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Fall of Berlin - Worst Map?

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  • #46
    Re: Fall of Berlin - Worst Map?

    Originally posted by The 13th Raptor View Post
    I kind of hate fav's.

    The speed they go at make it nearly impossible to hit them at a distance with even a rorch, let alone Pilum. That and how they cheat their way out of proper EMP/Motionmine traps by boosting..

    I see the point of fav's on IO berlin, but only as long as PAC is flagless, after which they should stop spawning. Nothing breaks the fun for me as a bunch of fav jockeys busting my traps just to cap a abandoned back flag or drive around uselessly trying to get roadkills for their precious stats.

    I know some people don't agree with me, but that's bound to happen. Personally i don't see the point on such large maps, it ruins the whole "omg war" feeling for me. To each their own i suppose.
    you dont like favs? you dont like them BOOOSTING and avoiding mms? WOW dude you have a problem i think


    • #47
      Re: Fall of Berlin - Worst Map?

      Best defense against an FAV is a good pre-planned RDX trap where you KNOW they'll have to drive through. It's odd, too...usually the RDX will kill all the vehicle's occupants and leave the vehicle itself intact. I've done this many times against the PAC on Gib only to have my teammates steal (or in too many cases, destroy :wall: ) the now-abandoned FAV.



      • #48
        Re: Fall of Berlin - Worst Map?

        yeah some of the time you can avoid mms but usually not a bunch of det packs sitting on the ground you usually get nuked unless you bail out of the car way beforehand


        • #49
          Re: Fall of Berlin - Worst Map?

          Originally posted by Field View Post
          you dont like favs? you dont like them BOOOSTING and avoiding mms? WOW dude you have a problem i think
          I do have a problem, EMP mines are suppost to disable vehicles, not give them pretty sparklies and allow them to drive on.


          • #50
            Re: Fall of Berlin - Worst Map?

            And what about replacing the APC with a tank? + 2 FAV's on both sides, could be cool, APC is overpowered but tank is easy meat for a good engi.


            • #51
              Re: Fall of Berlin - Worst Map?

              It would be cool if urban Berlin was full of "cars" which could be used. It would be like "Bumpercar 2142"...


              • #52
                Re: Fall of Berlin - Worst Map?

                Originally posted by SonicPixel View Post
                It would be cool if urban Berlin was full of "cars" which could be used. It would be like "Bumpercar 2142"...


                • #53
                  Re: Fall of Berlin - Worst Map?

                  Sigh. Not serious enough...?

                  I suppose all cars in the future are actually affixed to the street with some form of adhesive so that they can only properly be used as cover.

                  Man, these forums used to be so fun.


                  • #54
                    Re: Fall of Berlin - Worst Map?

                    Originally posted by SonicPixel View Post

                    I suppose all cars in the future are actually affixed to the street with some form of adhesive so that they can only properly be used as cover.
                    I'm just messing with you. It was a funny idea, but too just too funny.


                    • #55
                      Re: Fall of Berlin - Worst Map?

                      Originally posted by SonicPixel View Post
                      It would be cool if urban Berlin was full of "cars" which could be used. It would be like "Bumpercar 2142"...
                      that really is a horrible idea


                      • #56
                        Re: Fall of Berlin - Worst Map?

                        FAVs... don't make great bumper cars


                        • #57
                          Re: Fall of Berlin - Worst Map?

                          Inelastic collisions don't make for good bumper anything.

                          Physics ftw!


                          • #58
                            Re: Fall of Berlin - Worst Map?

                            Originally posted by rebel444
                            Killerus is dead on about APC spam, it's the damn glitchers that have killed the map. I used to play on Berlin all the time and loved the APC whether on the cannon or driving, what a blast. The key to the APC is the driver because if he is a dunce, noob, crackhead, etc. then the damn thing isn't worth cannon fodder. Was in the the top 50 overall on the APC for awhile but don't play on Berlin because it is a waste of time. What a shame as I had some great contests there.
                            I love the maps that have tanks, apc's, and fav's just like the other players that concentrate on the gunships and other specific weapons. Players say take away the armor and gunship but what if I say take away the ganz,knife,voss and etc. you ruin the intent of the game. Just leave the game alone the way it was intended to be played.
                            ( what the hell......... just the opinion of an average Joe )
                            So true. Get rid of the vehicles and you just end up with a game that resembles COD4's grand-dad. Infantry only is just SO boring these days. It's been done to death in dozens of games on several different platforms. Let the vehicles have their day, I say.

                            Back on topic - Berlin is a great map. I think as one of the other posters said, it's the simple number of flanking routes that make it such a great map. I just wish that when the team is getting pwned by some quality driver in a APC, that they would respawn with something to help take it down.


                            • #59
                              Re: Fall of Berlin - Worst Map?

                              Originally posted by SonicPixel View Post
                              It would be cool if urban Berlin was full of "cars" which could be used. It would be like "Bumpercar 2142"...
                              I'd play!


                              • #60
                                Re: Fall of Berlin - Worst Map?

                                You have still have titan mode for vehicles, which is better because no squad likes some ****sucker camping a walker at toll station or some other base or choke point. Then raping the team over and over cuz all he can use is armor and can't aim a gun at all.

