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Why are the maps foggy sometimes?

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  • #31
    Uhm, if you are sniping from a point where you can be blinded by the tiny variation of the fog, you might just as well throw bullets with your hand.


    • #32
      Originally posted by Wasp
      I have read the whole thread and if you did the same you would have seen that both questions have been answered. 1. Fog is drawn in your 3D cards hardware (varies very little between brand or model). 2. The fog distance or barrier is predefined on a map basis and hence does not dynamically change during play.
      So you didn't answer my primary question. Why is different on the same machine on the same map?


      • #33
        Originally posted by Chubz
        No offense... but for the most part, they both look exactly the same.

        In the top screenshot, you're a bit closer, making the color of the leaves on the treees more visible.

        In the bottom screenshot, you're out more causing the color of the leaves to be hidden.

        You can look at the top of the hill for reference and easily see that you're closer in the first screen. Not to mention, the fog looks the same there as well.
        They don't look the same. SOrry it's a little confusing. The first post, more fog is on the top. Second post, more fog is on the bottom. I kind of switched them (it's fixed now). The fact is I can see LESS of the trees in the screenshot where I am CLOSER. And it it makes a HUGE difference when you get to even farther distances...unfortunately my "before" screenshot doesn't have a very good example of the limited distance.


        • #34
          Originally posted by jonnysanchez
          because every map is different. not every map has the same level of fog or view distance. just because your view distance is at 100% doesnt mean you will see the same distance for every map.
          Well DUH thanks for the tip einstien. Should I go back and count how many times I have said IT'S A DIFFERENT AMOUNT OF FOG ON THE SAME MAP!


          • #35
            Maybe this will help:


            • #36
              On Songhua Stalemate there is a concentrated fog line a certain distance away from you. As you move forward you push this line forward too. When this line of fog is between you and objects like trees they will look a little covered but as you move forward and the concentrated fog reach the tree it becomes more covered or difficult to see. That's what it looks like when I tested it myself. It's obviously a result of the map designer placing the fog close but not making it thick enough to cover what's behind it.


              • #37
                Sorry but that doesn't make any sense. If you are looking through fog past the fog barrirer things should be just as hard to see as if they were in the fog barrier itself. Mathmatically that is how it should work. I guess I need more screenshots before people will believe I am having this problem.


                • #38
                  ( can't explain the fog, but props for killing someone using that POS SMG.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Wasp
                    On Songhua Stalemate there is a concentrated fog line a certain distance away from you. As you move forward you push this line forward too. When this line of fog is between you and objects like trees they will look a little covered but as you move forward and the concentrated fog reach the tree it becomes more covered or difficult to see. That's what it looks like when I tested it myself. It's obviously a result of the map designer placing the fog close but not making it thick enough to cover what's behind it.
                    but this guy is saying that the closer he gets, the more fog there is. thats what i get from his screenshots. if what you said is true, then something is wrong with his card or something.


                    • #40
                      it's not the closer I get, the more fog there is. I am just saying I started the game one day and I had a lot more fog than I normally do. That's it. The screenshots are just illustrate my point that there is a lot more fog in one screenshot than the other.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by dmonkey
                        ( can't explain the fog, but props for killing someone using that POS SMG.
                        Lol, I kill people all the time with it.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by ozziegt
                          it's not the closer I get, the more fog there is. I am just saying I started the game one day and I had a lot more fog than I normally do. That's it. The screenshots are just illustrate my point that there is a lot more fog in one screenshot than the other.
                          so sometimes its ok and sometimes its not?


                          • #43
                            Man - half of you people are responding without reading the whole thread. He's claiming that sometimes when he plays the same maps will have more fog than usual. Although - i think it looks like you're further away in your AFTER screenshot than in your BEFORE screenshot. you should take some different screenshots where you're in a very defined spot so it will be more clear what you're trying to get across...


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by monkton
                              Man - half of you people are responding without reading the whole thread. He's claiming that sometimes when he plays the same maps will have more fog than usual. Although - i think it looks like you're further away in your AFTER screenshot than in your BEFORE screenshot. you should take some different screenshots where you're in a very defined spot so it will be more clear what you're trying to get across...
                              i think he's just full of ****


                              • #45
                                Re: Why are the maps foggy sometimes?

                                OK here are some definitive screenshots.


                                Not Foggy:


                                Not Foggy:

                                All you naysayers are really ticking me off. If you are too blind to see it or your monitor sucks too bad, don't waste my time posting in my thread!

