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Newb's and lone wolfs, pls read.

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  • Newb's and lone wolfs, pls read.

    Are you new and learning how to play?
    Are you a loner (lone-wolf) and dont care to join a squad?
    Do you only join a squad to be able to spawn at the squadleaders position?

    Read on!!!

    How about helping your commander and team a whole bunch, making you get more points and live longer as well???

    Here's how:

    Communication, communication, communication!!!!! The following tips are aimed at new players, but for experienced loners as well.

    Pressing Q will show your communication pad, where you can select something to say / request. Even if your not agile enough to use it effectivly (or to busy walking around & surviving), at least know this: Pressing Q and immediatly pressing left-mousebutton will make you say what you see (if you are pointing at an enemy soldier or vehicle). Even if you 'miss' (enemy already gone or you didnt alighn your view), it will place a red ? mark on the map on the approx. position. At least NOWING that an enemy is near can save your teammates!!!!

    It really takes less than half a second, and it will help others immensly!!!! It will make the soldier / vehicle show up on the map for all to see, and warn others in the area of the enemy being present or approaching.

    **** This is KEY to supply each other with information, and can save the commander from using UAV where it isnt really needed ****

    Even if you dont know the rest of the Q menu, or think it takes to much time, at least spot enemies. Doing so will encourage others to do so and can save your own but as well.

    Additionally, you can determine where vehicles are going to. Spot a vehicle just as it goes behind a building, and it will remain highlighted (with update position and course) for about 2 seconds, mostly long enough to see where it is headed (comming around to seek you out when you took a shot at it!). So it can help yourself too (same goes for tracking infantry position). Think about it: isnt it much easier to kill when you see the enemy highlted on your map??

    When you hear a request (repairs needed, defend position, attack position, etc. etc.), ANSWER! Even if you dont give anything for the squad or commanders orders, ANSWER. Just press PAGE-DOWN to scream a 'NEGATIVE'. This is WAY better then ignoring, it notifies the squadleader / cmdr that you are unwilling or unable to comply. That saves the cmdr a minute of wait-and-see-what-happens, and take alternative action. How much effort is it to tap a single key to respond?!?

    If you get VIOP chat by the cmdr (as squad leader) or from your SQ leader, and you have no mike, take the trouble to notify them you dont have a mike - at least. Better yet: respond through chat (press K to talk to team). Since ICQ / MSN most of us type faster then we can speak, to a short answer will only take a second.

    Not many people use VOIP, but plenty send typed chat msgs using the K key. These can save your live, but youll have to keep an eye on your HUD to catch them. Quite funny things pass through the hud from chat as well...

    Again, not many use VOIP, but chat is just as powerfull (I think its even better as EVERYONE in the team can read it, not just your squad, so perfect for lone wolf) I saved my cmdr from a specop that approached him from behind (out of my range) just by typing "CMDR WATCHOUT!!!!" yesterday, to name an example. Immediatly followed by a 'roger that' from him, I saw him escape, turn and shoot, end of specop who was not expecting this sudden response. You dont have to write a novel, short msgs will do fine most of the time. Having a hint of something is more then often enough opposed to being oblivious.

    ================================================== ====
    Again, use chatmsgs. Example: being a specop, I always let people know when I head for the enemy radar, art and UAV station. Why? This prevents someone who doesnt know barrage into the enemy base with a tank just to blow me away by accident (who expects a lone friendly footsoldier behind enemy lines...). Ideally, i'd wait before setting of the C4 and type "Ready to destroy enemy intel assest, cmdr let me know when's a good time". The cmdr has an all-seeing eye, and can time the perfect opportunity for the enemy to be blind. Assets are usually restored quite fast, to timing is everything.

    No matter what you do, its always a good thing if other people know. If you are an anti-tank guy with one missle left, let that tank pass, but report its position., Then shoot the 1 missle from behind (not giving away your position). If you hit, let people know the tank's been hit once.

    If you take a boat and head for that enemy base, REPORT IT. Maybe another guy will follow you, giving you backup. Or maybe or tank or APC nearby wont accidently hit you, or close in you give you cover as you land on the beach.

    Tell people where you placed mines. YES thers a death-icon shown above them for friendlies, but that doesnt help much if you come speeding around the corner in a buggy.

    Even if you play 'alone', and want to do things 'your way', just let people now. A squadleader and commander KNOWING that you wont follow orders saves them the time and trouble of sending out orders.

    Grabbing chopper just to practice or bail out of? TELL!!! saves a lot of lives. You can also negotiate to help others: first drop a spec-op behind enemy lines, THEN bail out to snipe. (not to promote helo's being waster for a sniper...)

    Dropping C4 as spec-op near roads? TELL THE TEAM! I've seen god-nows how many tanks divert to a 2ce as long (more dangerous) route, just because they THOUGHT that it where friendly mines.

    So many more examples to give, but hopefully you get the picture.

    Try it, at least for a week!!!!! I'll bet you'll start to have more and more fun. And guess what: before you know it, you'll be caught up in a thing called 'teamplay', thats where the points are scored, thats where the fun is, thats what BF2 should be all about. 'You' winning from 'him' will never be as much fun as 'us' winning from 'them'. A squad of 4 well cooperating is a hard thing to beat, even by 10 lone wolves running tanks.

    note: I still consider myself a newby as well. Let's promote communication more, thats the KEY to teamplay.

  • #2
    Re: Newb's and lone wolfs, pls read.

    Good tutorial, think this is a must read for all new players.


    • #3
      Re: Newb's and lone wolfs, pls read.

      Hear, Hear !

      It's really annoying that people don't use the easy comsystems....


      • #4
        Re: Newb's and lone wolfs, pls read.

        How about this. I am a 60% lone wolfer, I join squads just to spawn closer to the battle field ONLY, because there are no squads or all the squads have noobs in them and dont play together and did the samething as i did, or all the good squads are good. i tried makeing a squad but no one joins and when i invite people to join, they ether just go off and do their own thing or they decline. So just because people arnt in squads doesnt meen they are noobs or they dont like team play. There are reasons


        • #5
          Re: Newb's and lone wolfs, pls read.

          "So just because people arnt in squads doesnt meen they are noobs or they dont like team play"

          Exactly where did I say that? Play plenty lonewolf myself, for the exact same reasons you mention. Doesnt stop me from communicating though, still helps me and others.

          Communicating will certainly not reduce the chance of finding that one other player in those 32 or 64 that is willing to help each other out.


          • #6
            Re: Newb's and lone wolfs, pls read.

            Originally posted by [STO] Killer Dragon
            How about this. I am a 60% lone wolfer, I join squads just to spawn closer to the battle field ONLY, because there are no squads or all the squads have noobs in them and dont play together and did the samething as i did, or all the good squads are good. i tried makeing a squad but no one joins and when i invite people to join, they ether just go off and do their own thing or they decline. So just because people arnt in squads doesnt meen they are noobs or they dont like team play. There are reasons
            We have to remenber that new guys may want to do good. They r only yet learning the basics. When I was a newbie i had to deal w/ a lot of new things and the obvious wouldn't came into my mind in the right time.
            So, This is a very good tutorial, let's just give em some time and try to encoraje the good ones.


            • #7
              Re: Newb's and lone wolfs, pls read.

              As you said...not many people use VOIP.

              So how does comunication depend on being in a squad?

              plus, how does this 'teamplay' depend on being in a squad...your confusing teamplay with squadplay. Afterall, youre all on the same team.

              There is also a limit to the number of people to a entering a squad isnt always the best option for the team.


              • #8
                Re: Newb's and lone wolfs, pls read.

                iam a newbie, and i agree every time i get in a squad with good comunication i seem to post a heap better score and i find it a lot more fun, just learning to get around all the differnt comands takes a bit of practice


                • #9
                  Re: Newb's and lone wolfs, pls read.

                  Nice post. Good read for anyone new!


                  • #10
                    Re: Newb's and lone wolfs, pls read.

                    Hey THANKS for those tips!!! couldn't figure out how people were saying Enemy Tank Spotted, doh!


                    • #11
                      Re: Newb's and lone wolfs, pls read.

                      Im just a little annoyed that most of the time i join a squad, the squad leader just seems to expect to squad to be his personal enterage. The leader does his thing and just points everyone to where ever hes going. Thats ok if youre new or an assault style player...but not much good if you're a sniper.

                      So then you have to get yourself in a good sniping position that probably covers a number of locations so you can help the squad cover multiple objectives...but thats just enterpreted as not playing with the team.

                      It should be remembered that for a squad to be good - you have to have a talented leader aswell. One that can use the member skills properly.


                      • #12
                        Re: Newb's and lone wolfs, pls read.

                        Great tutorial. I just wish the obj's. were easier to communicate as I'm a newb and haven't yet learned the obj. lingo.

                        Yikes! I've obviously done something wrong with my sig.


                        • #13
                          Re: Newb's and lone wolfs, pls read.

                          Nice guide, but over use of the spotted button can be very annoying if all you can hear is "enemy units on the move" but if you right click on the spotted button it gives you a drop down menu for all types of enemy.


                          • #14
                            Re: Newb's and lone wolfs, pls read.

                            Originally posted by Sneakypjc
                            Nice guide, but over use of the spotted button can be very annoying if all you can hear is "enemy units on the move" but if you right click on the spotted button it gives you a drop down menu for all types of enemy.
                            cool, thanks for that!!

                            i've just a quick question, no point in starting a new thread, how to switch positions in vehicles? in BF:Vietnam is was just pressing (when in the vehicle), 1 for the main position, then you could just press 2 to switch to the second postion, doeasn't work in BF2, any help? thanks


                            • #15
                              Re: Newb's and lone wolfs, pls read.

                              Originally posted by ArtoisX
                              cool, thanks for that!!

                              i've just a quick question, no point in starting a new thread, how to switch positions in vehicles? in BF:Vietnam is was just pressing (when in the vehicle), 1 for the main position, then you could just press 2 to switch to the second postion, doeasn't work in BF2, any help? thanks
                              F1 to F6 for the position

