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  • Lame

    Hey, i just recently registered but been following the forum for a while

    Just wanted to know your opinions on this...

    Playing on Gulf Of Oman today on an official server. I jumped into an MEC jet straight away (I enjoy flying the jets, not just for stat points) and started flying around our flags (must also note, at no time did i go near the US carrier)

    After picking off a few ground targets after a couple of runs i turn my attention to one of the US jets that has been trying to shoot me down for a few minutes now... Lets just say i killed the guy around 4 times in a row and he obviously got mad. The kick votes start appearing and after 41 kills, 3 deaths and 60 or so stat points i am kicked from the server.

    Is it a crime to be better than someone in this game?? Or maybe i was being called a "jet whore" simply cos i like flying, and nobody shot me down?

    I love this game, but things like this really tick me off


  • #2
    Welcome to BF2, where even immature noobs can be server admin...


    • #3
      You actually managed to get kicked by a vote? Are you sure you weren't kicked for teamkilling?`

      I haven't seen one kick vote succeeding even against statspadders.


      • #4
        Yea...I have never seen a vote kick pass, not a mutiny


        • #5
          I think I've seen a kick vote pass once or twice. But I have never been kicked or banned myself. I am just too loveble to get kicked.


          • #6
            did you get banned?
            if not then why didnt u rejoin
            ur stats still would be there


            • #7
              There isnt such thing as jetwhore, i mean oke a tank can be left, but a plane? why should we get out? i love to do bombingruns and especialy when it fills up the killmessagescreen


              • #8
                i have only been kicked once...
                and it was too much TK by me... lol
                My first time as gunner in a heli...
                Could not tell who was on my team...
                Then finally i realised that if i target a friendly, it shows his name in blue...
                But i didnt know at first so i was just shooting everything... lol


                • #9
                  Originally posted by [47R]Saureco
                  Welcome to BF2, where even immature noobs can be server admin...
                  I'm inclined to believe that this was probably the case with the OP. The only times I've been kicked were when immature (emotionally, not chronologically) admins got tired of dieing.


                  • #10
                    normaly kick vote doesn't work because it almost nver happens that enough players vote, even today I was on a server, some orivate was in (probably just an extra acount some moron made) and started teamkilling the whole time, didn't do anything else.

                    There was no admin, server had no limit of teamkills.

                    several times there was a votekick started, and not one of those times we succeeded in kicking him.

                    In BF2 you can sometimes have real sad moment, like me, was playing few days ago, doing realy good, killed some guy also like 4 times , apparently he was the admin, so when I drive and hit a teammate, he even forgive me because it was his own ault, the admin at the other team sees his chance and kicks me for teamkilling .

                    big applaus for the admin


                    • #11
                      Yea get used to it man, I bought the game last week and already I have been kicked from two servers. I was having an amazing kill streak at one point against probably the same group of guys right by a flag I was trying to capture, I was pretty excited cuz I was doing so good for a change. Next thing I knew I was out of the server and when I tried to log back in it said I was banned from the server by the admin for excessive team killing. This was BS of course because I did no teamkilling. Some sorry sore loser of an admin banned me becuase he couldn't kill me, kinda funny, but people just suck sometimes. :laugh:


                      • #12
                        Then finally i realised that if i target a friendly, it shows his name in blue...
                        But i didnt know at first so i was just shooting everything... lol
                        LOL. That reminds me of this one time when I was playing I joined right after I got really stoned. We retook our main base and, thinking that it was the enemy base we just captured, I started C4ing our Arty and UAV. I felt pretty stupid after that.


                        • #13
                          This has happened to me as well..I'm an experienced 1942 and Vietnam Vet so I was able to start off on a good stride with BF2. If you do well you MUST be cheating..

                          It blows.


                          • #14
                            yeah it does indeed....


                            • #15
                              If I'm on the ground in a map and being whored by some pilot or other, I often start a kickvote. As far as I'm concerned, they are just exploiting a weakness in game balance and that is the best way I have to show my contempt for them.

                              I have no sympathy for those who are good pilots and fly the whole map getting 20 to 1 kill ratios. You are not that good, the game is merely biased in one direction, and you are whoring it to the max. Sure you are having fun, but you contribute nothing to anyone else's fun. Getting bombed by a plane is as much fun as being wiped by artillery.

                              Be thankful you aren't kicked more often. It's not that anyone is accusing you of cheating; just being lame.

