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What would you ask an Aimbotter?

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  • What would you ask an Aimbotter?

    I'm starting to hate the way BF2 has become as it is getting plagued by Cheaters. Every time I run into these pieces of crap It's all the same. A stupid name and a headshot from the mec sniper or PKM. You try to say something and they never chat back and if they do it's usually something stupid like "Newb, I got skillz"

    So I thought of a few questions I would ask a cheater.

    1. Why do you want to ruin a good game? It's only going to make more people like me not want to play.
    2. Why do you pay out your *** for aimbot when the game isn't hard to learn and costs $10?
    3. How old are you?
    4. Are you ****ty at everything else in life?

    What would you ask these dirt bags and want a straight answer to? What is the funniest thing you got from trying to talk to these guys in game?

  • #2
    Re: What would you ask an Aimbotter?

    Well, most people cheat because to them, it's fun and they get a funny reaction from people such as yourself.

    I have found there are a lot less cheaters in the game than there were a few months ago. But then again, i rarely play on more than 1 server.


    • #3
      Re: What would you ask an Aimbotter?

      i would not ask them anything. Most of the cheaters i have encountered have some twisted delusional view that they use to justify their cheating. Trying to reason with people like that is pointless. Anything you say is rendered useless by their stupidity.


      • #4
        Re: What would you ask an Aimbotter?

        Originally posted by willizm View Post
        2. Why do you pay out your *** for aimbot when the game isn't hard to learn and costs $10?
        $10? wow we really get ripped off here in aus, I got my complete set for $100


        • #5
          Re: What would you ask an Aimbotter?

          I was owning one because he had p*ssed me off. Kept spawncamping when I said knock it off and he (server admin too!) never did. So I waited a bit, then I went on a take-no-prisoners killing spree with him. When I denied I hacked, he said "stop denyin it where not stupid" (exact quote)


          • #6
            Re: What would you ask an Aimbotter?

            One of my friends started hacking in CSS after a while, basically his reasoning was that he got bored with the game and it was just fun... we didn't hate him after we found out, it was just interesting to see that one of our highly skilled friends started hacking.


            • #7
              Re: What would you ask an Aimbotter?

              Originally posted by The_Falcon_6049
              I was owning one because he had p*ssed me off. Kept spawncamping when I said knock it off and he (server admin too!) never did. So I waited a bit, then I went on a take-no-prisoners killing spree with him. When I denied I hacked, he said "stop denyin it where not stupid" (exact quote)
              that is so hard to understand


              • #8
                Re: What would you ask an Aimbotter?

                Originally posted by Kodak`
                One of my friends started hacking in CSS after a while, basically his reasoning was that he got bored with the game and it was just fun... we didn't hate him after we found out, it was just interesting to see that one of our highly skilled friends started hacking.
                One of my best buddies basically did the same thing -- he got totally bored with 2142 and it became a completely new game when he started cheating. It's like a new map or an unlock -- makes perfect sense. I never played with him - cause well duh! But I understood where he's coming from and I respect his point of view. I don't agree with it, but too each their own.


                • #9
                  Re: What would you ask an Aimbotter?

                  Originally posted by willizm View Post
                  I'm starting to hate the way BF2 has become as it is getting plagued by Cheaters. Every time I run into these pieces of crap It's all the same. A stupid name and a headshot from the mec sniper or PKM. You try to say something and they never chat back and if they do it's usually something stupid like "Newb, I got skillz"

                  So I thought of a few questions I would ask a cheater.

                  1. Why do you want to ruin a good game? It's only going to make more people like me not want to play.
                  2. Why do you pay out your *** for aimbot when the game isn't hard to learn and costs $10?
                  3. How old are you?
                  4. Are you ****ty at everything else in life?

                  What would you ask these dirt bags and want a straight answer to? What is the funniest thing you got from trying to talk to these guys in game?
                  I`m not a cheater (or am I?) but here`s what a real cheater would answer

                  1. Not ruining it for myself, only to others and cause it`s hilarious and fun as hell. Don`t give a s*it about others as I bought the game so that I can have fun, not others.
                  2. I don`t pay for hax, I gotz em private ones that I either got from people I know or made em myself.
                  3. 12-30
                  4. Nope, I live a normal life like everyone else (normal). Hell, I`m prolly more succesful at life than you are, maybe not. Cheaters being 12 yo fat kids who live in their basements is made up by the victims to make em feel better, but it`s really not true.


                  • #10
                    Re: What would you ask an Aimbotter?

                    I just don't understand why some people would buy a hack for $300 for a $10 game. Makes no sense.

                    Question 4: What do you do for a living to justify spending out the arse for a hack? Maybe steal.


                    • #11
                      Re: What would you ask an Aimbotter?

                      Originally posted by willizm View Post
                      I just don't understand why some people would buy a hack for $300 for a $10 game. Makes no sense. .
                      Where did you get that price from?


                      • #12
                        Re: What would you ask an Aimbotter?

                        I'd ask them if yelling "Boom! Headshot" got a bit repetitive after the 100th time in one round.


                        • #13
                          Re: What would you ask an Aimbotter?

                          I have a br demo on karkand, there is an aimbotter in it, if anyone is bored and wants to watch lemme know lol, ill add you to xfire and send it to you


                          • #14
                            Re: What would you ask an Aimbotter?

                            Originally posted by finc.hairy View Post
                            But I understood where he's coming from and I respect his point of view. I don't agree with it, but too each their own.
                            How can you respect a cheater? People like this just spoil the game for everyone else. The fun and skill in playing the game just go out of the window.

                            If they a bored - but another bloody game!!!!


                            • #15
                              Re: What would you ask an Aimbotter?

                              Originally posted by The_Mad_MoShah View Post
                              How can you respect a cheater? People like this just spoil the game for everyone else. The fun and skill in playing the game just go out of the window.

                              If they a bored - but another bloody game!!!!

                              He's my friend and I respect my friend's point of view. I'm not going to never speak to him again because he chooses to cheat in video games.

                              Everyone is entitled to their point of view. Everyone is human. Everyone is allowed to make their own decisions in life.

                              Like I said - I don't agree with it, but I'm not gonna say stop cheating, or else I'll tell your mom on you!! lol

