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The PRO-Voss community

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  • The PRO-Voss community

    I just unlocked the voss and I've never looked back.

    funny thing about how I got it, I had gotten enough points to rank up but the server didnt update so i didnt ranks up until I had gotten enough points to rank up three then I ranked up three times at once.

    Anyway who has something to sya about the noobs who hate the voss?

  • #2
    I love the Voss! Not because it's the most popular gun, but because it's reliable in almost any situation, except for armor and reeeeally long shots.

    And now for all of the haters... Most of the people who hate the Voss are them stupid Clark whores who cant beat the Voss at medium range.


    • #3
      I dispise the Voss. Used it a little when I was a n00b then quickly backed away from it. In my experience, the best players use the most uncommon weapons.


      • #4
        Originally posted by rbevan59 View Post
        I love the Voss! Not because it's the most popular gun, but because it's reliable in almost any situation, except for armor and reeeeally long shots.

        And now for all of the haters... Most of the people who hate the Voss are them stupid Clark whores who cant beat the Voss at medium range.
        Incorrect. If that was a fact (or close to it) you would see a lot more people running around with the Clark. People that don't like it simply see the fact that sometimes it can outperform the Baur in longer ranges. It simply should not be the case thus the need for an accuracy nerf.

        Don't worry though. The damage and rate of fire will definitely not be nerfed so this gun will still be fully reliable in city maps like Camp G. For far ranges just stick with the PK rockets.


        • #5
          Voss rocks and it CAN be beat, before I unlocked it I killed peole with the voss all the time, because in the first 3-5 shots there isnt much of an accuracy difference anyway, if you just aim at the head then ur set.


          • #6
            In my experience, Voss users thrive on a persecution complex, and with no offense to the OP this thread is a perfect example. They enjoy using a weapon which they believe to be widely despised, and this fuels a self-loathing in them that magically transforms into martyrdom under pressure.

            Not as many people hate the Voss as you think. A lot of them are simply frustrated that do not know how to exploit the Voss's inherent and crippling weaknesses, and they choose to express this stupidity as anger.

            Calling a weapon or tactic "cheap" is an implicit admission that you possess insufficient knowledge to defeat it.

            In this sort of thing, I take a middle position. I use the Baur for about 80% of my Assault duties these days, though I have thousands of kills with both guns. There is no question: the Voss is easier to pick up and use, and offers a quicker, easier path to fulfillment from the game since the majority of combat in city maps takes place at short-medium range - the Voss's speciality. I certainly don't hate the gun. It has its role, and that role happens to come up very often if you play the game in a very basic fashion. The Baur requires smarts to use, and when it is in the hands of a smart player it decimates everything except sniper rifles - including the Voss - at range. A good Baur user will shred a good Voss user 9 out of 10 times at long range, the same way a good Voss user will shred a good Baur user at point blank range 9 out of 10 times. They are two sides to the same coin, and two weapons designed to fill different roles in battle.

            So in short, Voss users: Please, stop making yourselves out to be a hated and loathed minority, and be careful to draw a distinction between those who hate your weapon and those who are simply frustrated by their inability to adapt to it and face it in an arena other than its prime. Your weapon is good in some situations, but in others it fails miserably. In this regard it is nothing special.

            Just like any other gun.


            • #7
              The Voss is over used, and its good at everything, it should lose damage over range but it doesn't you can snipe with it.

              So in short, Voss users: Please, stop making yourselves out to be a hated and loathed minority.
              Minority? lol vossers are around the 75% of the game, I have been in servers where each and every person uses the voss and get raped by a walker and none cares to spawn engi or something they just keep spawning with that noob gun.


              • #8
                This thread won't end well...



                • #9
                  Originally posted by isaac331 View Post
                  The Voss is over used, and its good at everything, it should lose damage over range but it doesn't you can snipe with it.

                  Minority? lol vossers are around the 75% of the game, I have been in servers where each and every person uses the voss and get raped by a walker and none cares to spawn engi or something they just keep spawning with that noob gun.
                  It is overused, but this is merely because the situation it excels in is among the most common battle situations. Couple that with its ease of use and the last piece clicks into place.

                  You cannot snipe effectively with a Voss. That is to say, you cannot do so to a greater degree of proficiency than a Baur, a sniper rifle, a Ganz or even a well-played SCAR-11. Sorry, but those who think a weapon is 'good at everything' or 'nooby' are simply not smart enough to find and exploit its weaknesses. The Voss has plenty of them if you know where to look. The Voss loses its damage more rapidly over range than virtually any other gun in the game save the Krylov, and against a good user of a long range weapon, expect to get burned badly very quickly.

                  As to the minority comment, I can see that sarcasm is lost here. Often, threads like this tend to mature with a tone as follows: "Everyone hates the Voss, they think it's noobish, but *I* and my friends know the truth - that it is teh r0x and the best gun in the game. No matter how much everyone hates me for it, I will stand up for my weapon and be true to it." This is an insult to common sense and dignity and makes the Vossers look foolish.


                  • #10
                    The server kill logs on almost any Camp G. server look like this:
                    X[Voss L-AR]X
                    X[Voss L-AR]X
                    X[Voss L-AR]X
                    X[Clark 15-b]X
                    X[Voss L-AR]X
                    X[Voss L-AR]X
                    X[Voss L-AR]X
                    X[Voss L-AR]X
                    X[Baur H-AR]X


                    • #11
                      OMG VOSS USERZ IS TEH NOOBZ!!!!11111!!

                      I use the voss when I can't use the krylov.

                      People who ***** about the voss usually can't aim at all.

                      People whine,"OMG that n00b just pwnd me w/ his uber n00ber weapon",

                      But if you're getting pwned by the n00b using the voss, then you, my friend, are a complete newbie.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Cann0n-Fodder View Post
                        I dispise the Voss. Used it a little when I was a n00b then quickly backed away from it. In my experience, the best players use the most uncommon weapons.
                        Voss != noob weapon. It has the largest deviation of any gun in the game which balances out the large clip. As for best players using the most uncommon weapons, that's just silly....

                        Originally posted by isaac331 View Post
                        The Voss is over used, and its good at everything, it should lose damage over range but it doesn't you can snipe with it.

                        Minority? lol vossers are around the 75% of the game, I have been in servers where each and every person uses the voss and get raped by a walker and none cares to spawn engi or something they just keep spawning with that noob gun.
                        Again Voss != noob gun. The Voss does lose damage over range and though you can put it on single shot and hit people, the damage is far weaker sometimes taking 6-7 shots to kill someone which is plenty of time to find cover and/or return fire. It's clear that you don't know what you're talking about when it comes to the Voss. Do you even have it unlocked and have you ever used it? Just because you get killed by it a lot does not mean you are familiar with damage loss at range.

                        This thread won't end well, but only because people can't adapt to and overcome the Voss so they complain about it here and in game (the anti-voss community thread is a prime example of what I'm talking about). The Krylov does an excellent job killing Voss users and so does the shotgun and the support guns as long as you use them intelligently.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by VT Nerd View Post

                          This thread won't end well, but only because people can't adapt to and overcome the Voss so they complain about it here and in game (the anti-voss community thread is a prime example of what I'm talking about). The Krylov does an excellent job killing Voss users and so does the shotgun and the support guns as long as you use them intelligently.
                          Well put. I'd just like to add that the means to intelligently defeat the Voss is to avoid fighting battles that play to its strengths. Plan ahead to fight it at long range, where its deviation stacks up and cannot connect with more than one shot at a time, giving you more than enough time to kill it. That, or bring an even more potent CQB weapon to the table, like the Herzog, Clark, Turcotte, Malkov or Lambert, and press the attack to stifle them rapidly. All of these weapons regularly decimate the Voss in close quarters in skilled hands (especially the two shotguns). While I have very little experience with the Krylov, statistically it is a superior close range weapon to the Voss due to its higher damage and shorter falloff range. I shall take you at your word that it kills the Voss effectively.

                          The Voss has a very narrow window in which it is especially lethal. Avoid that window if you want to be successful against it, and above all, if you don't know how to do that, then don't complain about the gun - get smarter.

                          People complaining about the Voss is a wonderful example of a joke I once heard about a proctologist. A person trains for years to be a proctologist. He studies hard and gets good grades, and after a lengthy educational period and hellish schedule he finally becomes one. Then, the evening after his first day on the job, he says to his wife, "Jesus, I go to work and I'm looking at ***holes all day! What did I do to deserve this?"

                          It's what you do - simple as that.

                          In other words, if you want to stop losing to the Voss at its optimum range and conditions...then stop fighting it at that range and under those conditions! (and don't whine if you're not intelligent enough to do so).


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Diamond621 View Post
                            In my experience, Voss users thrive on a persecution complex, and with no offense to the OP this thread is a perfect example. They enjoy using a weapon which they believe to be widely despised, and this fuels a self-loathing in them that magically transforms into martyrdom under pressure.
                            That may be true, but how would you explain the massive amount of Voss players before the complains started? I believe the amount of Voss users kept steadily increasing since the release of this game. Now it is appearing to be overused so greatly people took action by complaining for a nerf.

                            I personally know how to counter the Voss but I feel so dirty holding it. Its a simple fact that a skilled BF2142 player will USUALLY outperform everyone with this gun. It seems clearly to me this gun is like Eddy from Tekken 3. Outcome? High number of children and n00b players picked this gun and had the capability to be decent.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Divine View Post
                              That may be true, but how would you explain the massive amount of Voss players before the complains started? I believe the amount of Voss users kept steadily increasing since the release of this game. Now it is appearing to be overused so greatly people took action by complaining for a nerf.
                              Most players will naturally gravitate toward the weapon that requires the least effort or intellect to operate to a reasonably lethal degree, and will tend to follow the path that they see prevailing in the majority of combat situations (since the majority of combat situations are short to medium range rapid fights, this plays to the Voss's advantage).

                              It is a self-perpetuating phenomenon. The Voss is extremely easy to use well (though like any weapon, difficult to use masterfully). When new players find themselves being killed over and over again by the Voss (it's over-used, you see :laugh: ), they naturally mistake the commonality of its use for effectiveness, and when able, adopt the weapon themselves, thus seeding the next generation.

