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I make you TK me

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  • #76
    you ruined the fun by posting your plans on the forum.
    you should have just done what you wanted to do, then let someone else post how crap EA/Dice is on the boards.
    Plus you are wasting valuable time replying all the time.

    I have a better idea for you....



    • #77
      Originally posted by Teriander
      First, To the morons. Im not going to say any names.. You know who you are:
      Don't pretend I'm the first person to deliberately cause a TK, because I've read a LOT of topics about people whining about the crappy TK system. Example, friendly setting off claymores and PUNISHING the sniper who obviously did nothing wrong.

      Second, Telling me to leave the game instead of making you TK me just isn't going to happen. It's actually quiet entertaining until EA learns their lesson. So they can sit on their arse and do nothing about it. Or they can fix it. In the meantime. I'll have fun making you TK me, while making you angry at the sametime. It's the best of both worlds.

      Third, It is EA's fault. If it isn't their fault they wouldn't be fixing it right now in patch 1.03 right? So why are you hating me and pretending EA has nothing to do with it? Why are they fixing it if its not their fault?
      Argh! Another crusader. I really hate these guys. Someone who gets no real world attention so they need to lash out online...bla bla bla.

      If you hate the game, simply dont play it. You're no better than some towel head who thinks that killing 1,00o babies and women will make everyone bow down to your fu<ked up view of how life should be. Please go kill yourself, and get your 78 virgins or what ever your derranged brain thinks will await you in hell.

      Why dont you leave the fun to those of us who want it. Go jerk off or something. IMO, it's waaay over due.


      • #78
        Originally posted by EliteDoughBoy
        I HAVE ONE thing 2 say and 1 thing only HAve fun trying 2 team kill like Millions of people playing the game so basicly your going no where... and if u do team kill who gives a 5uk they will just join a diff sever eh all i have 2 say is good.... luck... and if i see u in a sever and u wana play the tk game lets go ill tk u 2...
        Thanks for supporting my cause. You just gave me another reason to force TK. Basically you just said, I can make it inconvenient for you by running you off the server to join a different server because I'm making you TK me. Let say by the time you notice that someone is making you kill them over and over, you will probably already have a strong negative score, or kick banned, and must find another server. You also said I shouldn't have any problem finding someone to TK me, millions of people to choose from right? You'd be surpised how many people I've gotten kicked banned from a game.


        • #79
          You must lead a pretty eventful life, considering you can devote all your time to annoying people on a game and all.


          • #80
            Originally posted by cspar
            Argh! Another crusader. I really hate these guys. Someone who gets no real world attention so they need to lash out online...bla bla bla.

            If you hate the game, simply dont play it. You're no better than some towel head who thinks that killing 1,00o babies and women will make everyone bow down to your fu<ked up view of how life should be. Please go kill yourself, and get your 78 virgins or what ever your derranged brain thinks will await you in hell.

            Why dont you leave the fun to those of us who want it. Go jerk off or something. IMO, it's waaay over due.
            Didn't I tell you it's fun making you TK me? Why would I want to leave? It's challenging, difficult, and plus you get kicked banned. Not me. Why would I want to leave the game? I don't hate the game. I love the crappy TK system.

            And don't relate me to a terrorst. Im not the one killing friendlies. You are. I should be calling you the terrorist. Don't kill me terrorist.


            • #81
              teriander and Ikilled007 are one in teh same... a troll. :P


              • #82
                Originally posted by Champion
                You must lead a pretty eventful life, considering you can devote all your time to annoying people on a game and all.
                Yes I do live a EVENTFUL life, but I think you mean uneventful. Regardless, think about what you're saying. Im devoting all my time annoying people on a game. What do you do when you play? Kill the enemy? Do you think they get annoyed when you kill them over and over? I know a lot of people who get upset when they die. I'm just the opposite. I love dying. But by friendlies. So basically you and I are on the same mission. You're trying to annoy the enemy by blowing up their tanks, equiptment, and killing them. Im trying to annoy you by making you kill me. In the end its all fun and game. So get used to it and quit whining.


                • #83
                  Originally posted by Teriander
                  Second, Telling me to leave the game instead of making you TK me just isn't going to happen. It's actually quiet entertaining until EA learns their lesson. So they can sit on their arse and do nothing about it. Or they can fix it. In the meantime. I'll have fun making you TK me, while making you angry at the sametime. It's the best of both worlds.
                  From this point (listed above your reason of forcing fixes out of EA) kind of points to your mentality. You're not doin it because your clever, or to prove a point, or to fix the bugs; you're doing it becuase you enjoy making people angry in a faceless environment whereby they have no form of retaliation.
                  I don't care though, you seem to enjoy being tk'd and i'll certainly enjoy putting a bullet in your face, hey maybe we could get together on a server and we'll have a great time all night.


                  • #84
                    Originally posted by Musicalgibbon
                    From this point (listed above your reason of forcing fixes out of EA) kind of points to your mentality. You're not doin it because your clever, or to prove a point, or to fix the bugs; you're doing it becuase you enjoy making people angry in a faceless environment whereby they have no form of retaliation.
                    I don't care though, you seem to enjoy being tk'd and i'll certainly enjoy putting a bullet in your face, hey maybe we could get together on a server and we'll have a great time all night.
                    Sounds like a plan. Make sure it's a ranked server. I want to demote you to private before the patch comes out.


                    • #85
                      Originally posted by Musicalgibbon
                      From this point (listed above your reason of forcing fixes out of EA) kind of points to your mentality. You're not doin it because your clever, or to prove a point, or to fix the bugs; you're doing it becuase you enjoy making people angry in a faceless environment whereby they have no form of retaliation.
                      I don't care though, you seem to enjoy being tk'd and i'll certainly enjoy putting a bullet in your face, hey maybe we could get together on a server and we'll have a great time all night.
                      i wouldnt bother, this type of nonce is on every server.


                      • #86
                        There are many more servers out there than the one you infest like a bad case of hurpes. I will and do go to another server where the palyers are not acting like spoiled 5 year olds that didn't get enough attention.

                        I'm relating you to a terrorist, becuse you you are terrorizing other players by causing them to TK you. You sound liek a 5 year old, but a 5 year old Muslim extremist who thinks that causing pain or discomfort to others will make some third party fix the issue. Good job! If you cant have fun, then why should anyone else, right?

                        If you cant understand what I'm saying, you're too fu<ked in the head to get help. Why dont you go and blow your self up in front of the EA or Dice building. maybe the media coverage will make EA realize your point and fix the issue.


                        • #87
                          Enough, if you have a problem with EA take it up with them, you do not need to ruin other poeples experiances with this game, you are simply making a game less popular so why would EA or DICE fix a game that you are simply breaking more?

                          You should really think before you start "taking control of the situation" because guess what you have no control over what happens to this game, with a attitude like that, you have nohing to say what happens to Battlefield 2 and where it's future lies because you simple have the mantality to say "Ohh **** this game is broke, fix it now or i'll have a hissy fit." Rather than working with the developers, giving suggestion, and working through us to work with them.

                          You also have started trouble that you may not have wanted, you realize that by registering two seperate accounts you have made a infraction against our rules and regulations? Think twice before you post such radical movements on our forums, you may bring unwanted attention to yourself.

