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support players, hang out here

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  • #46
    Not sure about the PKM myself HABO3, I seem to do better with SAW, as you say ROF is sweet. But I more than likely just need more practice with the PKM.

    Give ammo, lay down suppressing fire, gain assist kills...lots of em.


    • #47
      yeah, work with the PKM more. ROF ain't everything. especially if it's shooting peas.


      • #48
        Originally posted by =HzC=Heinz
        the biggest downside of the SAW (M249?) is the light caliber of the cartidge it uses; hence much lighter damage. IIRC, the SAW is 20 points health per hit, whereas the PKM is 45. yes, 25 MORE per hit than the SAW.

        that, my BF2 friends, is a huge difference. you can also put some hats on copters with the PKM that the SAW just can't seem to duplicate (putting "hats" on the enemy was my old football coach's way of saying get your helmet on the opposing player, i.e. "defense! put some hats on that running back! ).

        Last night, with the PKM, I took out an un-wise chopper pilot. "say hello to my little friend!"

        I really wanna get a nice squad together in game sometime, as described above by another poster, where I am the SL as support, and have a great cast of characters around me to lead. a nice balance squad.

        maybe tonight.

        Well the damage doesnt really matter when dealing with infantry as the gun spits ammo so fast and very accurate from a prone position that they will be dead in no time, but if vehicle killing is your game, then you should try the PKM


        • #49
          Support rules


          • #50
            I've tried the support kits, I did pretty well with the MEC version but the US Saw feels horribly inacurate to me.

            The whole suppression fire experience dosn't seem to work on the enemy either, suppression fire in the game isn't scary because dying isn't that big a deal. In real life if someone fires a support weapon in your direction number one priority is get your head down or lose it but in the game people don't care about dying so they just turn round in the face of suppression fire and cap you!


            • #51
              PKM is going to be my second unlock. It hurts people


              • #52
                I never really "respected" or feared support until the other day when the same dude owned my ass about 18 times with the PKM over and over and over and over again.


                • #53
                  exactly. people who have used both, know the deal.


                  • #54
                    cross post from other thread, but highly relevant:

                    Originally posted by =HzC=Heinz
                    bang for the buck, the PKM is the best upgrade if you play support at all. Period. it's a superior weapon. you have to learn to use it, as it's different that any support weapon available to any nation in game.

                    trust me. PKM.


                    Here are the hit/damage stats for the support guns fellas. as you can see, well, the numbers speak for themselves.

                    M249 SAW ---> 25
                    RPK-74 ------> 35
                    Type.95 -----> 25

                    PKM ---------> 45

                    Thus, as a USMC or PLA support guy, thats a +20 in stopping power. So, for the USMC or the PLA, that is the biggest increase in stopping power you can get with a weapon upgrade (MEC and PLA get better with snipe, but that's cause their snipe ordinace blows).

                    The extra ROF with the M249 is almost completely offset by it's inaccurracy (even when prone and in short bursts) and it's BB-gun like hit strength.



                    • #55
                      k i have some beer and clays lol lets party


                      • #56
                        with support i LOL @ snipers all the time. i forgot what map but there were 3 snipers camping our spawn on the ridge of a hill outside our base. the first one i spammed a bit, he crawled backward, then right as he comes back agian i hit him again till hes dead. the 2nd doesnt know where the hell i am and i kill him, the 3rd one plants claymores and runs and i just chuck and nade and hes gone. with saw, i just hold down mouse 1 with iron sights and push down the mouse to control, with rpk, i finesse the fire, and pkm, well...i havent decided the best way to kill with pkm since they die b4 i know how i did it.


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by charlesbian
                          and pkm, well...i havent decided the best way to kill with pkm since they die b4 i know how i did it.


                          • #58
                            From playing aruond with the PKM I've found that in most cases I'd rather have that than the SAW or Type 95. The SAW's rate of fire can come in handy (it does really seem to work best in longer bursts the usual 3-5 for most guns, just because you throw out enough bullets that random chance usually comes back around to your favor) but the stopping power you have from the PKM is *really* nice at most ranges and can seriously outshine the lighter guns at longish ranges where usually only one bullet in your burst can be expected to hit.

                            The thing I really enjoy with support is that you really can keep a position pinned down for a while between your large ammo supply and basically unlimited grenades, great for when your squad gets wiped near a flag and you have to stick it out waiting for them to get back over to help you finish the job ;>)


                            • #59
                              good point re the endless 'nades, I forgot about that.

                              "support thy self!!"


                              • #60
                                Actually ive played support today and I love it, resupply earns loads of points everyone is apreciative for ammo and the weapon is good.

