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Sniper class.. not disappointing after all..

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  • #16
    Been trying out the sniper kit quite a bit in the last week (quite enjoy using it on Kubra Dam, saves running about).

    I'm slowly finding out how to use it best to suit me and it's slowly clicking into place.

    I just wish I could swap my PKM for the M95 though, it's a pain in the arse stealing someone elses.


    • #17
      Originally posted by
      Another thing to note is that I didn't sit on a secluded hill and pick off foes. It just doesn't work that way in BF2 and there's no way to score 70+ points doing just that. Every sniper that does, usually ends up with 15 - 20 points max.
      so what do you do? do you join a squad and just go about your regular way? do you go in first or stay back? or a combination of both?

      whenever i play sniper i pick a spot and hide. and you're right - tops i get is around 20something.

      share, man... share! i wanna get good at sniping.

      Originally posted by
      Sniper rifles are deady accurate.. you just have to know how to shoot properly (dont mean that in an arrogant way)
      so how do you shoot properly then? let's say you're usmc... do you aim slightly above the head? i can't seem to get a headshot because everybody's ALWAYS moving! i've logged over 96hours in this game and not once have i seen anybody stay still for at least two seconds. if they do sit still, they're either inside a room or somewhere you couldn't fire a shot! and yet everybody says "have patience." how can i have patience when every player moves every second thus not giving me an opportunity to shoot them?


      • #18
        imo the m95 is crap ... how i wish i hadnt unlocked it. But saying that some ppl love it.


        • #19
          sniping comes in handy when the other team is helo capturing, while they are hovering hide and snipe the passengers, if you are patient enough try to snipe the pilot.


          • #20
            Originally posted by j4k3

            so how do you shoot properly then? let's say you're usmc... do you aim slightly above the head? i can't seem to get a headshot because everybody's ALWAYS moving! i've logged over 96hours in this game and not once have i seen anybody stay still for at least two seconds. if they do sit still, they're either inside a room or somewhere you couldn't fire a shot! and yet everybody says "have patience." how can i have patience when every player moves every second thus not giving me an opportunity to shoot them?
            It's all about distance. Some people would argue that there isn't bullet drop in this game. There is some bullet drop and it will increase with range. This aplies to every weapon I've come across so far. Many other games have instant hit and no drop what so ever.
            Also rememer that it will take some time for the bullet to actually reach the target.
            My advice is simply: Practice makes perfect! Don't take a shot that will allow the victim to locate you if you don't take him out. If someone does locate you kill him fast and run for it. If they kill you don't return to the same position for a while as they will keep an eye out for you. Also remember that annoying comander who most certainly will locate you if you stay in one position too long killing his men like crazy. It's not that funny to end up in an artillery barrage.


            • #21
              Originally posted by j4k3
              so how do you shoot properly then?
              What you have to realise is that BF2 doesn't use any sort or (proper) realistic gun/bullet mechanics. By that I mean there is no scope drift, no breathing and no bullet drop. It is replaced by DICEs patented magic random bullet flight.

              In no other game have I played when you can play as a sniper and fire 2 rounds from a sniper rifle at exactly the same spot and have them hit two completely different spots.

              That's the annoying thing with BF2 sniping. You can line up at a static target's head and wait 2 seconds without moving to make sure you hit and fire and then completely miss the target.

              There is a great deal of skill with sniping in BF2, as there should be. But if you are lined up correctly...there is no way on earth you should miss a static taget from 100metres. That is nothing to do with is all down to fate.

              Basically...line up with the head...take your time and and hope it hits. Don't pop-pop-pop at any moving target because all you will do is attract attention to yourself. Just...take your time!


              • #22
                It is simple, within 100 M sniper is adequate, anything further away you are just wasting bullets.


                • #23
                  I just don't like how they modeled sniper rifles with bullet drop, or randomness, or whatever you want to call it when they apparently did not do the same to guns with less muzzle velocity. I mean come on, an M4 does not have more accuracy and range then a freaking sniper rifle.


                  • #24
                    To be honest with you, I don't think DICE EA wanted the snipers in this game to truely be snipers.

                    ...they are more like squad level designated Marksmen. (Which in the U.S. case should be an M14 with an Acog, NOT a M24 SWS.)

                    Could explain why the accuracy is for crap with the weapons beyond 100m?

                    (Which is odd, because the effective range of an M24 is 600-800m; SVD is 600m, and I can promise you any 5.56 [Chines Rifle=5.8 I think] can shoot 200m with good accuracy)

                    I don't know, really don't care at this point. It's not going to get fixed. SO! I offer this advice. Only snipe from Distances that a M16 can effectively hit a target from; then you're almost promised 100% accuracy as long as you do your part.



                    • #25
                      Im usually top 5 when i use the sniper (citymaps). Most people that do use snipers dont think their is a problem at all. Its just that you hear all the noobs complaining to fix the accuracy when its their own accuracy thats the problem. You wouldnt hear good snipers going out of their time to make a thread and praise the sniper rifle. No, Forums is all about complaining right? When you aim for headshots make sure you AIM dead center of their head instead of just pointing anywhere on their head.


                      • #26
                        I find that if they're at any sort of range, then their head will be completely covered up by the crosshairs. So, if i cant see their head, im lined up, BOOM


                        • #27
                          I love the m24, but when im MEC or China im not even going to snipe no more. Those guns are simply SH*T. When I hit my next rank its either going to be the PKM or the M95...


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by DemonTech
                            I love the m24, but when im MEC or China im not even going to snipe no more. Those guns are simply SH*T. When I hit my next rank its either going to be the PKM or the M95...
                            YES this is true i am afraid. I unlocked the PKM before and it owns (read the 18960896876078 other threads about it owning) but now im wholly and solely a sniper, so M95 it is. then i wont mind being MEC or China, because i'll have a good bolt action rifle either way.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by DemonTech
                              When im MEC or China im not even going to snipe no more. Those guns are simply SH*T.
                              You should edit your post. Instead of saying "those guns are simply sh1t", you should say "i am simply sh1t with those guns".

                              Just wanted to update and say I had a total blast earlier today near the railroad tracks at Karkand. I decided I would have a, more or less, quiet round and made sure that no one gets around the MEC right flank ( you know, when they drop behind that large wall to sneak by that tiny pocket near the beach/railroad ).

                              At one point, a group of 6 were headed towards me.

                              It's hard to explain exactly how I placed my claymores, but I did it in such a way that if they tried to go around a large obstacle, they would die. I then focused on the large obstacle (which they needed to jump over) and picked off 1. Another one died from the 1st claymore and 2 got taken down by the 2nd claymore. The other two went prone to the ground and saw me, started firing.

                              At this point I jumped behind the red boxcar and shot from below the boxcar while they were crouched. That got me 1 more kill. The last guy was a medic and revived one of the guys hit by the second claymore. That was cake. Popped the guy who got revived and popped the medic.

                              It was great

                              Later on in the round about 10 or so guys attacked the railroad flag again, this time they got me, but I took one with me.. I respawned and fired at the barrels killing 7. The other two were mopped up by friendlies.

                              And lastly, I got into a personal battle against a great USMC sniper. He was smart. After I lead him into a couple claymore traps on the hills near the USMC main spawn, he started picking me off .. spawn after spawn. We just kept duking it out all round killing one another. I think he won that one though. Often times he would take a shot and move pretty far before he popped out to take another. Once we both started doing this it took a good 2-3 minutes for one of us to die.


                              • #30
                                Sniping is all about location!
                                -For example on karkland, there is a building with a ladder right over the 1st mec spawn point. Run like hell to get there (try to bring a support with you and dont take the obious route) and when you do drop a claymore right at the spawn point, next time a guy spawns BOOM! (of you have a support guy with you then you can just keep doing this and effectivly keep the MEC from spawning at that base! You also have a great line of sight to the secongd flag!

