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BF2 getting boring?

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  • #31
    Re: BF2 getting boring?

    This feeling is becoming more and more common. I remember a month or so ago people were attacked on this and other forums for making such statements.

    What is needed here isn't more more maps (though they would be nice), it's more game modes. IMO it would make all the difference.


    • #32
      Re: BF2 getting boring?

      Originally posted by youseeme
      BF2 mainly gets boring for me if I play 'lone wolf' for too long, once you find a decent squad the game suddenly becomes much better again.
      Yeah same for me i pretty much always play with my mate and we use team speak. If i'm playing on my own it can get a bit boring after a hour or too but with a mate and your own squad its brilliant espeically if some good team playing players join your squad too so theres a fair few of you


      • #33
        Re: BF2 getting boring?

        needs a better teamplay


        • #34
          Re: BF2 getting boring?

          and it also needs more update features like how cs:s is releasing sas model some time soon..hopefully..and half life 2 with lost coast


          • #35
            Re: BF2 getting boring?

            Needs to force people to play in team/squad.
            How can this be done ?
            By changing conquest scoring system to reward teamwork above everything else.
            Conquest is an old dog that needs replacing.


            • #36
              Re: BF2 getting boring?

              Originally posted by skunk-dogz
              Needs to force people to play in team/squad.
              How can this be done ?
              By changing conquest scoring system to reward teamwork above everything else.
              Conquest is an old dog that needs replacing.
              some servers do kick if you dont join a squad, which imo is a good idea. Pity not many servers do this

              Dont think conquest needs replacing, its a good mode, just need some other modes to choose from!!


              • #37
                Re: BF2 getting boring?

                Insert key is your friend


                • #38
                  Re: BF2 getting boring?

                  I was bored, then I started playing as commander on smaller maps. Between regular play, commander, and flying stuff it's almost 3 games in one. But really, it does get old. It can be hard to find a squad of team oriented folks.


                  • #39
                    Re: BF2 getting boring?

                    When I get bored of this at times, I usually play Postal 2 to let out some anger and frustration.


                    • #40
                      Re: BF2 getting boring?

                      I'm really bored of the game now I don't play it for days now.
                      On public servers theres never any people as squads when the demo was out there was alot of squad playing going on that's what made me decide to buy a 6800gt but it's every man for himself on servers now
                      Plus people punishing you for their mistakes is getting very annoying now maybe when the patch eventually comes out it might liven the game up for me again.


                      • #41
                        Re: BF2 getting boring?

                        the only thing that is getting tedious for me is those poxy EA UK servers keep crashing and then going back to the dalian plant map when it restarts the server, im am sick to the back teeth of dalian plant and fusch pass!!

                        oh and all the weirdo's online that have nothing better to do that cause grief.


                        • #42
                          Re: BF2 getting boring?

                          Originally posted by Retribution.
                          the only thing that is getting tedious for me is those poxy EA UK servers keep crashing and then going back to the dalian plant map when it restarts the server, im am sick to the back teeth of dalian plant and fusch pass!!

                          oh and all the weirdo's online that have nothing better to do that cause grief.
                          The solution for you is simple; stop playing on EA servers. You'll get to face some real competition and avoid the majority of smacktards.


                          • #43
                            Re: BF2 getting boring?

                            I only play for about an 1 1/2 - 2 hours after work daily on a public clan server with the same people everytime. We all form a squad, use voice, and stick together and have so much fun, I can't stand playing without them. If I play later at night, it's hard to find anyone decent to play with and that's when I'll play a few rounds tank whoring or as a sniper (things I never do with my usual crowd). Anyhow, that gets boring fast. So as a solution to this problem, download xfire and invite eachother to our buddy lists. Also, totalbf2 needs to make this ranked server happen because I'd like to play with a lot of you guys.


                            • #44
                              Re: BF2 getting boring?

                              I have found one health and easy way to refresh your mind and look at things at better angle. Jogging. When you just die all the time in game and all sucks, jogging around the neiberhood helps.


                              • #45
                                Re: BF2 getting boring?

                                Originally posted by HorrorBusiness
                                I only play for about an 1 1/2 - 2 hours after work daily on a public clan server with the same people everytime. We all form a squad, use voice, and stick together and have so much fun, I can't stand playing without them. If I play later at night, it's hard to find anyone decent to play with and that's when I'll play a few rounds tank whoring or as a sniper (things I never do with my usual crowd). Anyhow, that gets boring fast. So as a solution to this problem, download xfire and invite eachother to our buddy lists. Also, totalbf2 needs to make this ranked server happen because I'd like to play with a lot of you guys.
                                Thats what Im waiting on...

