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Ever feel "guilty" for killing players?

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  • Re: Ever feel "guilty" for killing players?

    not a blood..really takes away fomr hte realism..maybe in real life i would feel bad..even if it was a bad guy


    • Re: Ever feel "guilty" for killing players?

      I do only in those circumstances where I would likley say "BS!" if I were the one killed. Okay, maybe some other times to. I definatly don't feel like ripping the throat out of whoever kills me in a game where I'm doing well.

      And I don't think this has anything to do with morality. As I see it, you either give it your all or give it none. No need to randomly place lines as to where your doing "too much pwning" for no logical reason and based purley on your mood at the time. Punishing TKs for your stupidity, teamkilling intentionally for fun and calling people insults are morality issues.

      Actually, I do recall showing mercy once on Dragon valley. I had my APC camped outside an enemy base to cover some guys that were attacking it. It turned out the docks on that base were a spawn point. The first time I saw someone spawn there I killed them instantly, but after that I started to look away from that spawn point occasionally, and, after they spawned, sometimes gave them a second or two to get oriented. The whole time I was thinking "Am I a kill whore or a team player?" I certaintly didn't come there to spawn kill, but I didn't move away from that point either.


      • Re: Ever feel "guilty" for killing players?

        I feel bad for the accidental T/K's


        • Re: Ever feel "guilty" for killing players?

          LMAO i laugh after i kill people not feel bad ...................


          • Re: Ever feel "guilty" for killing players?

            Sometimes i do.

            I have been known to switch my assault rifle to my pistol when taking on a sniper at close range, its more of a challange then noobtubing them or wasting them in a hail of lead.

            And yeah, i feel bad when im rocketwhoring everyone, but.. what am i supposed to use? the crappy smg or my pistol at long range


            • Re: Ever feel "guilty" for killing players?

              i want to go up agenst you lol


              • Re: Ever feel "guilty" for killing players?

                I only feel guilty when a guy just doest no when to call it quits.
                I defend this flag the whole map get a awesome score... only from killing the same 3 guys.

