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Who's sick of the term noob tube?

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  • #61
    Re: Who's sick of the term noob tube?

    I think it is funny you guys whine only because you get owned by them. :laugh:


    • #62
      Re: Who's sick of the term noob tube?

      I like the term

      I've been using the tube for extremely long range shots at snipers on wake island lately, its frigging hilarious.


      • #63
        Re: Who's sick of the term noob tube?

        Originally posted by a1pointguard
        I think it is funny you guys whine only because you get owned by them. :laugh:
        Heh. I'm pretty sure the term "Noob Tube" is specifically directed to people who think using the most cheap, cheesy, skilless weapon in the game is consider "owning"

        Oh well....I think it's funny how the people who have to depend on the m203 to get kills try to pretend that they don't suck. :laugh:


        • #64
          Re: Who's sick of the term noob tube?

          I only consider it a noob tube when it's point-blank, which is what happens on karkand alot.


          • #65
            Re: Who's sick of the term noob tube?

            Originally posted by [DUCKS]Black_Duck_1
            I had the same feeling that it is an idiotic term. But what does that $h|t mean?

            A bit of a history lesson for you:

            The term 'noob toob' was coined in 2002 when Return to Castle Wolfenstein came out. In the multiplayer component of this game, 'newbies' would often choose the Panzerfaust (bazooka). When they encountered an enemy with superior skill at very close range, the newbie would simply point their rocket launcher towards the groung and fire, instantly vaporizing both them and their enemy. This tactic angered many of the more seasoned players who found this to be insulting to their skill.

            wow, did I just write all that? I'm gonna put this on wikipedia.


            • #66
              Re: Who's sick of the term noob tube?

              Originally posted by FiveO
              I love the term noob tube. Its so fitting, as only people with no real skill use it...
              Right on!!!!!


              • #67
                Re: Who's sick of the term noob tube?

                Originally posted by a1pointguard
                I think it is funny you guys whine only because you get owned by them. :laugh:
                With stats like yours who are you to say anything?


                • #68
                  Re: Who's sick of the term noob tube?

                  Here's a thread you guys might want to read
                  This is how I fell about n00b tubes and what not.


                  • #69
                    Re: Who's sick of the term noob tube?

                    to be honest i dont like most of the terminology used online e.g noob, whores, raping, lol, rofl etc. Speak english!!!


                    • #70
                      Re: Who's sick of the term noob tube?

                      i dont really like it, since im usaully Assault, and people have giving it a bad name, but I usaully use the GP-30 which isnt so much of a noobtube (M-203)
                      its a little harder to kill and i reakon its more powerful, just my opinion


                      • #71
                        Re: Who's sick of the term noob tube?

                        I just played assault and the m16 owns I used the m203 for bad guys far away or cars but not at close range.


                        • #72
                          Re: Who's sick of the term noob tube?

                          Originally posted by a1pointguard
                          I think it is funny you guys whine only because you get owned by them. :laugh:
                          Could you try for once to make a post in which you dont use the word
                          "whine" when you dissagree with something?

                          Long range shots take skill, close range shots do not.

                          Hop > aim at enemy's feet = kill. Im amazed, sure its a powerfull weapon, but it doesnt require much skill at all. I can understand why one uses it, but be honest, every noobtard can use the Noobtubes in close range and be succesfull.


                          • #73
                            Re: Who's sick of the term noob tube?

                            Originally posted by Epistone
                            How many of you assault guys are sick of the term noob tube?

                            I am not a noob. I have been playing regular since the game was released. I use the M203 a lot coz it's the BIZ. I can defend a flag from two to three attackers, I can pick snipers out of towers, I can clear out a BH (funny to see all the bodies fall out ), I can kill a jeep with three guys in one shot and I can scare the S**T out of the attack chopper thats trying to cap a flag. I love my M203.
                            i think it is a term of makes me laugh everytime I say it, heh.


                            • #74
                              Re: Who's sick of the term noob tube?

                              LOL referring to 2002's RTCW as the origin of noob tube... Save yourself the embarassment on the wikipedia post I dont fault you for your age though lol

                              I'd say its origins would be traced back to a couple games -- the laser guided RL on HL-MP, the 6-rocket capacity RL on UT99, or the BFG in Q2... all noob tubes at some point or another


                              • #75
                                Re: Who's sick of the term noob tube?

                                Who cares how much skill something takes? You died, I'm alive, end of story.

                                You guys sing the same tune as the anti-AWP people in CS. And the AWP has been in that game for five years. So if you feel like you may have another tantrum if you get killed again by a "noob tuber", maybe you should play checkers or something.

