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  • Helicopter's

    OK Ive just bought a new joystick.Jou know the one on the battlefield2 cover.
    I've tryed the airplane and its just PERFECT 4 loops blindly
    Then i tryed helicopter nice to but,i still havent figurd out how to hover?
    I really never known how to hover with keyboard.And the heli FAQ deosnt really Help sinds it deosnt explain HOW TO hover...
    I read that this forum is not to ask for help...
    But i really need help :cry:

  • #2
    Think about the helicopter as a marble on a book. If it starts to roll in one direction you have to correct in the other. I think you have to reverse the controls in the control setup. I learned from flying a radio control helicopter :P.


    • #3
      Hovering a helicopter in real life is the hardest thing about flying them to learn. So it's good that it's just as tricky in a game for most of you all. :P


      • #4
        i find helis very easy to manuever even without a joystick


        • #5
          Originally posted by Pure3
          i find helis very easy to manuever even without a joystick
          First time i tried to fly one, i kept flying backwards. Eventually i crashed into the water.


          • #6
            im a heli god, and its easy on the keyboard, teh trick is to find the right mouse sensitivity.


            • #7
              I think using keyboard for heli is better (ma opinion)


              • #8
                yeah the keyboard is better


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Got3nâ„¢
                  im a heli god, and its easy on the keyboard, teh trick is to find the right mouse sensitivity.
                  No you aren't.
                  Kills: 1140 Deaths: 532


                  • #10
                    keyboard and mouse - all the way with the heli. i dont know how you would use a joystick for something like that. much easier with the keyboard


                    • #11
                      lol ur that sad u went and looked any thats an okay ratio


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Bugilt
                        Think about the helicopter as a marble on a book. If it starts to roll in one direction you have to correct in the other. I think you have to reverse the controls in the control setup. I learned from flying a radio control helicopter :P.

                        Thats how i see how it is flying a helo as well. Some people ask me how to fly a helo. ( not alot, but occasionaly)
                        I explain to them to always think in opposites. And always start to correct a move before it becomes a problem.
                        IE:...If you want to turn right, turn right, however as soon as you go into your turn, start turning the opposite direction. Continously, working the opposite of what you are actually trying to do.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by SmokeySnipe
                          lol ur that sad u went and looked any thats an okay ratio
                          It took me about three seconds to check if he was god. How long did it take to type your post?


                          • #14
                            hehe i only use keyboard for helis hehe to hover u jus gotta level her up thats y the huds so useful keep her level on the sides and front and keep the torque going...usually by tapping hehe it should keep you hovering around nicely... the helis are a ***** to turn tho...have to pull em around now hehe


                            • #15
                              Dude you have to correct every movement you have made to hover. So lets say your nose is pointing forward, well you have to pull the heli back until is starts to even out then stick it in its "sweet spot" which is in between nose down and nose up. Just keep practicing and ull get it.

