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Where's my fellow noob toobers?

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  • #16
    Re: Where's my fellow noob toobers?

    Originally posted by BRUTALITEEEEEEEEEEEE
    It's there to be used so use it. No one is stopping anyone from using it. The amount of times i've come around a corner to see some hopping F***** blasting off nades is one to many so I could really care less. I run around with that thing ALL the time and If I don't manage to get them with that....there so busy jumping around like a P**** I can just pop off a few shots and finish them off.
    Its noobs like you that ruin the fun of infantry combat. Try useing bullets for once they are there for a reason.. Any idiot can click a button without aiming. When the patch comes out ur going to have to learn how to use rifles anyway so better start learning now. Otherwise u will get owned by skillful players like me.


    • #17
      Re: Where's my fellow noob toobers?

      Why do some people have such issues with being killed by the grenade launcher? They go on about it as if it’s some sort of crime, and accuse their killers of being skill-less imbeciles.

      What would you rather have them do? Not use it so you can own them with your allegedly superior skills? Gee sounds like a good idea to me!

      "Oh but its not realistic!" Who wants realism? Realism isn't fun. "Oh but being owned by the nooob tooobe isn't fun!" I guarantee that at the other end of the stick it is!

      These people are just childish and simply can't take losing, instead of complaining why not just accept that it's part of the game and try and work a way round the problem instead constantly banging your head against it? If they “bunny hop” round corners then do the same! If they survive you most probably will too and you will have a full clip to unload on them before they have time to reload!


      • #18
        Re: Where's my fellow noob toobers?

        It's the same discussion about nades in every single game. It has been here at the times of Delta Force 1. Some people hate it some love it. Just like snipers, tankers, pilots, antitankers, fruits, and what toilet paper is the softest. Just use whatever kit/gun/tactics makes most fun for you. Whatever others say they just can't handle getting owned by it.
        One thing I agree though is the minimal distance it should take for nades and rockets to arm. 20 m would bee good I think. Point blank nade kill and not dieing yourself is not cool.


        • #19
          Re: Where's my fellow noob toobers?

          avoid corners, learn to aim = dead noob toobers. period.


          • #20
            Re: Where's my fellow noob toobers?

            Originally posted by Himmler
            Its noobs like you that ruin the fun of infantry combat. Try useing bullets for once they are there for a reason.. Any idiot can click a button without aiming. When the patch comes out ur going to have to learn how to use rifles anyway so better start learning now. Otherwise u will get owned by skillful players like me.
            Yes I am such a noob, yet again people don't really even attempt to get the point of what I was getting at. I will use the "noob tube" if I want as well as the rifle. I don't give a **** what I use as long as the guy is dead in front of me. Since everyone and there mom is hopping around like a fool, im sure as hell NOT going to NOT use it because I want to make sure I'm appeasing forum b****** and play by some kind of BF2 code of ethics......F*** that. I can pick off some fool just as well as launch a nade across the screen at someone. I dont go around firing at people's feet because when that happens I NEVER walk away so I don't know what ppl are talking about.

            but, don't worry. I'l make sure to watch out for your l33t skillz out there in the field :laugh:


            • #21
              Re: Where's my fellow noob toobers?

              whenever im not stat whoring as a medic or support, ill be noobing it up as a noob-tuber. I'm sick and tired of being complained at for it, too. No, i dont bunny hop, and yes, i occasionally use bullets. But short-medium range, when people are bunched up, or hell, just some poor lone SOB down an alley, i have no qualms about unloading a grenade on them.

              the problem isn't the nade launcher, it's people with lame tactics in general. do something about the stance wierdness ('dolphin diving') and the ridiculous jumping and you'll be well on your way to better infantry combat.

              I guess i wouldn't complain if a point-blank shot was lethal to the noober as well as the guy who got hit by it. But seriously, dont get that close to an assault guy as a spec ops or whatever. Thats asking for it, grenade or no grenade. Remember, assault = killing machine, because they sure aren't good for anything else


              • #22
                Re: Where's my fellow noob toobers?

                lol iam good at it i use it every once and awhile until i got sick of people usein nothing but that so i started usein it so now they know how i felt muhahahaha and i am about 70% accurate


                • #23
                  Re: Where's my fellow noob toobers?

                  Originally posted by Iridium
                  whenever im not stat whoring as a medic or support, ill be noobing it up as a noob-tuber. I'm sick and tired of being complained at for it, too. No, i dont bunny hop, and yes, i occasionally use bullets. But short-medium range, when people are bunched up, or hell, just some poor lone SOB down an alley, i have no qualms about unloading a grenade on them.

                  the problem isn't the nade launcher, it's people with lame tactics in general. do something about the stance wierdness ('dolphin diving') and the ridiculous jumping and you'll be well on your way to better infantry combat.

                  I guess i wouldn't complain if a point-blank shot was lethal to the noober as well as the guy who got hit by it. But seriously, dont get that close to an assault guy as a spec ops or whatever. Thats asking for it, grenade or no grenade. Remember, assault = killing machine, because they sure aren't good for anything else
                  You about covered it but it's still my favorite class. Im getting into spec-ops but they just feel so weak, soft and p**** like. Nothing better then running straight at a spec-ops guy and taken a bunch of hits right before you mow him down....


                  • #24
                    Re: Where's my fellow noob toobers?

                    Noob Tubeing 4tehwin


                    • #25
                      Re: Where's my fellow noob toobers?

                      In the DAC Ranked Karkand server

                      we kick Nade launcher whores and tank whores, the reason ? our server is full of regulars that like to play in our server because there not n00bed by the n00b tube or raped a second after they spawn by road reversers.... (tankers going up and down a certain bit of road at certain flaggs to rape as people spawn)
                      Because of the way we man admin our server, its always full, but sometimes get the odd complaint by a n00b tube whore which receive no sympthy

                      so yea, i hate them, you should to, and the only reason i can think EA made them the way they are is because EA beta testers are n00b whores themselves...


                      • #26
                        Re: Where's my fellow noob toobers?


                        When in real life its the other way around...


                        • #27
                          Re: Where's my fellow noob toobers?

                          Originally posted by Himmler
                          Its noobs like you that ruin the fun of infantry combat. Try useing bullets for once they are there for a reason.. Any idiot can click a button without aiming. When the patch comes out ur going to have to learn how to use rifles anyway so better start learning now. Otherwise u will get owned by skillful players like me.
                          Where exactly did EA mention they were changing the nade launcher in the patch? Or is it just wishful thinking on (almost) everyone's part?



                          • #28
                            Re: Where's my fellow noob toobers?

                            Originally posted by -={DAC}MI7
                            In the DAC Ranked Karkand server

                            we kick Nade launcher whores and tank whores, the reason ? our server is full of regulars that like to play in our server because there not n00bed by the n00b tube or raped a second after they spawn by road reversers.... (tankers going up and down a certain bit of road at certain flaggs to rape as people spawn)
                            Because of the way we man admin our server, its always full, but sometimes get the odd complaint by a n00b tube whore which receive no sympthy

                            so yea, i hate them, you should to, and the only reason i can think EA made them the way they are is because EA beta testers are n00b whores themselves...
                            This coming from a bunny hopper.. nice Your more pathetic then us noob tubers.... You kids make me laugh:blabla:


                            • #29
                              Re: Where's my fellow noob toobers?

                              I love the thing, takes no skill at all so when im having a game with a death streak from spawn campers or w/e I switch to that and am basicly gaurented a kill.


                              • #30
                                Re: Where's my fellow noob toobers?

                                had a quick go of karkland today having seen it was on one of the servers, i thought hell yeah as i havent played it in a while

                                there was a normal rush for the first flag (i was usmc) things were normal, we managed to take the first flag north from the american starting spawn point, i spawned there, then things just went so fast downhill, 80% of the server all seem to switch to M203/GP-30 kits, every corner you turned you got gp-30'd, i dont really care to moan about the grenade launchers as they are a weapon in the game i understand that but it just made that map and game so crap i couldnt even be arsed to spawn in the end and left

                                just ruins that map for me but i'm sure alot of people like that kind of game :hmm:

