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I make you TK me

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Lirethion
    Do the Drill Instructor Corps a Favore and never compare yourself to one of them. A True DI's Purpose is to preare you for combat By

    1) Breaking you down as a Civillian
    2) Rebuilding you as a Soldier in the Armed Forces
    3) Be a Mentor which YOU ARE NOT!
    4) teach you how to survive and prepare you for combat.
    Lirethion, I am preparing you for combat. Im preparing you not to friendly fire.


    • #32
      Originally posted by Teriander
      gunner, 28
      thats sad... this would be excusable if you were 17 or younger.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Cosmos
        thats sad... this would be excusable if you were 17 or younger.
        I didn't know having fun on a game had a age limit. You think my playing style is childish? Then bunny hoppers, cheaters, stats whores, etc. must really piss you off.


        • #34
          Originally posted by Teriander
          I made an account just to make you TK me on ranked servers. If you're on my team, I'll jump in front of your vehicles, Run over your mines or claymore, get in your line of fire, and for the love of god run under my commander's artillery with arms-wide-open.

          I know.. I know.. It's a s**ty thing to do. But I have to do it. EA pisses me off and they don't listen.. Plus they want to release an expansion pack before they fix the current problems. So if BF2 is going to be a hell for me. Its going to be a hell for everyone. I know... I know.. What an a**hole. But it's just your stats, it's not so bad.. You'll get used to it. Before you know it, you'll be kicked banned before you can type WTF. Please just don't whine about it in game because I dont have time to type in game. Lots of teammates to force TKs and I don't have time to yap.

          Besides, its actually quit challenging and fun to make your teammates kill you. Lucky for me the 2 mile per hour bummer death is a gift form EA. Thanks EA. Thanks for all your Film Actors Guild executives.

          umm if you get banned from a server. That isnt just on your account you have to buy a whole new game to unban yourself.

          What a c00k


          • #35
            Originally posted by Teriander
            Basically what you've just said my plan is going to help people become better players. They will learn not to run over friends, they will learn not to fire artillery near friendlies, they will to only use mines when they see the enemy. You've just given me another reason to force people to TK me.. Im teaching them to "adapt".
            Me and my friends go around and bash people late at night. You might think this is immoral, but it's not - we're teaching them "self-defense". They will learn to protect themselves for next time.

            Nice logic, isn't it?

            Btw, you wouldn't happen to have a link to stats of the account would you?


            • #36
              Just funny to read this topic...


              • #37
                Originally posted by WrAth2110
                umm if you get banned from a server. That isnt just on your account you have to buy a whole new game to unban yourself.

                And btw that is VERY CHILDISH.....
                I think you're confused... Im not going to get banned from a server because Im not the TKer.. Read the post carefully. And it's not childish to make people TK me. It's educational for them, entertaining for me.. And as god is my witness, it really pisses people off. Take this post for example. I haven't started yet and I feel like I need to put some of you on suicide watch. So call it what you want, childish, immature, whatever..


                • #38
                  Have you got a link to stats for the account you did this with?


                  • #39
                    I read these post and lol soooooooooooooooooooooooooo mannnnnny winers
                    here sh_t that person whores a tank that noob cannon,black hawk and soo on damm remember its a game have fun get back at them and kill them I play to have fun I know the game needs fixing it will happen just chill


                    • #40
                      3 words:


                      • #41
                        This guy is a troll. Who cares what the hell he is going to do. The chances of ever finding youself on the same server are very small. Clearly the guy wants attention and has issues.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by glaeken
                          This guy is a troll. Who cares what the hell he is going to do. The chances of ever finding youself on the same server are very small. Clearly the guy wants attention and has issues.
                          Thanks for the heads-up, Freud. But, please continue since you're giving him a free diagnosis: what "issues" does he have? Sublimated homosexuality like you, or something more severe?


                          • #43
                            Well sometimes you need to point out the obvious.

                            As to his issues who cares. There are far to many idiots in the world to care about just one who seeks attention.


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Gunner
                              But I realized, being a selfish twat is detrimental to the community and only perpetuates a cycle of asshatery.
                              Damn Gunner, that has to be the best statement I have ever read roflmao. :laugh:


                              • #45
                                why dont you step away from the comp you twat and let others play how they want

                                i cant believe some ****s that play this game i really cant.

