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Every promising upcoming FPS = fail

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  • #31
    Re: Every promising upcoming FPS = fail

    Originally posted by MrChris_CJ
    FPS games don't necessarily need to be mind blowingly original or define some new aspect of the fps genre because how the hell do you do that really? Its not as easy as it sounds, but then you just have developers that DO NOT TRY, and its just the same mindless crap with less depth than a paddling pool and its as if the games were made in 5 minutes, or the same game reskinned/remade over and over again...

    As long as the developers put in some real effort then I am happy to spend my money.

    While I agree with that, the problem is, some of those games still sell really well and people want to make money, so they'll put out there what sells. Now, if something original is made that is great, it usually does reap huge rewards, but it is a higher risk to make.

    I completely agree about Crysis. I think that game would have been better if we never actually found out what was going on there. I literally heavy sighed and sadly laughed when I found that out. It was like getting on Christmas, having fun, and then opening the present to find the big, pink bunny suit.

    And CS for me, fits into some of these complaints. I personally do not like the game, and I think it would fit into some of the categories mentioned above along with CSS being the "same game reskinned/remade over." HOWEVER, I acknowledge that fact that millions of people have played this game and a good chunk like it. While it fits none of my tastes, I can admit there is something there for others. Granted, I think some people have spent so many hours of their life to become good at it, they do not want to try and compete in other games, along with the fact that CS is popular than other games in poorer countries, i.e. b/c they can't afford to upgrade their PCs.

    But, this is where games like CS, Halo, etc etc come in. The game may be simple, dumbed down, casual, whatever word you want to attach to it, but notice this, people are buying it, and people are playing it. Those are facts, facts that help developers make money. So if I was a developer/publisher, why wouldn't I make those games? If anyone is to blame here, it's not the developers/publishers, it's our fellow gamers who buy and play these games we strongly dislike.


    • #32
      Re: Every promising upcoming FPS = fail

      Originally posted by JoMaMaz
      But, this is where games like CS, Halo, etc etc come in. The game may be simple, dumbed down, casual, whatever word you want to attach to it, but notice this, people are buying it, and people are playing it. Those are facts, facts that help developers make money. So if I was a developer/publisher, why wouldn't I make those games? If anyone is to blame here, it's not the developers/publishers, it's our fellow gamers who buy and play these games we strongly dislike.
      I blame the developers for copying the last big hit, instead of being original, or at least taking a new direction. You should think it would makes business sense too.
      The ones who score big are those who are the first to bring something unique to the market, not the ones who deliver rip-off number 7.
      Sure there are more buyers to arcade FPS, but there are also a lot more games competing for those buyers.

      But it is like they say about Generals: They are always preparing for the previous war.


      • #33
        Re: Every promising upcoming FPS = fail

        indeed a lot of it is about money and simply selling the games

        I look at CS and think of it as the sort of pinnacle of that niche

        its the best fps game of its type, tactical fps/weapon buying etc and it has decent gameplay and caters to a wide variety of people so changing it, when it is already successful and a decent game is sort of a no no, on a large scale at least, and its MP only as well.

        I agree on the blaming the gamers as well, it is incredibly annoying when these terrible games get bought on mass, often because the players have never experienced better but the devs still need to do their part.


        • #34
          Re: Every promising upcoming FPS = fail

          Originally posted by Kyle
          Crunch I see your in-justice about CS up there - if we have to have this discussion again...
          LOL :wee:

          Thats why I put it up there. Thats a prime example. I think the game sucks and needs to be deleted from all systems and is the #1 reason hard drives really fail. You love it and I am OK with that

          I'm sure CS:S has some great points and was ahead of the curve when it was released. Its fun to play (not for me) and its huge fanbase shows what a great game it is (I'm sure). It shows that even though more and more "new" ideas and features come out in FPS games, why are the "classics" still the strongest played? BF2, CoDUO/2, CS:S, UT have all been out forever (in gaming years) and are the scale for judging the new FPS games. All these new ones come out and people still go back to those.

          Why? In all honesty, the classics aren't that great from the new ones coming out. They are more buggy and are lacking in features and support for newer hardware/software and have been hashed over a million times. Is it because of the nastalgia factor or the "comfortable shoes" syndrome? Maybe its just personal preference.

          Another prime exampe is Empire:Total War vs. Shogun:Total War. I love ETW, but I still think STW was better. Maybe because it was the first in the series and the rest seem like remakes. Its really hard to say.

          And again, nothing wrong with CS:S, its just not for me.


          Twitter: @CptainCrunch
          Battlelog/Origin: CptainCrunch


          • #35
            Re: Every promising upcoming FPS = fail

            AA3 and ArmA2 are both awesome so I dunno what you`re talking about.


            • #36
              Re: Every promising upcoming FPS = fail

              im super careful about what i buy ever since I got FrontLines. Bf and cod never do me wrong.


              • #37
                Re: Every promising upcoming FPS = fail

                Originally posted by ShadowX8001
                im super careful about what i buy ever since I got FrontLines. Bf and cod never do me wrong.
                Yeah I got frontlines too what a load of garbage...


                • #38
                  Re: Every promising upcoming FPS = fail

                  How is Left 4 Dead 2 going to fail.. if it is the same as Left 4 Dead or even just a bit better, it will own.. I notice most people that dont like L4D, dont have good people to play with.. Its all about the Teamwork in that game..


                  • #39
                    Re: Every promising upcoming FPS = fail

                    Originally posted by Battl3fr0nt
                    How is Left 4 Dead 2 going to fail.. if it is the same as Left 4 Dead or even just a bit better, it will own.. I notice most people that dont like L4D, dont have good people to play with.. Its all about the Teamwork in that game..
                    no what everyone is dissappointed about is that most of the content showcased was promised as DLC, not because of the gameplay.


                    • #40
                      Re: Every promising upcoming FPS = fail

                      yes paying full price for L4D was a joke tbh

                      and imo the gameplay got a bit bland after a while as well

                      if L4D2 is full price then there is no chance I will buy it, unless Valve are being sneaky and working on some sort of Orange Box 2


                      • #41
                        Re: Every promising upcoming FPS = fail

                        Originally posted by CrAzY eYeD cAt =^O.o^=
                        But CoD MW2, Crysis 2, BF3, BF:BC2 they all sound pretty promising

                        The glass is half full.
                        So much new games always coming out.. COD4, 5, 6, 7 ect ect..

                        Im still playing COD4, TF2 and even CSS.. Im also having alot of fun on L4D..

                        And you need the best Video card at least a HD 4870 1GB or a GTX 275 to play these games at high settings.. not to mention a Core 2 Duo @ 3ghz or better for a nice big e-penis!!!!!!!!!!!


                        • #42
                          Re: Every promising upcoming FPS = fail

                          Originally posted by ShadowX8001
                          im super careful about what i buy ever since I got FrontLines. Bf and cod never do me wrong.
                          Originally posted by CrAzY eYeD cAt =^O.o^=
                          Yeah I got frontlines too what a load of garbage...
                          Me too. I had high expectations for Frontlines because it seemed so similar to BF -- but it plays differently. I'm sticking with BF, CoD, MoH, or Valve games. I'm tired of buying crappy games.

                          IMO, I want a BIG, complex and strategic game for my PC. Otherwise, I'm having fun with my Wii because I can play along with my kids. I don't want a casual, "easy to pickup" game for my PC.


                          • #43
                            Re: Every promising upcoming FPS = fail

                            Originally posted by SonicPixel_USA
                            IMO, I want a BIG, complex and strategic game for my PC. Otherwise, I'm having fun with my Wii because I can play along with my kids. I don't want a casual, "easy to pickup" game for my PC.
                            Yep. Same here. The good stuff goes on the PC. The rest on the Wii.

                            Twitter: @CptainCrunch
                            Battlelog/Origin: CptainCrunch


                            • #44
                              Re: Every promising upcoming FPS = fail

                              For me Arma II, is BS.. They spend so much time trying to make the game look good, they forget about the gameplay.. TF2 and COD4 are still my main games.. I guess I do know what you mean about L4D, I have not had a prob with it tho.. I just think they need to make some kind of ranking system and match you with players that always at least stay in a game for 10min +.. 20min+,30min+ ect, ect.. to much people are always coming and going its hard to get a good team running. but once you do its all good from there..

