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Knife / Pistol / Revive servers

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  • Knife / Pistol / Revive servers

    I realise this is my first post, since I've only just registered, but I've been around for a while reading posts and I thought I just had to ask this.
    What is the real problem with the knife/pistol/revive servers?

    I've only ever been on them once, before I even realised it were more than just a bit of fun.

    People seem to say they don't mind if it was an unranked server because people are allowed to have fun etc, but if you are paying for a server, surely you are allowed to create and enforce any rules you want.

    Yes, people may improve their rank or get a few badges from it, but is that really so bad? It doesn't lower your stats, it doesn't take away any of your badges, so if you didnt even see the server you wouldnt know it existed, but as soon as you find out, it turns into a huge problem.

    I expect to get flamed for this, but I honestly don't care, I'll just ignore ignorant comments and censored insults, lol.

  • #2
    Re: Knife / Pistol / Revive servers

    There was a whole thread about it, but looks like some **** decided to delete it

    I suggest everyone sends like 20 emails to EA, maybe that'll cause them to listen...


    • #3
      Re: Knife / Pistol / Revive servers

      But why? That's what I mean.
      So what if people are having fun, playing the game their way on the server they're paying for?


      • #4
        Re: Knife / Pistol / Revive servers

        Because EA is the biggest group of control freaks around. But one time I was on a server and the admin said it was no longer pistols only but every one still used their pistols, that was some of the most fun I have ever had in this game.


        • #5
          Re: Knife / Pistol / Revive servers

          I realy dont think there is any thing bad about a ranked pistol/knife server, people complaning and sh*t (complaining to EA,wtf) making a big deal out of nothing, its getting out of control. Just remember your playing a GAME:nod: .


          • #6
            Re: Knife / Pistol / Revive servers

            Originally posted by Achilles661944
            Because EA is the biggest group of control freaks around. But one time I was on a server and the admin said it was no longer pistols only but every one still used their pistols, that was some of the most fun I have ever had in this game.
            fo sho. i think pistol only rooms are awesome!

            one time i revived so many people it blocked me. but then after a few games i got bored and shot everyone with the shotgun. then i got kicked


            • #7
              Re: Knife / Pistol / Revive servers

              I really couldn't care less.
              It in no way hurts my stats so whats the problem?

              Sure they are taking advantage of the system. EA/DICE should have expected this when they implemented stats. Just look at all of the RPGs out there.
              Maybe you have heard something similar said about pirates. The more the companies try to stop it the harder it is going to be for the average player/paying customer to play the games. And the point farmers/pirates will still do what they do.

              I play the game to enjoy myself. Not to stroke my 3-pen0s.
              But, if some other gamers feel the need to then go right ahead.


              • #8
                Re: Knife / Pistol / Revive servers

                I can see how people might complain about blackhawk capping and other stupid stuff, because that could easilly spoil your normal game. This on the otherhand is on a completely different server, one that if you dont like the game, you wont find yourself on.


                • #9
                  Re: Knife / Pistol / Revive servers

                  I can see the possibility for such rules to be a breeding ground for stat padders. Of course, I can see the fun in this as well. It's a tough arguement, both sides have their points.

                  I wouldn't be surprised if EA does something about it though, at least for ranked servers. I don't mind if they stay or not, the score system is retarded anyway so I don't care what happens to them all that much. I'd rather they leave them since people have fun on them and ban any people abusing the rules and stat padding, but somehow I don't see EA being that nice to all the people who aren't abusing the system.


                  • #10
                    Re: Knife / Pistol / Revive servers

                    You can still have this Knife/Pistol/Revive servers, just don't do it on a ranked server if you want to keep your stats.


                    • #11
                      Re: Knife / Pistol / Revive servers

                      pistols/knife/shock pads/revive servers are fun...its liek if you have 50 points your still coming second last lol...ive seen people have 200 just runnng around reviving teammates and them i just came up and s.h.o.t the bitch down


                      • #12
                        Re: Knife / Pistol / Revive servers

                        Originally posted by Scoobing
                        You can still have this Knife/Pistol/Revive servers, just don't do it on a ranked server if you want to keep your stats.
                        I'm asking why is it such a problem it being on a ranked server?
                        It costs the owner more for it to be ranked, so does it really matter how they use their own server?


                        • #13
                          Re: Knife / Pistol / Revive servers

                          They are stat padding servers. Its not hard to revive ppl when your being attack by a knife....


                          • #14
                            Re: Knife / Pistol / Revive servers

                            These are EA's thoughts on the matter.


                            • #15
                              Re: Knife / Pistol / Revive servers

                              Originally posted by Scoobing
                              These are EA's thoughts on the matter.

                              That doesn't really explain it, that just says 'someone else told me its bad so it must be'

