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  • #16
    well, I hate players who punish a teamkill even if it was just an accident. Or medics who won't heal/revive others. People like that shouldn't play that game, it makes me mad all the time.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Kleinzeit
      If I'm on the ground in a map and being whored by some pilot or other, I often start a kickvote. As far as I'm concerned, they are just exploiting a weakness in game balance and that is the best way I have to show my contempt for them.

      I have no sympathy for those who are good pilots and fly the whole map getting 20 to 1 kill ratios. You are not that good, the game is merely biased in one direction, and you are whoring it to the max. Sure you are having fun, but you contribute nothing to anyone else's fun. Getting bombed by a plane is as much fun as being wiped by artillery.

      Be thankful you aren't kicked more often. It's not that anyone is accusing you of cheating; just being lame.
      Im sorry what exactly is the Aviators job then??!!, to throw flowers out the cockpit at ya?? that has to be one the most foolish things I have ever heard? The Jets are THERE FOR THAT PURPOSE!!! hey I dont like getting bombed anymore than anybody else but when Im flying thats exactly what Im doing too cuz THATS WHAT ITS FOR!(oh and shooting down Heli's too) ,BTW if you think there in there to dogfight the other Jets your terribly mistaken as they physics of the AC and the size of the maps dont make much room for dogfights and most jet to jet kills are merely opportunity.


      • #18
        i got kicked this one time for trying to kick a statpaddler dude out. the dude that was doing just said. you just jeliz that i am better then you. and like everybody agree with him. and i am almost sgt. in the game...but rank dont really mean anything i guess.JETS ALL THE WAY!!!!

        all tank noobs and spawn killers must DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


        • #19
          to minamize the chance of bombing teammates on the ground hit N on your hud to make it zoom out and make it bigger and look at the hud before you get within the 200m zone of the flag or what ever.


          • #20
            well i got kicked for beating the server admin to the tank on karland, hows that for lame?


            • #21
              Im sorry what exactly is the Aviators job then??!!, to throw flowers out the cockpit at ya?? that has to be one the most foolish things I have ever heard? The Jets are THERE FOR THAT PURPOSE!!! hey I dont like getting bombed anymore than anybody else but when Im flying thats exactly what Im doing too cuz THATS WHAT ITS FOR!
              I don't give a rat's ring. The game is there so everyone can have fun. If you play a close map and get pwned by a clever enemy in some hairy firefights, you still enjoy it. It was a fair contest. If some wally swoops on you from above repeatedly, and there is no decent in game way to retaliate, it's not fun, or only for the pilot. In short, you are tossing.

              Added to this, you KNOW it isn't fair or balanced, but you can't keep away from it,regardless of how much people loathe it. Why in hell do you expect them to show you anything but the back of their hand in return?

              Jets are almost unassailable ingame, and if they were gone, noone would cry but pilots, and many would cheer. Getting shot up by spec ops is one thing, but you can't take out revenge on a jet pilot at all, really.

              It's not about win or lose at any cost. When BFV came out, it wasn't long before those using the newbie cannon were being ragged for being the assclowns that they were.

              Have some sense, man. Consider others or go play bots, IMHO.


              • #22
                I don't know what servers you play. I think of myself better aviator than the avarage, and I usually get good scores, but no one has ever started any kick vote against me.


                • #23
                  It was the admin that banned me after all. I cant get back on the server :hmm:

                  To the guy complaining about people using jets...

                  Thats why the other team always has a jet too


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Kleinzeit
                    I don't give a rat's ring. The game is there so everyone can have fun. If you play a close map and get pwned by a clever enemy in some hairy firefights, you still enjoy it. It was a fair contest. If some wally swoops on you from above repeatedly, and there is no decent in game way to retaliate, it's not fun, or only for the pilot. In short, you are tossing.

                    Added to this, you KNOW it isn't fair or balanced, but you can't keep away from it,regardless of how much people loathe it. Why in hell do you expect them to show you anything but the back of their hand in return?

                    Jets are almost unassailable ingame, and if they were gone, noone would cry but pilots, and many would cheer. Getting shot up by spec ops is one thing, but you can't take out revenge on a jet pilot at all, really.

                    It's not about win or lose at any cost. When BFV came out, it wasn't long before those using the newbie cannon were being ragged for being the assclowns that they were.

                    Have some sense, man. Consider others or go play bots, IMHO.
                    dont be an idiot. the planes are supposed to bomb youre happy butt. You should really reconsider your purchase of a game that contains vehicals. You seem mor like the Tom Clancey type then the battlefield type. So trying to be as nice as possible, Learn to play the game, if you still dont like it go away and quit trying to ruin the game for those of us that enjoy it the way it was ment to be played. I can understand how haveing the possibility of an enemy jet killing you as you wander aimlessly through the folage can be a bit much to handel at first. Just out of curiosity do you try and kick the commander for arty strikes?


                    • #25
                      that is rather sad and pathetic of the Admin


                      • #26
                        Kicking for an arty TK is lame, you get a warning that artillery is in your area for a reason. :hmm:


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Kleinzeit
                          I don't give a rat's ring. The game is there so everyone can have fun. If you play a close map and get pwned by a clever enemy in some hairy firefights, you still enjoy it. It was a fair contest. If some wally swoops on you from above repeatedly, and there is no decent in game way to retaliate, it's not fun, or only for the pilot. In short, you are tossing.

                          Added to this, you KNOW it isn't fair or balanced, but you can't keep away from it,regardless of how much people loathe it. Why in hell do you expect them to show you anything but the back of their hand in return?

                          Jets are almost unassailable ingame, and if they were gone, noone would cry but pilots, and many would cheer. Getting shot up by spec ops is one thing, but you can't take out revenge on a jet pilot at all, really.

                          It's not about win or lose at any cost. When BFV came out, it wasn't long before those using the newbie cannon were being ragged for being the assclowns that they were.

                          Have some sense, man. Consider others or go play bots, IMHO.
                          I think flying planes proficiently and doing successful bombing runs requires skill, and if you have that skill, you USE it. If I'm good at something, I'm not going to hold back just because some people can't do the same thing.

                          I don't know about you, but I didn't buy BF2 so I could be nice to people.


                          • #28
                            I have no objections to vehicles whatsoever. Tank whores that people whinge about don't phase me in the least. C-4, AT, TOWs,other tanks, AA, mines , and APCs can take them out, or at least **** them up badly. lighter vehicles are less trouble again.

                            The aircraft, though, are another thing. Everyone knows that there are few countermeasures that are effective here. I am certain that Dice/EA didn't intend a game as unbalanced as this, and the 1.3 patch will start to rectify this, I suspect.

                            I can play the game just fine, thx. As for you people who advance the "It's in the game, so deal with it", argument, my putting up serial plane whores to a kickvote is also in the game, so deal with it...

                            If your idea of how the game is "meant to be played", involves mediocre pilots topping the score lists in most rounds, and AA that can't shoot aircraft well at all, then I would suggest you are at odds with the majority.

                            To answer your question, arty strikes are less annoying by far, and there are more measures in place to avoid or prevent them. The bottom line is that the commander is usually vulnerable to my knife, so I leave him be. You however, are vulnerable to almost nothing, which is manifestly unfair, and I often see just how many of my fellow players agree with me on this.

                            nb: when calling someone an idiot, try to employ spellchecker in the post first.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Kleinzeit
                              If I'm on the ground in a map and being whored by some pilot or other, I often start a kickvote. As far as I'm concerned, they are just exploiting a weakness in game balance and that is the best way I have to show my contempt for them.

                              I have no sympathy for those who are good pilots and fly the whole map getting 20 to 1 kill ratios. You are not that good, the game is merely biased in one direction, and you are whoring it to the max. Sure you are having fun, but you contribute nothing to anyone else's fun. Getting bombed by a plane is as much fun as being wiped by artillery.

                              Be thankful you aren't kicked more often. It's not that anyone is accusing you of cheating; just being lame.
                              A guy flying a jet and kicking everyones arses is in no way whoring. If he bothers you just hop in a jet and take him out. I am so sick of people using the "whoring" term for anything they dont like.


                              • #30
                                This is a war simulation game, making it unrealistic like not having air support because its unfair to the ground troops, well it's not like that in war, so should it be "fair" in the game.
                                Infantry are cannon fodder for pilots its that simple.
                                If your getting chewed up by a pilot it's because your pilots aren't doing their job,
                                some noobs keep nicking the plane and crashing after 5 secs leaving your team with no air support.

                                If you want to get revenge.....learn to single player of course.

