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Voice Acting in BF2: Good or cheesy?

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  • #31
    Re: Voice Acting in BF2: Good or cheesy?

    I am sure one of them is Mark Hamill, sounds so much like him.

    But the enemy units on the move is starting to grind a bit


    • #32
      Re: Voice Acting in BF2: Good or cheesy?

      Originally posted by Ozirtz
      The commander voice sounds like the commander in the movie BHD.
      Becuase it is?


      • #33
        Re: Voice Acting in BF2: Good or cheesy?

        I thinks theyre so-so, the repetition gets to me more then the lack of emotion. Should at least have like 10 alternatives, or like 5, with 2 different tonalities for each one, depending on the amount of action nearby or something (action or calm) - something like that.

        No matter how good they'll get, with this rate of repetition, everything gets annoying over time, although they are helpfull most of the time - IMHO


        • #34
          Re: Voice Acting in BF2: Good or cheesy?

          I get REALLY tired of the guy telling me that "if we cant fight, he'll get someone who can."

          I would like to TK his ass if he was a actual game character. I'd frag him in a NY second.


          • #35
            Re: Voice Acting in BF2: Good or cheesy?

            Yeah, the American voice acting is ****-poor. So bad, I don't play as tehm at all when I can help it, just gets on my nerves. The MEC and Chinese are okay, not great, but not so annoying. The commander voice, and the famle voice anre annoying too.


            • #36
              Re: Voice Acting in BF2: Good or cheesy?

              Originally posted by Sargeant Marshall
              The 'I need a medic here!' should b changed to 'I NEED A ****ING MEDIC HERE NOW!' :cussing:
              And then the player gets kicked for swering :laugh:


              • #37
                Re: Voice Acting in BF2: Good or cheesy?

                Yeah the voices could use a little tweaking.

                What I’d really like to see is, (or hear), is all the voices in English, but with there different accents.
                I couldn’t stand the hearing all the jibber jabber any more and I couldn’t understand what I needed to know a lot of the time, so I switched to the all English.
                But I miss hearing an enemy talking near by, and knowing they are close.


                • #38
                  Re: Voice Acting in BF2: Good or cheesy?

                  Unless you speak Chinese, otherwise you would not know how terrible the Chinese voice acting is. I guess some Cantonese speakers did the Mandarin voice acting for DICE, becasue the voices are with full of false pronunciation and accent. I am pretty sure whoever did the voice wasn't even native Chinese Mandarin speakers. They were surely voice "acting".

                  Chinese voice acting is a total joke, I hope EA/DICE will fix that.


                  • #39
                    Re: Voice Acting in BF2: Good or cheesy?

                    Are you kidding. The Chinese enlisted soldiers sound more like they're in the ****ter than on a battlefield!
                    "Kai shi xing dong...!" :evil: :evil: :evil: *plop!* "Hao de..."

                    Were they thinking Orcs or some crud? It's totally out of place to have these pseudo-aggressive groaners sending messages below their voice, sometimes it's not even audible with some ambient sounds around!

                    The one sound I have some respect for is "I NEED ARTILLERY SUPPORT OVER HERE SIR!" at the top of his lungs. (usmc soldiers) That's what an emergency situation sounds like! =P Blowing the microphone out with your voice is the way to go. I wish more of them were like this~

                    Btw I'd also like to have a distinction between "No way man" and "No Sir", sometimes you get something from the commander or squad leader, you just have to press Pgdn and pray that the appropriate one comes up. Pretty hard to cater for though...

                    quasimodox: I agree, especially the Chinese commander has some clear traces of the southern dialect, but that might've EA's balancing it out for the US side's Texan commander. Who knows ;P Anyway definately hope they'll tweak the PLA grunts voices.


                    • #40
                      Re: Voice Acting in BF2: Good or cheesy?

                      Didnt someone find different sounds in the game files, I heard there was 'enemy wheel barrow spotted' i'll try find it..


                      • #41
                        Re: Voice Acting in BF2: Good or cheesy?

                        Originally posted by Ozirtz
                        The commander voice sounds like the commander in the movie BHD. But I agree, the voices suck after hearing them for 150 hours of playing.
                        Same in stealth too right




                        • #42
                          Re: Voice Acting in BF2: Good or cheesy?

                          I was checking out all the sound files the other day and ran across this one;
                          \EA GAMES\Battlefield 2\mods\bf2\ - Sounds\English\Commander\Filter\player_spotted_c_e nemywbspotted.ogg

                          "Enemy Wheelbarrow Spotted!"

                          They have it for the Squadleader and Grunt as well too. -Lunch_Meat



                          • #43
                            Re: Voice Acting in BF2: Good or cheesy?

                            Originally posted by =[AOD]=Ken
                            Yeah the voices could use a little tweaking.

                            What I’d really like to see is, (or hear), is all the voices in English, but with there different accents.
                            I couldn’t stand the hearing all the jibber jabber any more and I couldn’t understand what I needed to know a lot of the time, so I switched to the all English.
                            But I miss hearing an enemy talking near by, and knowing they are close.
                            I don't understand why would it bother you to hear other people speaking language that you don't understand? Is it annoying becasue you don't understand it? Why can't you stand it? I am just curious...


                            • #44
                              Re: Voice Acting in BF2: Good or cheesy?

                              Originally posted by Selecter
                              I get REALLY tired of the guy telling me that "if we cant fight, he'll get someone who can."

                              I would like to TK his ass if he was a actual game character. I'd frag him in a NY second.
                              I feel the same way, it is annoying after awhile. I don't like his attitude... XD


                              • #45
                                Re: Voice Acting in BF2: Good or cheesy?

                                Actually I think he IS an ingame character.. Present commander or not, that's always his voice
                                I do wonder where he would find the 'someones who can', though. In the opposing team? ;P Better look after the ones he already got to cover his ass ¿?

                                -"Altas mauni?" re-pe-ti-tive. :|

