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Who's sick of the term noob tube?

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  • #31
    Re: Who's sick of the term noob tube?

    Originally posted by (BG)patton
    i love the n00b tube term. i stoped playing assult cuz the dam thing requires no skill. oh sure you say that a long shot needs skill, i say "my ass it requires skill!" any n00b can balst that thing and get kills with it to whore points. learn to use a real gun like the pkm so you can pwn the n00b assulters like i do
    Yep Dolphin Diving pervalent in support is definately a high skill technique .


    • #32
      Re: Who's sick of the term noob tube?

      The only time I cry 'n00b t00bed' is when you get the drop on a guy and all he has to do is spin around, hop, and click...BOOM. You're dead and he's still alive despite the fact that he was 5 feet away.

      Otherwise, it's a fine weapon.

      But it's FAR too often used in CQC when it shouldn't be.

      In my opinion, you should use an M203/GP30 under the same circumstances as you'd use a hand grenade.

      You CERTAINLY wouldn't drop a hand grenade at your feet to kill the guy standing next to you, would you?


      • #33
        Re: Who's sick of the term noob tube?

        Originally posted by Talus
        The only time I cry 'n00b t00bed' is when you get the drop on a guy and all he has to do is spin around, hop, and click...BOOM. You're dead and he's still alive despite the fact that he was 5 feet away.

        Otherwise, it's a fine weapon.

        But it's FAR too often used in CQC when it shouldn't be.

        In my opinion, you should use an M203/GP30 under the same circumstances as you'd use a hand grenade.

        You CERTAINLY wouldn't drop a hand grenade at your feet to kill the guy standing next to you, would you?
        If he was only 5 feet away, why didn't you use the knife to attack? He would've been dead while in the air.

        Use the right weapon in the right situations


        • #34
          Re: Who's sick of the term noob tube?

          OK, you wanna know who the real noobs are. The people who complain about this they are just mad because its 1 shot kills, and guess what i dont play assault, and i deal with it. Damn you gotta be some kinda dickhead, if you dont like it go get a 203 also. The M203 is a real weapon and, sometimes i wish some of the people who complain about it would go in the army and get hit by one lets see them survive. Also i am in the canadian armed forces we use a weapon similar to a 203 and belive me it packs a punch. BUt in one way i agree with noob tube only thing is if you shoot from 1m away thats G A Y i will agree with you there they should get a suicide for that.

          PS please dont join army and get hurt just a joke.


          • #35
            Re: Who's sick of the term noob tube?

            the term noob tube is perfect cause you can kill anyone 6cm away from you without dying, by just jumping and shooting at the floor (exploit in my oppinion), and everyone knows that if the grenade launcher worked the way it was supposed to, the noob tubers would not use them cause they would die in every shot (unless u play it the propper way)

            remember BF:V? the grenade launcher was good there if i remember well, and in fact it was more powerfull but it didn ruin the game because it was used the propper way and without bugs.


            • #36
              Re: Who's sick of the term noob tube?

              I mainly call it such in jest, and to poke fun at myself. I use it all the time, and I think it's great. If I'm low on rifle ammo and facing more than one opponent I'll switch to the t00b and see if I can put a round into at least two of them. I don't, however, jump and aim at my own feet. They're good for cover fire as your squad rushes across open ground to a manned base.


              • #37
                Re: Who's sick of the term noob tube?

                And don't forget the Assualt class sacrifices a 5 grenades for those 5 noob tube rounds, and the only bonus they get over standard equipment (a gun and a grenade) is ONE smoke grenade. I'd take 5 grenades and an infinite amount of med pack and revives any day.


                • #38
                  Re: Who's sick of the term noob tube?

                  Originally posted by Chenzo

                  I love it when I hit someone with it and they cry Noob Tube... whatever... yer dead.
                  Muauhahaha how right you are. Cry me a freakin river. Your dead.. end of story. You honestly think I care what you think? You are laying there waiting to be either revived or waiting to respawn. All the while your cursing and biting your lip, oh wait are gonna cry 'noob tube'? :cry: Go right ahead, as I pass over your dead body only to kill a few more of your teammates with my so called noob toob.

                  Point is, why should you care? If I get killed with it, I deal with it and shoot them in the face next time I get a chance.


                  • #39
                    Re: Who's sick of the term noob tube?

                    Originally posted by puglous
                    And don't forget the Assualt class sacrifices a 5 grenades for those 5 noob tube rounds, and the only bonus they get over standard equipment (a gun and a grenade) is ONE smoke grenade. I'd take 5 grenades and an infinite amount of med pack and revives any day.
                    Too bad those medpacks and regular nades are useless in clanmatches. You people really should start playing in clans because clanplay is totally different from normal pubbing. In clanmatches the grenade launcher is the king.


                    • #40
                      Re: Who's sick of the term noob tube?

                      Originally posted by (BG)patton
                      i love the n00b tube term. i stoped playing assult cuz the dam thing requires no skill. oh sure you say that a long shot needs skill, i say "my ass it requires skill!" any n00b can balst that thing and get kills with it to whore points. learn to use a real gun like the pkm so you can pwn the n00b assulters like i do
                      nuff feelings exactly

                      I love it when I'm holding my ground getting ready for a fire fight and here comes some ***** jumping around launching nades. If you're going to play a game just to see how high of a score you can get, go back to CS.


                      • #41
                        Re: Who's sick of the term noob tube?

                        Originally posted by Epistone
                        How many of you assault guys are sick of the term noob tube?

                        I am not a noob. I have been playing regular since the game was released. I use the M203 a lot coz it's the BIZ. I can defend a flag from two to three attackers, I can pick snipers out of towers, I can clear out a BH (funny to see all the bodies fall out ), I can kill a jeep with three guys in one shot and I can scare the S**T out of the attack chopper thats trying to cap a flag. I love my M203.
                        Nope! I'm fond of the term. I love my noob tube, I could give it a BIG, FAT hug!


                        • #42
                          Re: Who's sick of the term noob tube?

                          Originally posted by FiveO
                          I love the term noob tube. Its so fitting, as only people with no real skill use it...


                          • #43
                            Re: Who's sick of the term noob tube?

                            love the term n00b t00b.....

                            Have a taste of my n00b


                            • #44
                              Re: Who's sick of the term noob tube?

                              Who cares. People think it takes no skill but I'd like to see those guys use it as well as some of the pros do.

                              It's only a noob tube when you kill yourself on it. Otherwise it's a weapon in the game. Just like every other weapon.


                              • #45
                                Re: Who's sick of the term noob tube?

                                when i run around assult i dont use the noob tube, unless i wanna confuse a tank whore where explostions are coming from

