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Limited Appeal to Commander Position...

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  • #31
    Re: Limited Appeal to Commander Position...

    Originally posted by OnsErwin
    1st of all you never did get any points for kills, capping a flag, repearing stuf, healing/reviving someone, give ammo, ect ect when you are commander.
    The only thing changed with the patch is that you won't get TKs to your name made with arty, and that the arty kills don't show up in game.
    You can only get commander points from your teammates when they cap a flag kill an enemy ect ect.
    At the end of the round you should have the avarage score from your team and if its a win its 2X the avarage team score (if you didn't get any teamdamage or whatever negetive scoring)
    2nd I still like to play commander if you got a good team you can really rack up some points.
    But the most commanders I see in game are all fighting with there team, and not working for their team.
    They put out an uav for their own use to cap a flag or kill an enemy.
    If I'm playing commader I will go some place way out of the action and take cover somewhere and spent my time as commander to work for the team.
    Scanning and spotting the enemy, set out an uav in the places where its needed at the time and fire some arty if the enemy is capping a flag with no friendly around.
    I also let my team mates know where they could easely cap a flag cause no enemy is around.
    And when you got a team with some good squads that listens too you you can get a nice scoring as commander.
    P.s. The kills you make without the arty will show up in the round score but still don't count as commander score.
    100% What he said


    • #32
      Re: Limited Appeal to Commander Position...

      Originally posted by PBAsydney
      Its all in the math

      X divided by Y.

      X is the score of the whole team together (excluding your own)

      Y is the number of team mates.
      negative on that.

      It is the AVERAGE TEAM SCORE. Not total score. You get the average of the team pts - meaning supplies, heals, caps, assists, etc. Also, only positive team pts count - so some jackass that has -47 team pts because they tking like crazy, or are c4 buggying everyone - does not bring your score down. Kills do not count, doing anything other than sitting in a spot commanding is pointless for trying to raise your score. The more you do as a commander - the less you are making your score, point blank. You take kills, caps, etc away from your team, they get less pts, you get less pts. By taking kills I am not inferring that you get pts from kills - but if someone gets a kill assist - those are team pts...thus you gain pts.

      If you are in command for the pts - do your job, and cop a squat in the corner.

      There are plenty of threads that go into complete detail on this - but this summary should clear up some of the other garbage that has been stated above.


      • #33
        Re: Limited Appeal to Commander Position...

        Originally posted by KC.JADE
        Hey all-

        I've been playing for quite some time now and I've begun to notice something... less and less people want to be commander! And whenever I DO see a commander in the seat, it's usually an exceptionally low rank, meaning that all the higher ranks/experienced people are turning away the job. I too have been following this etiquette as of late, and here's why:

        Since the 1.03 patch, I've been struggling to understand the way that a commander earns points. I get Artillery kills, but they don't show up on my stats when I press TAB. I don't seem to get any extra points OR kills from artillery kills. Also, you get NO teamwork points. Capturing flags and such is apparently not my job, but I'm actually able to balance infantry tasks AND commander tasks at the same time.

        So please enlighten me, WHY THE HELL AM I GETTING NO POINTS AS COMMANDER??? Specifically, where do my flag cap points go as well as the artillery kills? Basically, what's the system of point acquisition for a commander?
        personally I like to command... unless there is someone on
        the team who is better, then I dont mind giving it up.. but Im not
        too shabby..

        recently, I have avoided it..mainly because I can concentrate on
        just playing..

        What boils me the most is when commanders do absolutely nothing
        during the whole game.. or even worse, imo, they only uav/supply
        themselves.. I see this A LOT.

        I would estimate only 1 out of 4 games I play in have a decent
        commander.. the other times they are useless or only useful to

