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v1.03 6 character clan tag, prepend or replace?

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  • #31
    Re: v1.03 6 character clan tag, prepend or replace?

    Originally posted by ozziegt
    Well, since accounts have unique PIDs to identify them, there really shouldn't be a problem changing names. However, people who put their clan tags in their names made a really naive mistake. You knew there was no way to change your name when you signed up (or shortly thereafter), did you really think you would be in that clan forver?

    if you want compete you have to have a clan tag for ladders


    • #32
      Re: v1.03 6 character clan tag, prepend or replace?

      See that's just stupid. The ladder organizers should realize that in BF2 you can't put your clan tag in your name, and should just allow for rosters.


      • #33
        Re: v1.03 6 character clan tag, prepend or replace?

        Hmmm, am I the only one who thinks that locking people into one name is a good idea?

        I used to change my name almost every time I played a Desert Combat round - sometimes even in the middle of the round. I'd just choose the silliest thing I could think of at the time. Eventually I settled down a bit though and stuck with "Gulf War Syndrome".

        Battlefield 2, with it's emphasis on cooperation and squadwork, is a lot less impersonal. I often will see the same names around on the servers I play on, and you get to learn each players "personality" and game style.
        It's good to join someone's squad, knowing that they are a good helicopter pilot, anti-tank troop, or actually use VoIP. It's even better when playing against them - you can make some predictions about their tactics, map movements and kit selection.

        I'm not in a clan, and I don't want to join a clan. I'm thinking though, If your clan members all started changing their names every game wouldn't it get annoying trying to keep track of each person and what they are currently calling themselves?

        I do see the problem though that if everyone needs a unique name (before the clan tag is applied) then the 1000 different "Rambo"'s from the 1000 different clans will be in trouble. Added to the fact that some people already have a (soon to be redundant) clan tag in their name, this situation really is a mess.
        I don't think allowing people to change their name willy-nilly is the answer. I agree with Blud though, allowing a once off name change is a good compromise.

        The issue really lies in the fact that EA/DICE are changing things on the fly and/or not keeping the community informed. If everyone knew that the clan tag system was going to be implemented later when they signed up for their accounts, I'm sure we wouldn't be having this discussion!


        • #34
          Re: v1.03 6 character clan tag, prepend or replace?

          Originally posted by Gulf_War_Syndrome
          The issue really lies in the fact that EA/DICE are changing things on the fly and/or not keeping the community informed. If everyone knew that the clan tag system was going to be implemented later when they signed up for their accounts, I'm sure we wouldn't be having this discussion!
          I don't think the discussion should have started in the first place! When you KNOW you can't change your name, and you KNOW that you are going to have stats which you don't want to give up, putting a clan tag in your name is just plain stupid. I don't care if the ladder requires it...they should have changed their policy.


          • #35
            Re: v1.03 6 character clan tag, prepend or replace?

            Ozziegt, I tend to agree, since I'm not in a clan and don't have any problems thinking up unique names that I'm happy to stick with! Part of me rotfl's at the clanners stuck with their tags, and part of me really feels pity for them...


            • #36
              Re: v1.03 6 character clan tag, prepend or replace?

              Originally posted by Ryknow
              Heya guys, don't you think that the fact of adding just a 6 chars prefix is even dumber than the fact of not being able to do it?? I mean, dont u think 6 chars are very few?? And they are even fewer if we think that 2 or 1 of them usually are the "[]" or "." ie [clan]Ryknow or Clan.Ryknow... Anyway, what about the clans with longer tags or if you have a tag in ur account name already... Man, the more i think of it, the dumber it seems to be...

              I know it says your from spain but can you use more presentable english? maybe like periods or maybe commas?


              • #37
                Re: v1.03 6 character clan tag, prepend or replace?

                Originally posted by At0micfly
                I know it says your from spain but can you use more presentable english? maybe like periods or maybe commas?
                Funny thing, I'm wondering how well u can type in spanish, respecting your holy periods and commas. Well, as u can see, i'm not a "Lord of the English Language" but at least i try to do it the best i can, using the punctuation marks y think that are right. Anyway my previous post wasn't neither too long nor empty of commas and no1 else complained so, what didnt u want me to do? Having an english teacher here to tell me to put a comma after every damn word, lol.

                PS1: I have nothing against u, so heya dude .

                PS2: I think there are many British/Americans who type worse than i do....


                • #38
                  Re: v1.03 6 character clan tag, prepend or replace?

                  from what i've heard, it's just something else at the beginning of your name.

                  It doesn't really have a purpose to me. If you recruit someone who has a previous clan tag in their account, then they add the new one, they have 2 and it's retarted looking.

                  And i KNOW that they can be changed. I saw where the BF2RS people's ingame names are getting changed, INGAME names.


                  • #39
                    Re: v1.03 6 character clan tag, prepend or replace?

                    6 charcters is nowhere near enough, my clan tag is =|RM|= and that is 6, and i thought it was short and there are loads of other clans with ginormus tags.....


                    • #40
                      Re: v1.03 6 character clan tag, prepend or replace?

                      Originally posted by Robmysters
                      6 charcters is nowhere near enough, my clan tag is =|RM|= and that is 6, and i thought it was short and there are loads of other clans with ginormus tags.....
                      Well then clans can just cut down on the pretentious symbols and have a plain tag, instead of -+==*^%WE-ARE-COOL&**$FFF@~##""____=++-


                      • #41
                        Re: v1.03 6 character clan tag, prepend or replace?

                        Originally posted by cavemanuk
                        its weird, cant understand why they dont allow name changes since bans or kicks work from ip and cdhash rather than username... i reccon its political since gamespy handle user accounts
                        Its because of the rank system.


                        • #42
                          Re: v1.03 6 character clan tag, prepend or replace?

                          Originally posted by Ryknow
                          Funny thing, I'm wondering how well u can type in spanish, respecting your holy periods and commas. Well, as u can see, i'm not a "Lord of the English Language" but at least i try to do it the best i can, using the punctuation marks y think that are right. Anyway my previous post wasn't neither too long nor empty of commas and no1 else complained so, what didnt u want me to do? Having an english teacher here to tell me to put a comma after every damn word, lol.

                          PS1: I have nothing against u, so heya dude .

                          PS2: I think there are many British/Americans who type worse than i do....
                          *NOTE: I cant put upside down characters* Hola! Me llamo Kyle, y tu? Soy de Estados Unidos. Me gusta comer y leer. Hasta pronto.


                          • #43
                            Re: v1.03 6 character clan tag, prepend or replace?

                            I don't really care about the name change thing, I just started 2 accounts, one with my clan tag one without and played them both, now if i leave the clan i just continue to use the one without, and not bother joining another clan or start a fresh account with the new clan tag, I will still have all my unlocks with my none tagged account.

