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How are people destroying M1 with 1 hit?

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  • #31
    Re: How are people destroying M1 with 1 hit?

    Pretty much every vehicle in this game has a weak spot. Not just the Abrams, the Type98 and the T90 have them also.


    • #32
      Re: How are people destroying M1 with 1 hit?

      Originally posted by IVfluids
      Pretty much every vehicle in this game has a weak spot. Not just the Abrams, the Type98 and the T90 have them also.
      I understand this, but the fact you can be in critical health in one shot, in a main battle tank, is just outrageous. Disabled I could see if you were hit in the treads, but the tank exploding?


      • #33
        Re: How are people destroying M1 with 1 hit?

        Originally posted by Jesse
        Drive around corners, both tanks knowing we're there, hit each other at the same time, I get a direct hit to his turret and it hardly does anything, but he hits the broadside of my treads and I have 3 bars of health? Screwed up I say. I've managed to hit'em there as well, it's just insane how much damage these spots do.
        the treads is a spot, not the spot. the spot is insta-gib.


        • #34
          Re: How are people destroying M1 with 1 hit?

          Yeah, the fact that vehicles have no seperate parts is annoying. Just because you shoot a tank in the treads shouldn't make it explode. You should be able to blast the wheels off wheeled vehicles as well. And even, if you're really going for broke here, have the windows be breakable by grenades and such, leaving the drivers exposed. All that isn't really needed in the game, though.

          My guess that what happened to you isn't that it 1 shot killed you. A tank/anti-tank/another APC most likely shot you at the same time, thus critically damaging you and destroying you in a split second. Just a thought.


          • #35
            Re: How are people destroying M1 with 1 hit?

            Originally posted by P3NGU1N0
            Its ovious what happened!! A spec ops guy roled up on u and blew 1 c4 and like 2 sec lata the apcs missled u. quit complainin
            yea, that is what happened.


            • #36
              Re: How are people destroying M1 with 1 hit?

              i could carve the number of the beast on your forehead and you lot would still think it was some ninja spec ops that did it.


              • #37
                Re: How are people destroying M1 with 1 hit?

                I dunno, the C4 explanation makes sense....C4 is what's really messed up in the game.

                I admit it, I'm a tank whore. I don't mind being beaten by AT guys, that's the whole point of their existence. I respect guys that use cover, skill, and strategy to beat me.

                I've been one-shotted by those fixed ground emplacements a number of times...doesn't bug me either, it takes balls and skill to do that.

                I don't mind getting pummeled by another tank, or by another LAV; I've never been one-shotted by them, but I've taken some hard hits, including down to red once in a while. Once again, seems fair to me...I do get to shoot back, after all.

                I don't mind running over's darn hard to place a mine so that I can't see it, I can respect the strategy (or sometimes luck) that it takes to pull this off.

                But C4 clowns that just toss the stuff like a grenade, have it land 10 to 15 feet away from me, and snuff me in a heartbeat? That's just ridiculous. Bare minimum, there should be a 'safety' on the detonator, making it not work if the explosion would kill the guy pressing the detonation button.

                Realistic? Not much, but in terms of game balance, at least the other two classes with anti-tank capability would at least not be less capable of handling a tank than the class with C4.

                Ok, I also hate the insanely powerful air power (Lord knows I'm sick of nailing choppers in the cockpit and having them fly away, happens once a map anymore, because I'm getting good at it), but it's a safe bet that wasn't a factor in this case.

                It likely was C4 doing crippling could have gone off 30 feet away and hurt you terribly, right before the LAV finished you off.

                Take care,,



                • #38
                  Re: How are people destroying M1 with 1 hit?

                  Originally posted by glasseye
                  i could carve the number of the beast on your forehead and you lot would still think it was some ninja spec ops that did it.
                  :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


                  • #39
                    Re: How are people destroying M1 with 1 hit?

                    Armor values on the MBTs are kinda dumb anyways, 10 points for hitting the front tread? Unless they made it to where the treads break off and render the tank immobile then the front armor should be strong, side armor medium and back armor weak which would get people to play more cunning and try to flank the tanks rear. As it is you just charge straight foward at the ****er, close enough so that you can easily aim at the front tread and get the high damage points done. Not very tactical.


                    • #40
                      Re: How are people destroying M1 with 1 hit?

                      Originally posted by glasseye
                      i could carve the number of the beast on your forehead and you lot would still think it was some ninja spec ops that did it.
                      You mean that isn't what ninja spec ops do?


                      • #41
                        Re: How are people destroying M1 with 1 hit?

                        Originally posted by glasseye
                        the treads is a spot, not the spot. the spot is insta-gib.


                        • #42
                          Re: How are people destroying M1 with 1 hit?

                          C4 > Tank


                          • #43
                            Re: How are people destroying M1 with 1 hit?

                            To kill a M1A1 in one hit I just go gunner in a SU or Helo.


                            • #44
                              Re: How are people destroying M1 with 1 hit?

                              Originally posted by Jesse
                              Um...calm down? I KNOW it's a main battle tank, and I KNOW it's designed to take a beating. I'm talking about MBT vs MBT, when you can hit one dead on and it hardly scratch the paint but get shot back at and be at 3 bars of your tank's health left and hear the fire in your tank, it's pathetic. Needs to be evened out I say, as the tanks are just too vulnerable in places. Yeah yeah, realism, and usually I'm one to be all for realism, but this is just a gameplay killer, the vulnerabilities of the MBT's in game. I'm all for a little more damage in certain spots, but the damage taken from some of the spots in game right now is just pathetic.
                              I reread it. I thought you meant that it was stupid a tank could shoot an APC and almost kill it on 1 shot, but APC can't do nearly as much damage. Kind of got confused.


                              • #45
                                Re: How are people destroying M1 with 1 hit?

                                Originally posted by rhugga

                                And in case you didn't know, when you are killed it lists the weapon that did it.
                                This feature isn't exactly accurate either. I've killed a LAV with AT and the game said I killed it with M1A2. The tank was also firing at the LAV, but I stole his kill .


