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Is the support weapon (SAW) worth upgrading?

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  • Is the support weapon (SAW) worth upgrading?

    I have already unlocked the G3 and before too long i'll get to my next unlock. I have found that when i have a really good round im usually using the SAW, so does anyone reccomend the SAW upgrade? I had a quick go with it once form someones kit they dropped and i noticed it only held 100 rounds but sounded meaty, but i didn't get a decent go with it.

    So does anyone reccomend it?

    My other temptations are upgrading the Spec Ops gun or the medic gun to the baby SA80 thing.

  • #2
    well me i love l85 but i was playing support and pkm it owns cuz of its power just rember 2 prone when fireing


    • #3
      i like the saw cos it has a good spread, and just enough damage to cause confusion. People see the huge muzzle flash and get into a position to fire back, but you are able to shoot faster at them, so before they shoot enough to kill u they have been at least hit once and damaged enough to retreat.

      I find a lot more advantage with saw than pkm. But thats just me.


      • #4
        Yea PKM is good my friend shotgun2theface has that hes good with it...


        • #5
          If you like the saw then get the PKM its less ammo but its the grim reaper of guns ! It deals out death like nobodys business. The people that dont like well they must not play support enough i went like in 3 days of playing only support. I didnt play 3 days strait duh, But get the pkm you wont need to worry bout the 100 shells. Get the PKM and plus if you die ill take it


          • #6
            hehe ok thats settled then


            • #7
              i played suppot and medic most. support is my favourite. especially taking of the hud and just hosing. and also...i dont know whether this is true, would be interesting to test, but as the gun is so big, and ur stuck behind it with a big fat muzzle flash, snipers find it tricky to target inbetween the eyes?


              • #8
                Support owns! The kit is the death dealer only flawed by the bunny hopping exploit and unskilled m203/GP-30 queers.

                If someone tries to go toe to toe with you within a reasonable distance or CQC while you are in prone, there is a good chance that your opponent will fall. The rate of fire and potential for high damage fast makes this a weapon to avoid on the field in the hands of someone experienced with Support.

                Plus the huge ammo clip means less reloads and getting caught with your pants down.

                Finally, you are Support. You never need to find ammo.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Roderick
                  Support owns! The kit is the death dealer only flawed by the bunny hopping exploit and unskilled m203/GP-30 queers.

                  If someone tries to go toe to toe with you within a reasonable distance or CQC while you are in prone, there is a good chance that your opponent will fall. The rate of fire and potential for high damage fast makes this a weapon to avoid on the field in the hands of someone experienced with Support.

                  Plus the huge ammo clip means less reloads and getting caught with your pants down.

                  Finally, you are Support. You never need to find ammo.
                  another 203 hater.........


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Disconnect=the=X
                    another 203 hater.........
                    I'm not a hater, I'm a realist. The way the launchers are coded are poor and heavily abused on the field to protect the user in CQC where they should be receiving insta death also due to the range of the explosion, but they are not. Do not BS yourself because obviously with a comeback like that, you are an abuser of this process too.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Roderick
                      I'm not a hater, I'm a realist. The way the launchers are coded are poor and heavily abused on the field to protect the user in CQC where they should be receiving insta death also due to the range of the explosion, but they are not. Do not BS yourself because obviously with a comeback like that, you are an abuser of this process too.
                      No you are full of bs, the nade is only effective at medium range, you fire it off to close, you die simply as that. Plus is pretty hard to aim and you have to hit fairly close to kill a person. You're just someone who gets killeda lot by m203 but hasn't actually played assult that much, and doesn ot know how hard it is to aim with that thing. And by the time you get aim you can easly be killed by someone with the PKM in prone. Like you said suppport PKM owns, up close and in range you're just sad that people have an effective way of countering it and your turky shoot just got ended. Oh and I have the PKM unlocked so I have first hand experience in this game with it.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Roderick
                        I'm not a hater, I'm a realist. The way the launchers are coded are poor and heavily abused on the field to protect the user in CQC where they should be receiving insta death also due to the range of the explosion, but they are not. Do not BS yourself because obviously with a comeback like that, you are an abuser of this process too.
                        Your absolutely right there. I can't stand people who use the 203 as a close up cannon its blatent cheating/exploting. If the 203 was coded properly it wouldn't go off at that range and if it did then the person fireing it would die too. Thats somthing i hope to see fixed in the next patch.


                        • #13
                          if you use suppot class at all, the PKM is the best weapon upgrade in a bang-for-the-buck sense. go for it!


                          • #14
                            The PKM is worthless, other than the lethargic ROF, it is inaccurate, slow loading and noisey as hell. The (buzz)SAW is faster loading, faster shooting and even if you aren't hitting them, they sure the hell aren't thinking about sticking around to aim at you, usually they are runnig for cover. Unlock the G36C, L85A1 *if you haven't already* or the G3, the Barett is a big POS as well.


                            • #15
                              Just because some people find the weapon to be good dosnt mean its a good weapon. You often hear people say Support is good or M95 is good, and how they kill lots with it and such, but then you check their stat and you find they die twice for each kill they get with such weapon.
                              So its up to you, weather you want a FUN weapon or a GOOD weapon.

