HUD. This was usually after a scan so it might have been an issue just for me.


                          Read the above posts regarding the HUD display. Made a note of it. Thanks.


                          • #43
                            Re: Commanders - Tell Us Once and Shut Up!

                            Today on one of EA's UK servers,(10 I think),
                            I stopped reading when i got there.

                            Serves you right for playing on EA servers, (proper) clan servers with (proper) clan rules will ALWAYS be a better game


                            • #44
                              Re: Commanders - Tell Us Once and Shut Up!

                              When they kill him then thats when I shut up.


                              • #45
                                Re: Commanders - Tell Us Once and Shut Up!

                                Originally posted by NASTIE_BUTLER
                                You're an idiot.....go play CS.
                                Nastie Butler, great name.
                                -Red Rooster

