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Noticing a new trend on this forum...

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  • Noticing a new trend on this forum...

    I see more threads complaining about negative experiences on servers, then I see positive comments about ANYTHING. You know what I do when I have a bad experience on a server? I go to a different one.

    Is there really a need to make thread, after thread, after thread, about an unfortunate gameplay experience?

    If you really believe that's so, maybe you should attempt to persuade Spawndemon into setting up a stickied thread where you can name a server and explain why it upset you.

    Just my half cent. :salute:

  • #2
    Re: Noticing a new trend on this forum...

    yes, a name and shame section would be good but then noone would visit any other part of the forum

    the reason ppl complain is because they love the game so and have clearly had v good experiences with it. see sp ep 'Raisins'


    • #3
      Re: Noticing a new trend on this forum...

      ONLY (YOU), can have fun. Im talking to everybody here.


      • #4
        Re: Noticing a new trend on this forum...

        Originally posted by Sir. AAK625 View Post
        I see more threads complaining about negative experiences on servers, then I see positive comments about ANYTHING. You know what I do when I have a bad experience on a server? I go to a different one.

        Is there really a need to make thread, after thread, after thread, about an unfortunate gameplay experience?

        If you really believe that's so, maybe you should attempt to persuade Spawndemon into setting up a stickied thread where you can name a server and explain why it upset you.

        Just my half cent. :salute:
        I agree, what's the big deal, don't like the server, hit ESC and just move on.


        • #5
          Re: Noticing a new trend on this forum...

          I was thinking the same thing...


          • #6
            Re: Noticing a new trend on this forum...

            It's human nature to complain rather than compliment, I suppose. Everybody's got gripes about the game, but I'll be the first in line to declare 2142 as my all-time favorite since the day it came out. I've put time into this game that I've never put into anything else. Hell, my next top 5 games combined probably don't even compete with this one. For my money, DICE really hit it out of the park with 2142. =)


            • #7
              Re: Noticing a new trend on this forum...

              I feel similarly.


              • #8
                Re: Noticing a new trend on this forum...

                This is the first time I've been back to the BF forums in a few weeks. Ironically I was only viewing the BF2142 thread because I was gonna create an almost identical thread!

                I completely agree. This started happening at this magnitude around 6 months ago.
                There has been very few constructive threads anymore. I think that's partly due to the fact that we've run out of good threads to make. I stopped posting here so often because there was nothing interesting to reply to anymore.


                • #9
                  Re: Noticing a new trend on this forum...

                  With the upcoming additions to 2142, I believe we'll soon have something good to talk about.

                  I'll speak with Spawndemon about a stickied thread.


                  • #10
                    Re: Noticing a new trend on this forum...

                    On topic...

                    Could everyone help me out by reporting the "OMG DIS SURVUR SUX" threads? The forum is spammed with them right now, and they don't bring forth anything productive.


                    • #11
                      Re: Noticing a new trend on this forum...


                      Don't like a server?
                      Leave it, avoid it, don't go on there anymore and leave us all alone.
                      Or just find 1 good server and stick with it, worked for me.


                      • #12
                        Re: Noticing a new trend on this forum...

                        One thread closed, keep reporting the others xD


                        • #13
                          Re: Noticing a new trend on this forum...

                          Originally posted by Fingulfin View Post
                          One thread closed, keep reporting the others xD
                          TWO threads locked, one to go!

                          Click on this thread, then hit the report post button (any of the posts will do).


                          • #14
                            Re: Noticing a new trend on this forum...

                            Originally posted by Fingulfin View Post
                            TWO threads locked, one to go!

                            Click on this thread, then hit the report post button (any of the posts will do).
                            But if that one had been locked sooner, we wouldn't have had Slit come in and tell us about his hacks....:laugh:


                            • #15
                              Re: Noticing a new trend on this forum...

                              Agreed, that one served a nice purpose.

                              The others, we can do without. If I wanted to smell diapers, I'd visit a preschool.

