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Congrats to EA for the crackdown

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  • Re: Congrats to EA for the crackdown

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    • Re: Congrats to EA for the crackdown

      Originally posted by TheONE
      EA HAS NOT CHANGED IT'S TERMS!!! You are talking out of your @ss now!! Show me the "new" terms..if not go edit your post...
      umm. what exactly did you think this thread is about?

      Hi Guys,
      We have noticed an increase in behavior where leased servers are being used by clans solely to pad players stats, even to the extent where clans are institutionalizing rules that forbid normal play.
      Currently the favored method is for player admins to set rules where players must use either a knife or Pistol, players must revive each other, and players must not take flags.
      This creates environments where players gain stats unrealistically and creates an imbalance in the ranked server playing field. In our opinion, these players are breaking EA's Terms of Service,
      and we have begun taking action on the clans involved. However, clan coordination to this extreme requires us to create a long-term solution for this (separate from any scoring changes in 1.03).

      As a group, Ranked Partners included, we need to work together to aggressively crack down on any server that is found to be promoting stats exploiting in order to maintain the integrity of the stats system.

      The following steps will be taken each time we locate a server exploiting through enforced admin rules:

      1. Customer support will strip the stats from those caught on the server at the time of discovery and anyone sharing a clan tag with the offenders that seem to have any anomalous stats.

      2. We will contact the Trusted Partner who has leased the instance in question to the offending clan and request that the clan is immediately moved over to a non-Ranked server.
      This clan should not be given an opportunity to lease another Ranked Server from said partner, as they have too many avenues of coordinating exploitative actions.

      3. If said clan continues to have access to a Ranked server, we will be removing the IP of offending server from the validated list shortly after contacting the Ranked Partner connected with them.

      Please keep in mind we are not holding the hosting partner responsible for the actions of these clients. Also note that the tools we need to employ if we reach step 3 may impact other clients you are hosting.
      Because of this, we do ask that each partner works to ensure that clans/groups that engage in this behavior are removed from your clientele. We have 'busted' a few servers already and those partners have been
      exceptional in their response to correct the errant behavior.

      Notify your clients that if they are running their servers in the manner described above or in any manner which could be questionable that they must cease such actions and run pure servers.


      • Re: Congrats to EA for the crackdown

        EA say no. Simple as that.

        They can do what they want. If they wanted all ranked servers to have the blackhawk shoot daisys they could.....they wouldn't but if they wanted to they could.

        A mod refers to altering physical game design or rules in a way were a player has no choice what so ever.
        You are altering the rules so people have no choice but to use knife or pistol.

        Those who play on the knife/pistol ranked servers have posted pictures of them on these forums. They show 32 people in a big pile knifing and reviving with stupidly high scores and not allowing people to cap any points. I've played knife/pistol unranked. It isn't like that on them. There are people hiding round corners waiting for people to run past to knife them and then cap the point.


        • Re: Congrats to EA for the crackdown

          Originally posted by glasseye
          you rent the slots from EA. EA reserves the right to change its terms. EA has changed its terms. i thought it was pretty easy to understand.

          raxorblade82, if i was a nicer person i would pity you.
          you pity me? BAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHHAAHA. OMFG, i feel bad for moles like you who havent seen the light of day in two months since this game came out.


          • Re: Congrats to EA for the crackdown

            Originally posted by glasseye
            umm. what exactly did you think this thread is about?
            YOU HAVENT SHOWED ANYTHING!!! That is not an official anncouncement...that is my whole point!!! The fanboys are running with this, and if this isn't an official one will look quite the fool...

            Show me the "new" info on EA's SITE!!!! If not go edit...


            • Re: Congrats to EA for the crackdown

              TheONE you are right this should be on EA's site as well when I think about it. I will send a message to them now to get them to add something.


              • Re: Congrats to EA for the crackdown

                Originally posted by glasseye
                umm. what exactly did you think this thread is about?
                YOU HAVENT SHOWED ANYTHING!!! That is not an official anncouncement...that is my whole point!!! The fanboys are running with this, and if this isn't an official one will look quite the fool...

                Show me the "new" info on EA's SITE!!!! If not go edit...

                PS how many official emails start out with "hi guys"


                • Re: Congrats to EA for the crackdown

                  K boys and girls... Getting a little angry when you are typing and you are losing the validity of your arguements. I am not even sure what you are arguing about anymore. If EA wants to maintain a certian degree of continuity in its community, then they are entitled to it. Unfortunately there isn't too much you can do. You could go and make a anti BF2 website and bash EA and BF2 all day long, try to convince all of your friends to stop playing. But i doubt that would accomplish much.

                  And again Glasseye you just come across so stuck up. You need to be more tactful in what you are typing and people might agree with you a littke more.


                  • Re: Congrats to EA for the crackdown

                    You are altering the rules so people have no choice but to use knife or pistol.

                    You talk a big game but tell me how I am taking away there choice, they still have ther AK 101 and can use it if they want. So If 32 people come in my server some day while I am out and decide amonst themselves that they want to have a big ass knife fight. legally in the phucktard courts of EA I am guilty of modding a server. DUDE YOUR SUCH A NOOB AT LIFE


                    • Re: Congrats to EA for the crackdown

                      Originally posted by TheONE
                      YOU HAVENT SHOWED ANYTHING!!! That is not an official anncouncement...that is my whole point!!! The fanboys are running with this, and if this isn't an official one will look quite the fool...

                      Show me the "new" info on EA's SITE!!!! If not go edit...
                      not official? really? wow did you know i thought it was.

                      again w/ the fanboy crap, the 'fanboys' are not the only ppl running w/ it. everybody in the thread has. if you werent, then what are you doing posting here?

                      i did say if you were not convinced and cared enough you could just make a thread on the official bf2 ea forums, but i guess you would rather keep calling everybody here 'fanboys.'


                      • Re: Congrats to EA for the crackdown

                        Originally posted by TheONE
                        YOU HAVENT SHOWED ANYTHING!!! That is not an official anncouncement...that is my whole point!!! The fanboys are running with this, and if this isn't an official one will look quite the fool...

                        Show me the "new" info on EA's SITE!!!! If not go edit...

                        PS how many official emails start out with "hi guys"
                        youre right. actually, it is indeed sexist that they are starting this email out with 'hey guys'. what about females that own servers? perhaps someone should take EA to court....


                        • Re: Congrats to EA for the crackdown

                          Originally posted by -=SiN=-Broown
                          And again Glasseye you just come across so stuck up. You need to be more tactful in what you are typing and people might agree with you a littke more.
                          there is correct and there is incorrect. too many ppl cannot admit when they are wrong and resort to insults and semantics.

                          Originally posted by VonHiltz
                          DUDE YOUR SUCH A NOOB AT LIFE
                          why are you insulting ppl when they are only trying to help you understand what it seems you either cannot or will not understand by yourself?


                          • Re: Congrats to EA for the crackdown

                            Damn you are a stuck up little forum troll, Dude you live in Australia, its supposed to be beautiful there, go outside or something.


                            • Re: Congrats to EA for the crackdown

                              Originally posted by glasseye
                              there is correct and there is incorrect. too many ppl cannot admit when they are wrong and resort to insults and semantics.

                              why are you insulting ppl when they are only trying to help you understand what it seems you either cannot or will not understand by yourself?
                              glasseye, youve made your point already. cant you go get your post count up in another thread? god, im so sick of seeing your retarded custom sig and your avatar of the girl you masterbate to every day. please go elsewhere


                              • Re: Congrats to EA for the crackdown

                                All I have to ask is this: If 32 players jump into a Server Named Joes Killing Room and one dude says "Hey y'all let us have a big Knife Fight!" and every member says 'Right on Dude" then what???? OMG Mommy Jimmy was statpadding today and he made Cpl. before me I am telling EA. Some of you guys need lives. I dont care if 1000 players play on ranked server that have knives and pistols only and get a badge before me, your right its a game, and I do have some issues with it not being "Real" and as a Ex Marine Sniper I know what I am taking about, but I remind my self this is a game, so have fun. If you dont like the Knifes and pistols only servers stay out of them. Worry about your own points, and feel the honor in getting them the right way. This is a free Internet and if players want a Knife fight go for it. EA is crap, If they have an issue with this then they need to provide servers for Free, Hire Admins and then they can worry about rules and such, A lot of clans are paying for these ranked servers ea is not tossing in any cash, why can they make a rule saying no knife only servers god. Anyway I feel like a Knife fight so I am going to Joes killing Room, Join me if you are interested!

