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Playing less?

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  • Playing less?

    I have to admit that over the past 10 days or so my daily time alloted to BF2 has dropped considerably. Most nights I hunt for a medium Karkand server and play a round, 2 at most and then call it quits. I'm not sure why but I guess I'm just getting a little bored with it or something. I know part of the reason is that I've been working out more, spending more time away from the "puter", giving Liz some due attention, and last but not least playing God of War(Liz got it for me last week for my birthday, bless her heart).

    I've gotten 100 hours out of the game, so I have no complaints at all. Just wondering, has anyone else's BF2 time dropped considerably?

  • #2
    maybe trying another map would help ?


    • #3
      I don't really enjoy other maps. I know people say it's part of the game and whatnot, but I just get into Tankfield 2. I like a good ground pound on Karkand, what can I say?


      • #4
        lol, yeah. Karkand is fun, but there are so many other maps.

        I am playing as much as possible, squeezing in some gaming every night after work, dinner & time in the pool with the kids.


        • #5
          I havent played BF2 for two weeks except for a few hours with my clan, its getting so boring and old, feels kind of disturbing.


          • #6
            I made a thread about this a couple of days ago. I got sick of it as soon as I got Corp. It seems like all those late night trying to get enough points to get another unlock ruined the game for me. Its just boring to me now. ESPECALLY KIRKLAND. That was the only map I played on too.


            • #7
              I can understand how yo guys feel. Went through that stage just after lance corpral but i just changed my gamestlye and tried different things. Glad i did as i just got corpral last weekend and im now on 15045 hunting down those last 10000 to seargent which will take me to the end of the month to do but im glad as i will get seargent in before the new uni term starts im enjoying it though especially just playing karkand, peninsula and mashtuur. I find the open maps tedious and boring thanfully bf2 gives something for everyone

              when i was playing everyday i only got 300 - 500 points but if i save my time to play on a day when i know i will do well i can push 1000 easily.


              • #8
                Seems to me that the people getting bored of the game are the one's who play one map.

                I agree that KARKAND is by far the best. . . but the other ones can be fun as well. . . if I play only Karkand, I get bored. But it is nice to switch it up and it keeps karkand fresh.

                However, it seems I haven't played as much as you guys have.


                • #9
                  Try playing for fun and not for stats.


                  • #10
                    I thnk it's because you arent' playing the game for the fun of it, only for points. I got bored to death of Karkand aftera litlle bit. Yoou've go tto have some variety, if you play the same map over and over again, it'll get boringa s hell.


                    • #11
                      In a nut shell, my clan is waiting for the next patch. The current rash of TK morons and point harvesting must be fixed if we are going to commit to this game.


                      • #12
                        I play of everymap. I usually play on a one round server for the map variety!! I cant play the same map over and over, whats the point? It's not fun.


                        • #13
                          ya... the its kinda boring now... i have found that if you play different maps and dont stick to one weapon its much more fun...


                          • #14
                            yeah, playing all the maps and gaming for fun, it seems to me, is the best way to go. saying you only play one map & that you are now bored, is as obvious as saying you had a sh1tty time on a date with Chelsea Clinton.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by [47R]Saureco
                              In a nut shell, my clan is waiting for the next patch. The current rash of TK morons and point harvesting must be fixed if we are going to commit to this game.
                              These are my sentiments exactly. Everytime my mouse hovers over the Spec Op kit, I think, 'hey, why not wait until the end of the month when i might be able to actually get points for blowing **** up?'. I think that I've put so much faith in this next patch that if it isn't as good as we're all hoping, it might really hurt how I feel about bf2. Don't get me wrong, I play as much as I can with my busy schedule and am really enjoying it, but they have some things to fix.

                              As far as maps go, I'm a Karkand/mashtuur/sharqi guy. This rotation is enough to keep me coming back without feeling too stale.

