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New patch may kill commander position

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  • #16
    I agree that it has the potential to take a toll on the commander class, we don't know all the details yet though, we will just have to see how it affects gameplay. They might add or change something else to kind of balance it out, such as getting extra points for getting kills near your UCB or Comm equipment. You're right though, there is a risk of this change having an effect on the commander class.

    However, if they only give one point for blowing up something (which I bet they will), that's hardly worth the trouble of making it across the map for 3 points (assuming all the arty is worth one point) when you could cap a flag and get 4. I think how many points they are awarded will determine how big of an effect it has on gameplay.


    • #17
      Originally posted by TimberOwl
      I don't think giving spec-ops points for blowing up commander assets is such a good idea, as what the thread starter posted. And, i have to add, if there are no artty, no scan, and no UAV. Then who will want to be commander? You won't get many points, and as a commander myself most of the time, im asked for orders all the time, if there is no commander, then who will give orders.... I think EA messed up again, but they are getting better, this will be one of the things that the engineers need to sort.

      But at this rate, it seems like there will need to be a few engineers camping at the home base, to deal with the amount of spec-ops guys out there.

      Think EA, THINK!
      I think its a good idea.

      If you are a commander be an engineer and repair wilst the Arty and the UAV are reloading.. surely you can wipe a couple of Spec Ops muppets in the AA or Tank you have at the base.. I think if they have the effort to take this out all the way from the other side of the map then good luck to them.. Also if they want to get blown by the commander at the other end.. then so be it..


      • #18
        Did you guys forget theres two bases? look at it, if each side is trying to blow each other stuff up, they will run into each other a whole lot...ill be no difference, just getting points for something that is rearly done, if you are in the enemy base and blowing up stuff, whats the chances of an enemy in your base blowing up your stuff? just more killing in the home base :/


        • #19
          Originally posted by StokoE
          I think its a good idea.

          If you are a commander be an engineer and repair wilst the Arty and the UAV are reloading.. surely you can wipe a couple of Spec Ops muppets in the AA or Tank you have at the base.. I think if they have the effort to take this out all the way from the other side of the map then good luck to them.. Also if they want to get blown by the commander at the other end.. then so be it..

          I agree with that, but i don't like the Engineer class lol, weapons suck. But anyway, ive expressed my opinion, thanks guys.


          • #20
            As far as I'm concerned, the best thing this will bring with it is the increased likelihood of 6 guys hopping into a whorebus (bh), only to have it go up in a cloud of c4. If thatr happens more, at least it'll all have an upside.


            • #21
              Its fine that SpecOps get points for destroying Commander facilities, there will be less guys going for flags and more guys coming to meet my shotgun.

              But... because of the design of some maps and the method of Conquest, some maps may very well turn even more one-sided, as a whole force may constantly charge the primary base of the enemy which IS CAPTURABLE (while theirs is not).

              In Strike at Karkand and Sharqi Peninsula, the MEC and USMC, in relative order, are screwed if they don't hold down their capturable rear base where all their stuff is.

              Unless the MEC are distributed evenly through the city in Karkand (or make a virtually impenetrable wall at the very beginning), they won't be able to quell an uprising of USMC in the middle of the city, or most commonly a direct path to the Gate House to take it and destroy the commander facilities, and are screwed. Getting by the enemy in a jeep and speeding down to the back base is easy enough, and there usually isn't enough guys back there to defend the command while leaving enough to hold back the opression on the outskirts.

              In Sharqi, a MEC squad almost always charges the TV Station and takes over the USMC base, dominating the commander facilities. It is quite difficult defending the TV station since the benefit of High Ground pays no homage in BF2 and there are no good locations with which to supress advancing enemies coming around from the beach from the north.

              Its doubtful it'll grow to a level of imbalance I'm subtlety suggesting, but with extra incentive to take out commander facilities, the side with commander stuff in an uncapturable base will have a greater boon against the side that will have to spend much more time and manpower to defend and/or retake their base before repairing the commander facilities.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Kleinzeit
                EA might well have pleased the players of spec ops kits by giving them points for destroying arty etc, but I don't think it will be good for the game.

                Firstly, no one is going to want to play commander with most of his assets blown away the majority of the time.
                Yeah, I do and don't really agree with giving points to Spec Ops for blowing stuff up. In the demo, some clanmates and I would start up a squad, the first thing one of my clanmates did was hop into a jeep without us, drive to enemy artillery and blow it up while we went out and tried to spawn points, and he went to blow up the arty everytime he saw it rebuilt, it was so annoying.

                I think giving points to Spec Ops will generate more lone wolves and more people getting distracted from the objectives, just to go blow up enemy stations to rack up easy points. In time, it will become more of a race to see who can blow up the enemy artillery the fastest.

                AND then eventually make the commander position not a favored position anymore. When I was commander in various servers, I found it stressful enough that Spec Ops were blowing up my artillery, station and radar 3 minutes after I sent engineers to fix it and supplies drops to rebuild it.


                • #23
                  My question is, is this really going to be such a huge swing with points given to spec ops than before the patch?

                  I would say no, because these points now given to spec ops aren't really 'easy' points as a lot of people are making them out to be.

                  Most likely, one will get 1 point for destroying up an asset, spending a min to get to the enemy base, and afterword loosing all their c4 in the process. In the same amount of time you could cap a flag yourself from enemy to friendly and get 4 points, or get 1 kill and get 2 points.

                  At first youll get a swarm of people being spec ops saying "oh boy points are gonna come my way finally even though im a newb!" But after a day of trying this out will see that just rushing into combat is a better way to get points for your time.

                  It does though slightly compensate (rather than not at all compensating like before) those spec ops players that are actually using their time to benefit the team overall.

                  It will be a good fix. Itll work itself out in the end.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Kleinzeit
                    EA might well have pleased the players of spec ops kits by giving them points for destroying arty etc, but I don't think it will be good for the game.

                    Firstly, no one is going to want to play commander with most of his assets blown away the majority of the time.

                    The commander is often alone at the back base, is is pretty likely to get pwned by a few spec ops repeatedly, if he is paying attention to his role.

                    Noone is going to hang back and defend the main base, because you'll get FA points doing it.

                    Do we really need to encourage the camping of back bases/untakeable flags? Sure it's fun doing it, but it totally sucks getting spawnkilled repeatedly.

                    For spec ops who think they are now going to get points for this, I would suggest it's way more likely that the planes will just farm the arty for more points, and you won't get many at all. As if we need to be giving pilots more points...

                    maybe it will make commanders actually do their job and command rather than just using the commander tools for their own purposes. most commanders use their arty to gain points rather than tactically


                    • #25
                      No UAV, No artillery? lovely...


                      • #26
                        The biggest thing I'm worried about is the whole Medic/Support Point Farming fix.


                        • #27
                          I play commander often enough to hate seeing enemy spec ops in my rear area. However, I think this is a good idea that folks will just have to adjust to. I suspect the on the public servers there will be fewer commanders as guys can't get teammates to care whether his arty is blown or not. That's not their problem. Heck, some will cheer as they will only be pwned by enemy arty and won't be able to run under their commander's arty any more. :P


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by n00bst3r
                            The biggest thing I'm worried about is the whole Medic/Support Point Farming fix.
                            No that's lovely too... You will probably have a limited amount of med- and ammokits, that you will have to refil from a suply drop...


                            • #29
                              You guys are forgetting that they're changing the way transport choppers work. I could see them making it so choppers can't take spawn points or something. Then there will be know "BH Whorebus".. they'll be used for transport.


                              • #30
                                Ops suppose to blow them up. Alot of useless players are lazy to go a long distant to blow them up plus no point. When I play no one defend the main base and thats the most important flag in the game. Why ppl dont defend it? cause no freaking points and lots of ppl care about points more than win the round. I think this is a great idea for game play. Hopefully more ppl will defend/attack the main base. Great news for Engie alot more things to repair. As a commander after this patch? Headache. LOL

