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Is the support weapon (SAW) worth upgrading?

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  • #46
    Originally posted by Roderick
    Does anyone here that is anti the way Support weapons work now actually use the weapon and have really attempted to learn the weapon? Have you tried the weapons for more than one or two turns and then switched off to a weapon with more accuracy like Special Ops or a Sniper?

    I am curious just how much time has been put into using Support before players that hate the kit complain about it on these forums. I tested it for two full days without weapon switching and now I run around with it all the time and have not used AT since. The Support weapons own if used properly.
    Support 0d 11h 13m 10s

    I've logged enough time to have a viable opinion.


    • #47
      Originally posted by Champion
      ROFL that site uses standing up with no zoom? OF COURSE you aren't going to hit ****. You have to be prone with the support weapon, and it becomes very accurate. On many occasions I have taken out people with assault rifles in long range firefights with the support kit. Don't hate the support kit if you haven't given it practice.
      See my two other posts immediately above.

      Further, if you outgun an assault player in a "long range firefight" then that player is not very good. With any level of skill, someone using single shot assault rifle against a prone, stationary support player will always win at long ranges.


      • #48
        The PKM is intimidating sounding, hurts like hell, and you can actually do medium range sniping with it because of its slower ROF. Not really possible with the SAW. Does some pretty good damage to Helos and Light Vehicles as well. It can be enough to chase off a damaged attack helicopter when you're in a bind.


        • #49
          go with the PKM. even though i have played alot with the 203, i t is just too easy to kill with it. i went over to suport after i got the G3 cuz that gun sucks. support pwn, you guys just suck at support


          • #50
            I unlocked PKM and i think it was a good decision; the 100 round mag is plenty because you drop guys in just 3 hits, true it is inaccurate when ur not prone; but if you fire in bursts it is fine. I dont know why I never see many ppl with unlocked PKM, I think people underestimate it, and it certainly is better than the SAW that is rubbish.

