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Limited Appeal to Commander Position...

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  • Limited Appeal to Commander Position...

    Hey all-

    I've been playing for quite some time now and I've begun to notice something... less and less people want to be commander! And whenever I DO see a commander in the seat, it's usually an exceptionally low rank, meaning that all the higher ranks/experienced people are turning away the job. I too have been following this etiquette as of late, and here's why:

    Since the 1.03 patch, I've been struggling to understand the way that a commander earns points. I get Artillery kills, but they don't show up on my stats when I press TAB. I don't seem to get any extra points OR kills from artillery kills. Also, you get NO teamwork points. Capturing flags and such is apparently not my job, but I'm actually able to balance infantry tasks AND commander tasks at the same time.

    So please enlighten me, WHY THE HELL AM I GETTING NO POINTS AS COMMANDER??? Specifically, where do my flag cap points go as well as the artillery kills? Basically, what's the system of point acquisition for a commander?

  • #2
    Limited Appeal to Commander Position...

    Hey all-

    I've been playing for quite some time now and I've begun to notice something... less and less people want to be commander! And whenever I DO see a commander in the seat, it's usually an exceptionally low rank, meaning that all the higher ranks/experienced people are turning away the job. I too have been following this etiquette as of late, and here's why:

    Since the 1.03 patch, I've been struggling to understand the way that a commander earns points. I get Artillery kills, but they don't show up on my stats when I press TAB. I don't seem to get any extra points OR kills from artillery kills. Also, you get NO teamwork points. Capturing flags and such is apparently not my job, but I'm actually able to balance infantry tasks AND commander tasks at the same time.

    So please enlighten me, WHY THE HELL AM I GETTING NO POINTS AS COMMANDER??? Specifically, where do my flag cap points go as well as the artillery kills? Basically, what's the system of point acquisition for a commander?


    • #3
      Re: Limited Appeal to Commander Position...

      I rarely play commander any more its not really a great job. You just hold up somewhere and look at a screen with colored dots. The only good point about being commander is the 2x bonus but other then that its not that great and what i have been noticing alot lately is that im in servers and neither side has a commander no one wants to do it. As for your points problem was this only once or does it happen to you offten? cause once i played as commander and i didnt get anypoints at all for a few rounds.


      • #4
        Re: Limited Appeal to Commander Position...

        I rarely play commander any more its not really a great job. You just hold up somewhere and look at a screen with colored dots. The only good point about being commander is the 2x bonus but other then that its not that great and what i have been noticing alot lately is that im in servers and neither side has a commander no one wants to do it. As for your points problem was this only once or does it happen to you offten? cause once i played as commander and i didnt get anypoints at all for a few rounds.


        • #5
          Re: Limited Appeal to Commander Position...

          1st of all you never did get any points for kills, capping a flag, repearing stuf, healing/reviving someone, give ammo, ect ect when you are commander.
          The only thing changed with the patch is that you won't get TKs to your name made with arty, and that the arty kills don't show up in game.
          You can only get commander points from your teammates when they cap a flag kill an enemy ect ect.
          At the end of the round you should have the avarage score from your team and if its a win its 2X the avarage team score (if you didn't get any teamdamage or whatever negetive scoring)
          2nd I still like to play commander if you got a good team you can really rack up some points.
          But the most commanders I see in game are all fighting with there team, and not working for their team.
          They put out an uav for their own use to cap a flag or kill an enemy.
          If I'm playing commader I will go some place way out of the action and take cover somewhere and spent my time as commander to work for the team.
          Scanning and spotting the enemy, set out an uav in the places where its needed at the time and fire some arty if the enemy is capping a flag with no friendly around.
          I also let my team mates know where they could easely cap a flag cause no enemy is around.
          And when you got a team with some good squads that listens too you you can get a nice scoring as commander.
          P.s. The kills you make without the arty will show up in the round score but still don't count as commander score.


          • #6
            Re: Limited Appeal to Commander Position...

            1st of all you never did get any points for kills, capping a flag, repearing stuf, healing/reviving someone, give ammo, ect ect when you are commander.
            The only thing changed with the patch is that you won't get TKs to your name made with arty, and that the arty kills don't show up in game.
            You can only get commander points from your teammates when they cap a flag kill an enemy ect ect.
            At the end of the round you should have the avarage score from your team and if its a win its 2X the avarage team score (if you didn't get any teamdamage or whatever negetive scoring)
            2nd I still like to play commander if you got a good team you can really rack up some points.
            But the most commanders I see in game are all fighting with there team, and not working for their team.
            They put out an uav for their own use to cap a flag or kill an enemy.
            If I'm playing commader I will go some place way out of the action and take cover somewhere and spent my time as commander to work for the team.
            Scanning and spotting the enemy, set out an uav in the places where its needed at the time and fire some arty if the enemy is capping a flag with no friendly around.
            I also let my team mates know where they could easely cap a flag cause no enemy is around.
            And when you got a team with some good squads that listens too you you can get a nice scoring as commander.
            P.s. The kills you make without the arty will show up in the round score but still don't count as commander score.


            • #7
              Re: Limited Appeal to Commander Position...

              At the end of the round you should have the avarage score from your team and if its a win its 2X the avarage team score (if you didn't get any teamdamage or whatever negetive scoring).
              Exactly, you get an average, so if you have a good team that follows your orders well, they will get lots of points, which will give you more points.


              • #8
                Re: Limited Appeal to Commander Position...

                At the end of the round you should have the avarage score from your team and if its a win its 2X the avarage team score (if you didn't get any teamdamage or whatever negetive scoring).
                Exactly, you get an average, so if you have a good team that follows your orders well, they will get lots of points, which will give you more points.


                • #9
                  Re: Limited Appeal to Commander Position...

                  I'm actually happy that people aren't playing commander thinking that the points system changed in 1.03 when it didn't. The last thing I want is a commander that drops arty just because he thinks he'll get points for it.


                  • #10
                    Re: Limited Appeal to Commander Position...

                    I'm actually happy that people aren't playing commander thinking that the points system changed in 1.03 when it didn't. The last thing I want is a commander that drops arty just because he thinks he'll get points for it.


                    • #11
                      Re: Limited Appeal to Commander Position...

                      I have found a cool group of guys that play well together
                      they seem to rotate as desired as commander
                      and 90% of the time, they get high score
                      avg 100-200 points per game
                      last night, I finally played wake island for 1st time
                      noticed things were not going as well as usual
                      for some reason, auto balance split us up
                      4 on 1 side and 2 on the other
                      as MEC, I noted, we had no commnader, so I took the role 1/2 way through game
                      and still got 62 points
                      (had about 20 pts b4 I took CO spot)
                      and we lost - 7-0
                      ie no point doubling
                      so ... commander can still get many points


                      • #12
                        Re: Limited Appeal to Commander Position...

                        I have found a cool group of guys that play well together
                        they seem to rotate as desired as commander
                        and 90% of the time, they get high score
                        avg 100-200 points per game
                        last night, I finally played wake island for 1st time
                        noticed things were not going as well as usual
                        for some reason, auto balance split us up
                        4 on 1 side and 2 on the other
                        as MEC, I noted, we had no commnader, so I took the role 1/2 way through game
                        and still got 62 points
                        (had about 20 pts b4 I took CO spot)
                        and we lost - 7-0
                        ie no point doubling
                        so ... commander can still get many points


                        • #13
                          Re: Limited Appeal to Commander Position...

                          yesterday I played a round of Sharqi, and when we where underway like 3 minutes, the Commander resigned. Right about the time our main got capped and every asset destroyed.

                          I became commander to help out the team with the supply drops, cause that was the only thing left, and kicked some serious booty. nobody listened when I asked them to do something, heck, nobody even used the supply boxes, and after like 10 minutes some asswipe starts a vote to kick.. I resigned immediately (heck, if he thinks he can turn things around, by all means, be my guest, then I can at least get some score again)

                          Offcourse, he didn't became commander and we where left without àny commander untill the last minute when I 'taunted' someone in becoming CO

                          And I've been on several servers now where no Commanders are present, way more frequent then before, I agree a good commander will still rank high but when you're on the muppet-squad it's a nightmare


                          • #14
                            Re: Limited Appeal to Commander Position...

                            yesterday I played a round of Sharqi, and when we where underway like 3 minutes, the Commander resigned. Right about the time our main got capped and every asset destroyed.

                            I became commander to help out the team with the supply drops, cause that was the only thing left, and kicked some serious booty. nobody listened when I asked them to do something, heck, nobody even used the supply boxes, and after like 10 minutes some asswipe starts a vote to kick.. I resigned immediately (heck, if he thinks he can turn things around, by all means, be my guest, then I can at least get some score again)

                            Offcourse, he didn't became commander and we where left without àny commander untill the last minute when I 'taunted' someone in becoming CO

                            And I've been on several servers now where no Commanders are present, way more frequent then before, I agree a good commander will still rank high but when you're on the muppet-squad it's a nightmare


                            • #15
                              Re: Limited Appeal to Commander Position...

                              CO spot is awsome. Just last night I was commander, had a bunch of clan m8s on and 2 guys in a attack chopper that I knew, we were all communicating with voip/ts and we won like 7 rounds in a row(USA didn't win any )

