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v1.03 6 character clan tag, prepend or replace?

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  • v1.03 6 character clan tag, prepend or replace?

    In the latest Dev Chat:
    <QwisT> In the new patch, can a person chance nickname, or maybe just clan tag! ?
    <@Hoodihoon> You will ba able to add a 6 character prefix
    Will this REPLACE upto the first 6 characters in your name if they are the same?

    Clan Tag: [USS]
    Account name: [USS]Harmor
    Name ingame: [USS]Harmor

    Or will it just prepend?

    Clan Tag: [USS]
    Account name: [USS]Harmor
    Name ingame: [USS][USS]Harmor

  • #2
    Re: v1.03 6 character clan tag, prepend or replace?


    Look up what a prefix is.

    It's PREFIXexistingusername


    • #3
      Re: v1.03 6 character clan tag, prepend or replace?

      I don't know, but maybe they should allow one complete name change--ONCE-- so peeps can remove tags from their original account name.


      • #4
        Re: v1.03 6 character clan tag, prepend or replace?

        I think it will prepend like Mac the Knife said.
        To bad for all who already is in a clan...


        • #5
          Re: v1.03 6 character clan tag, prepend or replace?

          why couldnt EA just make it so you can completly change your name ?

          Just like BF 1942 :|:


          • #6
            Re: v1.03 6 character clan tag, prepend or replace?

            Originally posted by -={DAC}MI7
            why couldnt EA just make it so you can completly change your name ?

            Just like BF 1942 :|:
            Because EA never does anything right the first time...


            • #7
              Re: v1.03 6 character clan tag, prepend or replace?

              Yeah. That would be the best.


              • #8
                Re: v1.03 6 character clan tag, prepend or replace?

                Originally posted by Blud
                I don't know, but maybe they should allow one complete name change--ONCE-- so peeps can remove tags from their original account name.
                Yes please! I have a clan tag on my account name which Ive worked hard to get 13000 points, now I may want to change clan Im screwed.

                edit: Forgot to add, why dont they make it like Steam, you have an account name, so Valve can track all your activity, but you can have whatever name in-game. Whats wrong with that EA??


                • #9
                  Re: v1.03 6 character clan tag, prepend or replace?

                  its weird, cant understand why they dont allow name changes since bans or kicks work from ip and cdhash rather than username... i reccon its political since gamespy handle user accounts


                  • #10
                    Re: v1.03 6 character clan tag, prepend or replace?

                    Originally posted by Apostle
                    edit: Forgot to add, why dont they make it like Steam, you have an account name, so Valve can track all your activity, but you can have whatever name in-game. Whats wrong with that EA??
                    thats like the only good thing Nova Logic did with BHD was the work with the community games sucked but everything else was great had an account name and then you could have 4 in game names and any could have name changed


                    • #11
                      Re: v1.03 6 character clan tag, prepend or replace?

                      they should give us a chance to rename our account because my clan tag is already in my name.


                      • #12
                        Re: v1.03 6 character clan tag, prepend or replace?

                        Well, since accounts have unique PIDs to identify them, there really shouldn't be a problem changing names. However, people who put their clan tags in their names made a really naive mistake. You knew there was no way to change your name when you signed up (or shortly thereafter), did you really think you would be in that clan forver?


                        • #13
                          Re: v1.03 6 character clan tag, prepend or replace?

                          ozzie definitely has a point. PID and NICK are two different fields in the account database. If EA made it so that it revolved around PID as the primary field, changing NICK shouldn't be a problem at all.



                          • #14
                            Re: v1.03 6 character clan tag, prepend or replace?

                            i used to play raven shield all the time and you can change your nick all you want, but unfortunately, i let everyone play on my account they just typed in a different nick... so my stats were very bad when i finally looked them up after a year.


                            • #15
                              Re: v1.03 6 character clan tag, prepend or replace?

                              Heya guys, don't you think that the fact of adding just a 6 chars prefix is even dumber than the fact of not being able to do it?? I mean, dont u think 6 chars are very few?? And they are even fewer if we think that 2 or 1 of them usually are the "[]" or "." ie [clan]Ryknow or Clan.Ryknow... Anyway, what about the clans with longer tags or if you have a tag in ur account name already... Man, the more i think of it, the dumber it seems to be...

