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  • #46
    Originally posted by Kleinzeit
    I don't give a rat's ring. The game is there so everyone can have fun. If you play a close map and get pwned by a clever enemy in some hairy firefights, you still enjoy it. It was a fair contest. If some wally swoops on you from above repeatedly, and there is no decent in game way to retaliate, it's not fun, or only for the pilot. In short, you are tossing.

    Added to this, you KNOW it isn't fair or balanced, but you can't keep away from it,regardless of how much people loathe it. Why in hell do you expect them to show you anything but the back of their hand in return?

    Jets are almost unassailable ingame, and if they were gone, noone would cry but pilots, and many would cheer. Getting shot up by spec ops is one thing, but you can't take out revenge on a jet pilot at all, really.

    It's not about win or lose at any cost. When BFV came out, it wasn't long before those using the newbie cannon were being ragged for being the assclowns that they were.

    Have some sense, man. Consider others or go play bots, IMHO.
    This is the most retarded argument ive seen... go and get a stinger and blow him up. Work it up *******.


    • #47
      Alright ill try not to use big words for the four year olds here, but some of yall have problems. I mean can you not see the jet comeing at you? and if you cant, I cant blame ya. BUT how do you not hear it, IT MAKES LOUD NOISE. As a ground infantryman you will always see it b4 it sees you. IF YOU SEE IT:

      A) FInd cover

      B) Lay down and hope it doesnt see you. (IF it doesnt know your their it wont waste bombs.)

      C) Run for your life at its horisontal.

      If those dont work, Then O no, youll have to wait ten seconds. Poor you.

      If your REALLY whiney about it, why dont you just move to a server where they dont play maps with planes.
      Meh. Nuff' Said


      • #48
        pfft. I'm not getting whiney about it. I was saying I applauded the kicking of the starter of the thread, and went on to say why I thought pilots often deserve it. I believe I finished by suggesting that :

        d) starting a kickvote on the pilot is as good a tactic as a), b) or c). Also encourages the offender to move servers, rather than me.

        Anyone who thinks that my tactics are somehow more unreasonable than those of whoring pilots can lick my bag.


        • #49
          Some people can't handle being owned at all. I've been kicked from a clan server for killing them all too much in a chopper and worn many insults from doing so prior to the admin kick.


          • #50
            Originally posted by Kleinzeit
            pfft. I'm not getting whiney about it. I was saying I applauded the kicking of the starter of the thread, and went on to say why I thought pilots often deserve it. I believe I finished by suggesting that :

            d) starting a kickvote on the pilot is as good a tactic as a), b) or c). Also encourages the offender to move servers, rather than me.

            Anyone who thinks that my tactics are somehow more unreasonable than those of whoring pilots can lick my bag.
            The piolit shouldnt move, YOU should HE is just doing his piolty jobs. IF you dont like it, go to a server with no planes. THe planes are a part of the game, dieing is too. We all know the planes arnt there to be stared at. EVERYONE gets bombed. NOT EVERYONE gets kicked because they dropped bombs. Dont kick him because he interferes with your scoreing. A true champion would find out how to do better, not kick him for being better.

            Do not curse the darkness, Light a match.

            Do not flame him and try to kick him, shoot him down with the stinger or the moble AA or the M95. Or your ****ing machine gun, if you damn well feel like it.


            • #51
     least u got ur points right?? if not, then welcome to BF2, a place where injustice sprawl every corner of the game.....


              • #52
                I have also found (BF2+pipe)*Sleep deprivation= new reality and shitty scores.

                Guess I have to pack another one to get over the bad score.


                • #53
                  Re: Lame

                  Wow, that was the first time I've ever seen someone say something like that. I've felt it dozens of times, but would never try to kick someone just for playing the game. I've played on maps where you didn't dare enter a vehicle due to the oppressive air assets the other team fielded.

                  I might be a little different though as I enjoy maps where they ask you not to camp uncappable bases. I think it's lame to be killed before I even get to see the world. I love a good fight. Good fights ebb and flow across the map. There's nothing worse than being on the losing end of a route. It's just no fun. The only thing less fun is to be team swapped to a team that's getting slaughtered mid fight.

                  Back to the original point though, I really wish that the stingers around the map functioned better. I have fired hundreds of stingers but have only killed a handful of pilots with them.


                  • #54
                    Re: Lame

                    Kleinzeit, i'm sorry to say this, but if you're so concerned about having a fair fight, you might want to reconsider playing Battlefield 2. my suggestion for you would be to play Counter-Strike. noone has vehicles, many servers restrict the awp's and autosnipes, and every weapon has a suitable match for the opposing force (i.e. AK-47 vs. M4A1)

                    i've played many games on maps like Gulf of Oman and Wake Island as USMC in which we could not get off the carrier without being killed by jets. did it suck? you bet. did i really care? no. it's just a game. if i had been really upset about it, i would just go to another server where rules are enforced that you can't spawn rape uncapturable bases. not once did i feel like i needed to initiate a kick-vote against a pilot because they were having a good round.

                    so you know how to fly, huh? if you're so upset about the inbalance with jets, why don't you do your team a favor and fly out and drop the enemy's jet? if you feel so badly about "stooping to their level," drop out of the jet immediately after doing so.

